Dedicated to CommsChampion Tools improvements.
- CommsChampion Tools - See release notes of the v5.1.
- commsdsl - See release notes of the v6.3.
New plugin projects:
- cc.mqtt5_client_filter.cc_tools_plugin - MQTT5 filter plugin for the CommsChampion Tools
New hosted generated code projects:
- cc.demo1_protocol.cc_tools_plugin - Demo1 synthetic protocol plugin for the CommsChampion Tools
- cc.demo2_protocol.cc_tools_plugin - Demo2 synthetic protocol plugin for the CommsChampion Tools
- cc.demo3_protocol.cc_tools_plugin - Demo3 synthetic protocol plugin for the CommsChampion Tools
- cc.mqtt311_protocol.cc_tools_plugin - MQTT v3.1.1 protocol plugin for the CommsChampion Tools
- cc.mqttsn_protocol.cc_tools_plugin - MQTT-SN protocol plugin for the CommsChampion Tools
- cc.mqtt5_protocol.cc_tools_plugin - MQTT-SN protocol plugin for the CommsChampion Tools
- cc.ublox_protocol.cc_tools_plugin - UBLOX (UBX) protocol plugin for the CommsChampion Tools