Template library intended to help with implementation of communication protocols.
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comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions > Class Template Reference

#include "comms/protocol/SyncPrefixLayer.h"

Detailed Description

template<typename TField, typename TNextLayer, typename... TOptions>
class comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >

Protocol layer that uses "sync" field as a prefix to all the subsequent data written by other (next) layers.

The main purpose of this layer is to provide a constant synchronisation prefix to help identify the beginning of the serialised message. This layer is a mid level layer, expects other mid level layer or MsgDataLayer to be its next one.

Template Parameters
TFieldType of the field that is used as sync prefix. The "sync" field type definition must use options (comms::option::def::DefaultNumValue) to specify its default value to be equal to the expected "sync" value.
TNextLayerNext transport layer in protocol stack.
TOptionsExtending functionality options. Supported options are:
Inheritance diagram for comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >:
comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >

Public Types

using AllFields = typename std::decay< decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::declval< std::tuple< Field > >(), std::declval< typename TNextLayer::AllFields >())) >::type
 Type of all the fields of all the transport layers wrapped in std::tuple.
using AllMessages = typename NextLayer::AllMessages
 All supported messages.
using ExtendingClass = typename ParsedOptionsInternal::ExtendingClass
 Type of real extending class.
using Field = typename BaseImpl::Field
 Type of the field object used to read/write "sync" value.
using MsgFactory = typename NextLayer::MsgFactory
 Type of message factory.
using MsgPtr = typename details::ProtocolLayerMsgPtr< NextLayer >::Type
 Type of pointer to the message.
using NextLayer = TNextLayer
 Type of the next transport layer.
using ParsedOptions = details::ProtocolLayerBaseOptionsParser< TOptions... >
 Parsed options structure.
using ThisLayer = TDerived
 Actual derived class.

Public Member Functions

 SyncPrefixLayer ()=default
 Default constructor.
 SyncPrefixLayer (const SyncPrefixLayer &)=default
 Copy constructor.
 SyncPrefixLayer (SyncPrefixLayer &&)=default
 Move constructor.
 ~SyncPrefixLayer () noexcept=default
template<typename TId >
MsgPtr createMsg (TId &&id, unsigned idx=0)
 Create message object given the ID.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename TNextLayerReader , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus doRead (Field &field, TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TNextLayerReader &&nextLayerReader, TExtraValues... extraValues)
 Customized read functionality, invoked by read().
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename TNextLayerUpdater >
comms::ErrorStatus doUpdate (const TMsg &msg, Field &field, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TNextLayerUpdater &&nextLayerUpdater) const
 Default implementation of the "update" functaionality.
template<typename TIter , typename TNextLayerUpdater >
comms::ErrorStatus doUpdate (Field &field, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TNextLayerUpdater &&nextLayerUpdater) const
 Default implementation of the "update" functaionality.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename TNextLayerWriter >
comms::ErrorStatus doWrite (Field &field, const TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TNextLayerWriter &&nextLayerWriter) const
 Customized write functionality, invoked by write().
constexpr std::size_t length () const
 Get remaining length of wrapping transport information.
template<typename TMsg >
constexpr std::size_t length (const TMsg &msg) const
 Get remaining length of wrapping transport information + length of the provided message.
NextLayernextLayer ()
 Get access to the next layer object.
const NextLayernextLayer () const
 Get "const" access to the next layer object.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus read (TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues)
 Deserialise message from the input data sequence.
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus readFieldsCached (TAllFields &allFields, TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues)
 Deserialise message from the input data sequence while caching the read transport information fields.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus readFromData (TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues)
 Finalise the read operation by reading the message payload.
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus readFromDataFieldsCached (TAllFields &allFields, TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues)
 Finalise the read operation by reading the message payload while caching the read transport information fields.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus readUntilData (TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues)
 Perform read of data fields until data layer (message payload).
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus readUntilDataFieldsCached (TAllFields &allFields, TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues)
 Perform read of data fields until data layer (message payload) while caching the read transport information fields.
ThisLayerthisLayer ()
 Get access to this layer object.
const ThisLayerthisLayer () const
 Get "const" access to this layer object.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus update (const TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size) const
 Update recently written (using write()) message contents data.
template<typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus update (TIter &iter, std::size_t size) const
 Update recently written (using write()) message contents data.
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter >
ErrorStatus updateFieldsCached (TAllFields &allFields, const TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size) const
 Update recently written (using writeFieldsCached()) message data as well as cached transport information fields.
template<typename TAllFields , typename TIter >
ErrorStatus updateFieldsCached (TAllFields &allFields, TIter &iter, std::size_t size) const
 Update recently written (using writeFieldsCached()) message data as well as cached transport information fields.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus write (const TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size) const
 Serialise message into output data sequence.
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus writeFieldsCached (TAllFields &allFields, const TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size) const
 Serialise message into output data sequence while caching the written transport information fields.

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename TAllFields >
static auto accessCachedField (TAllFields &allFields) -> decltype(std::get< std::tuple_size< typename std::decay< TAllFields >::type >::value - std::tuple_size< AllFields >::value >(allFields))
 Access appropriate field from "cached" bundle of all the protocol stack fields.
static constexpr bool canSplitRead ()
 Compile time check whether split read "until" and "from" data layer is allowed.
static constexpr std::size_t doFieldLength ()
 Default implementation of field length retrieval.
template<typename TMsg >
static constexpr std::size_t doFieldLength (const TMsg &)
 Default implementation of field length retrieval when message is known.
static constexpr bool hasExtendingClass ()
 Compile time inquiry of whether this class was extended via comms::option::ExtendingClass option.

Static Public Attributes

static const std::size_t NumOfLayers = 1 + NextLayer::NumOfLayers
 Static constant indicating amount of transport layers used.

Protected Member Functions

template<typename... TExtraValues>
void setMissingSize (std::size_t val, TExtraValues... extraValues) const
 Set the missing size information if such is requested.
template<typename TId , typename... TExtraValues>
void setMsgId (TId val, TExtraValues... extraValues) const
 Set the message ID information if such is requested.
template<typename... TExtraValues>
void setMsgIndex (std::size_t val, TExtraValues... extraValues) const
 Set the message index information if such is requested.
template<typename... TExtraValues>
void updateMissingSize (const Field &field, std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues) const
 Update the missing size information if such is requested.
template<typename... TExtraValues>
void updateMissingSize (std::size_t size, TExtraValues... extraValues) const
 Update the missing size information if such is requested.

Static Protected Member Functions

template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
static comms::ErrorStatus doReadField (const TMsg *msgPtr, Field &field, TIter &iter, std::size_t len)
 Read the layer field.
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
static comms::ErrorStatus doWriteField (const TMsg *msgPtr, const Field &field, TIter &iter, std::size_t len)
 Write the layer field.
template<std::size_t TIdx, typename TAllFields >
static FieldgetField (TAllFields &allFields)
 Retrieve reference to a layer specific field out of all fields.
template<typename T >
static constexpr bool isMessageObjRef ()
 Detect whether type is actual message object.
static void prepareFieldForWrite (Field &field)
 Prepare field for writing.
template<typename TMsg >
static void resetMsg (TMsg &msg)
 Reset msg in case it is a smart pointer (MsgPtr).
template<typename TMsg >
static auto toMsgPtr (TMsg &msg) -> decltype(toMsgPtrInternal(msg, MsgTypeTag< typename std::decay< decltype(msg)>::type >()))
 Get a pointer to the message object.
static bool verifyFieldValue (const Field &field)
 Verify the validity of the field.

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

 Provide convenience access functions to protocol layers.
 Provide convenience access functions to protocol layers.
 Provide names and convenience access functions to protocol layers.
 Provide names and convenience access functions to protocol layers.
template<typename T >
constexpr bool isSyncPrefixLayer ()
 Compile time check of whether the provided type is a variant of SyncPrefixLayer.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AllFields

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
using comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::AllFields = typename std::decay< decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval<std::tuple<Field> >(), std::declval<typename TNextLayer::AllFields>()) ) >::type

Type of all the fields of all the transport layers wrapped in std::tuple.

The Field type is prepended to the AllFields type of the NextLayer and reported as AllFields of this one.

◆ AllMessages

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
using comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::AllMessages = typename NextLayer::AllMessages

All supported messages.

Same as NextLayer::AllMessages or void if such doesn't exist. Expected to be overrided by comms::protocol::MsgIdLayer

◆ ExtendingClass

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename... TOptions>
using comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >::ExtendingClass = typename ParsedOptionsInternal::ExtendingClass

Type of real extending class.

Updated when comms::option::ExtendingClass extension option us used, aliasing void if the options is not used.

◆ MsgFactory

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
using comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::MsgFactory = typename NextLayer::MsgFactory

Type of message factory.

Same as NextLayer::AllMessages or void if such doesn't exist. Expected to be overrided by comms::protocol::MsgIdLayer

◆ MsgPtr

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
using comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::MsgPtr = typename details::ProtocolLayerMsgPtr<NextLayer>::Type

Type of pointer to the message.

Same as NextLayer::MsgPtr or void if such doesn't exist.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accessCachedField()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TAllFields >
static auto comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::accessCachedField ( TAllFields &  allFields) -> decltype(std::get<std::tuple_size<typename std::decay<TAllFields>::type>::value - std::tuple_size<AllFields>::value>(allFields))

Access appropriate field from "cached" bundle of all the protocol stack fields.

allFieldsAll fields of the protocol stack
Reference to requested field.

◆ createMsg()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TId >
MsgPtr comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::createMsg ( TId &&  id,
unsigned  idx = 0 

Create message object given the ID.

The default implementation is to forwards this call to the next layer. One of the layers (usually comms::protocol::MsgIdLayer) hides and overrides this implementation.

Template Parameters
TMsgType of message ID.
idID of the message.
idxRelative index of the message with the same ID.
Smart pointer (variant of std::unique_ptr) to allocated message object

◆ doFieldLength() [1/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
static constexpr std::size_t comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::doFieldLength ( )

Default implementation of field length retrieval.

Default implementation returns

Can be overriden by the extending class.

◆ doFieldLength() [2/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg >
static constexpr std::size_t comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::doFieldLength ( const TMsg &  )

Default implementation of field length retrieval when message is known.

Default implementation returns

Can be overriden by the extending class.

◆ doRead()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename TNextLayerReader , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >::doRead ( Field field,
TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TNextLayerReader &&  nextLayerReader,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 

Customized read functionality, invoked by read().

Reads the "sync" value from the input data. If the read value is NOT as expected (doesn't equal to the default constructed Field), then comms::ErrorStatus::ProtocolError is returned. If the read "sync" value as expected, the read() member function of the next layer is called.

Template Parameters
TMsgType of the msg parameter.
TIterType of iterator used for reading.
TNextLayerReadernext layer reader object type.
[out]fieldField object to read.
[in,out]msgReference to smart pointer, that already holds or will hold allocated message object, or reference to actual message object (which extends comms::MessageBase).
[in,out]iterInput iterator used for reading.
[in]sizeSize of the data in the sequence
[in]nextLayerReaderReader object, needs to be invoked to forward read operation to the next layer.
[out]extraValuesVariadic extra output parameters passed to the "read" operatation of the protocol stack (see read() and readFieldsCached()). Need to passed on as variadic arguments to the nextLayerReader.
Status of the read operation.
Iterator must be valid and can be dereferenced and incremented at least "size" times;
The iterator will be advanced by the number of bytes was actually read. In case of an error, distance between original position and advanced will pinpoint the location of the error.

◆ doReadField()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
static comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::doReadField ( const TMsg *  msgPtr,
Field field,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  len 

Read the layer field.

The default implementation invokes read() operation of the passed field object. The function can be overriden by the extending class.

[in]msgPtrPointer to message object (if available), can be nullptr.
[out]fieldField object value of which needs to be populated
[in,out]iterIterator used for reading, expected to be advanced
[in]lenLength of the input buffer
May be non-static in the extending class

◆ doUpdate() [1/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename TNextLayerUpdater >
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::doUpdate ( const TMsg &  msg,
Field field,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TNextLayerUpdater &&  nextLayerUpdater 
) const

Default implementation of the "update" functaionality.

Similar to other doUpdate() but also receiving recently written message object.

Template Parameters
TMsgType of message object.
TIterType of iterator used for updating.
TNextLayerWriternext layer updater object type.
[in]msgReference to message object.
[out]fieldField that needs to be updated.
[in,out]iterAny random access iterator.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes that have been written using write().
[in]nextLayerUpdaterNext layer updater object.

◆ doUpdate() [2/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TIter , typename TNextLayerUpdater >
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::doUpdate ( Field field,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TNextLayerUpdater &&  nextLayerUpdater 
) const

Default implementation of the "update" functaionality.

It will be invoked by update() or updateFieldsCached() member function, unless the derived class provides its own doUpdate() member function to override the default behavior.
This function in this layer does nothing, just advances the iterator by the length of the Field.

Template Parameters
TIterType of iterator used for updating.
TNextLayerWriternext layer updater object type.
[out]fieldField that needs to be updated.
[in,out]iterAny random access iterator.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes that have been written using write().
[in]nextLayerUpdaterNext layer updater object.

◆ doWrite()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename TNextLayerWriter >
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >::doWrite ( Field field,
const TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TNextLayerWriter &&  nextLayerWriter 
) const

Customized write functionality, invoked by write().

The function will write proper "sync" value to the output buffer, then call the write() function of the next layer.

Template Parameters
TMsgType of message object.
TIterType of iterator used for writing.
TNextLayerWriternext layer writer object type.
[out]fieldField object to update and write.
[in]msgReference to message object
[in,out]iterOutput iterator.
[in]sizeMax number of bytes that can be written.
[in]nextLayerWriterNext layer writer object.
Status of the write operation.
Iterator must be valid and can be dereferenced and incremented at least "size" times;
The iterator will be advanced by the number of bytes was actually written. In case of an error, distance between original position and advanced will pinpoint the location of the error.

◆ doWriteField()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
static comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::doWriteField ( const TMsg *  msgPtr,
const Field field,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  len 

Write the layer field.

The default implementation invokes write() operation of the passed field object. The function can be overriden by the extending class.

[in]msgPtrPointer to message object (if available), can be nullptr.
[out]fieldField object value of which needs to be written
[in,out]iterIterator used for writing, expected to be advanced
[in]lenLength of the output buffer
May be non-static in the extending class, but needs to be const.

◆ getField()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<std::size_t TIdx, typename TAllFields >
static Field & comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::getField ( TAllFields &  allFields)

Retrieve reference to a layer specific field out of all fields.

Template Parameters
TIdxIndex of the field in tuple

◆ hasExtendingClass()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename... TOptions>
static constexpr bool comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >::hasExtendingClass ( )

Compile time inquiry of whether this class was extended via comms::option::ExtendingClass option.

If true is returned, the ExtendingClass type aliasing the real layer type.

◆ isMessageObjRef()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename T >
static constexpr bool comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::isMessageObjRef ( )

Detect whether type is actual message object.

Template Parameters
TType of the object
true if T type is extending comms::MessageBase, false otherwise.

◆ length() [1/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
constexpr std::size_t comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::length ( ) const

Get remaining length of wrapping transport information.

The message data always get wrapped with transport information to be successfully delivered to and unpacked on the other side. This function return remaining length of the transport information. It performs a call to doFieldLength() member function to get info about current field length. To update the default behaviour just override the function in the derived class.

length of the field + length reported by the next layer.

◆ length() [2/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg >
constexpr std::size_t comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::length ( const TMsg &  msg) const

Get remaining length of wrapping transport information + length of the provided message.

This function usually gets called when there is a need to identify the size of the buffer required to write provided message wrapped in the transport information. This function is very similar to length(), but adds also length of the message. It performs a call to doFieldLength() member function with message parameter to get info about current field length. To update the default behaviour just override the function in the derived class.

Template Parameters
TMsgType of message object.
[in]msgMessage object
length of the field + length reported by the next layer.

◆ prepareFieldForWrite()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename... TOptions>
static void comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >::prepareFieldForWrite ( Field field)

Prepare field for writing.

Default implementation does nothing.
May be overridden by the extending class in case more complex logic is required.

[out]fieldField, default value of which needs to be (re)populated
May be non-static in the extending class, but must be const, use mutable member data in case it needs to be updated.

◆ read()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::read ( TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 

Deserialise message from the input data sequence.

The function will invoke doRead() member function provided by the derived class, which must have the following signature and logic:

template<typename TMsg, typename TIter, typename TNextLayerReader, typename... TExtraValues>
Field& field, // field object used to read required data
TMsg& msg, // Ref to smart pointer to message object, or message object itself
TIter& iter, // iterator used for reading
std::size_t size, // size of the remaining data
TNextLayerReader&& nextLayerReader, // next layer reader object
TExtraValues... extraValues)
// internal logic prior next layer read, such as reading the field value
auto es =, size);
// request next layer to perform read operation
es =, iter, size - field.length(), extraValues...);
... // internal logic after next layer read if applicable
return es;
typename BaseImpl::Field Field
Type of the field object used to read/write "sync" value.
Definition SyncPrefixLayer.h:69
comms::ErrorStatus doRead(Field &field, TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TNextLayerReader &&nextLayerReader, TExtraValues... extraValues)
Customized read functionality, invoked by read().
Definition SyncPrefixLayer.h:126
Error statuses reported by the Communication module.
Definition ErrorStatus.h:17

The signature of the function is the same as the signature of this read() member function. The implemented doRead() member function also may use the following inherited protected member to set values of variadic parameters in case they are provided.

  • updateMissingSize() - to calculate update missing size if such is requested.
  • setMissingSize() - to set specific value as missing size if suce information is requested.
  • setMsgId() - to set the value of message id
  • setMsgIndex() - to set the value of message index.
    Template Parameters
    TMsgType of msg parameter
    TIterType of iterator used for reading.
    [in,out]msgReference to smart pointer, that already holds or will hold allocated message object, or reference to actual message object (which extends comms::MessageBase).
    [in,out]iterInput iterator used for reading.
    [in]sizeSize of the data in the sequence
    [out]extraValuesExtra output parameters provided using one of the following functions: comms::protocol::missingSize(), comms::protocol::msgId(), comms::protocol::msgIndex(), comms::protocol::msgPayload().
    Status of the operation.
    Iterator must be valid and can be dereferenced and incremented at least "size" times;
    The iterator will be advanced by the number of bytes was actually read. In case of an error, distance between original position and advanced will pinpoint the location of the error.
    Returns comms::ErrorStatus::Success if and only if msg points to a valid object.

◆ readFieldsCached()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::readFieldsCached ( TAllFields &  allFields,
TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 

Deserialise message from the input data sequence while caching the read transport information fields.

Very similar to read() member function, but adds "allFields" parameter to store read transport information fields. The function will also invoke the same doRead() member function provided by the derived class, as described with read().

Template Parameters
TAllFieldsstd::tuple of all the transport fields, must be AllFields type defined in the last layer class that defines protocol stack.
TMsgType of msg parameter.
TIterType of iterator used for reading.
[out]allFieldsReference to the std::tuple object that wraps all transport fields (AllFields type of the last protocol layer class).
[in,out]msgReference to smart pointer, that already holds or will hold allocated message object, or reference to actual message object (which extends comms::MessageBase).
[in,out]iterIterator used for reading.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes available for reading.
[out]extraValuesExtra output parameters provided using one of the following functions
Status of the operation.

◆ readFromData()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::readFromData ( TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 

Finalise the read operation by reading the message payload.

Should be called to finalise the read operation started by readUntilData().

Template Parameters
TMsgType of msg parameter
TIterType of iterator used for reading.
[in,out]msgReference to smart pointer, that already holds or will hold allocated message object, or reference to actual message object (which extends comms::MessageBase).
[in,out]iterInput iterator used for reading.
[in]sizeSize of the data in the sequence
[out]extraValuesExtra output parameters provided using one of the following functions
Status of the operation.
Iterator must be valid and can be dereferenced and incremented at least "size" times;
The iterator will be advanced by the number of bytes was actually read. In case of an error, distance between original position and advanced will pinpoint the location of the error.

◆ readFromDataFieldsCached()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::readFromDataFieldsCached ( TAllFields &  allFields,
TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 

Finalise the read operation by reading the message payload while caching the read transport information fields.

Should be called to finalise the read operation started by readUntilDataFieldsCached().

Template Parameters
TAllFieldsstd::tuple of all the transport fields, must be AllFields type defined in the last layer class that defines protocol stack.
TMsgType of msg parameter
TIterType of iterator used for reading.
[out]allFieldsReference to the std::tuple object that wraps all transport fields (AllFields type of the last protocol layer class).
[in,out]msgReference to smart pointer, that already holds or will hold allocated message object, or reference to actual message object (which extends comms::MessageBase).
[in,out]iterIterator used for reading.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes available for reading.
[out]extraValuesExtra output parameters provided using one of the following functions
Status of the operation.

◆ readUntilData()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::readUntilData ( TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 

Perform read of data fields until data layer (message payload).

Same as read by stops read operation when data layer is reached. Expected to be followed by a call to readFromData().

Template Parameters
TMsgType of msg parameter.
TIterType of iterator used for reading.
[in,out]msgReference to smart pointer, that already holds or will hold allocated message object, or reference to actual message object (which extends comms::MessageBase).
[in,out]iterInput iterator used for reading.
[in]sizeSize of the data in the sequence
[out]extraValuesExtra output parameters provided using one of the following functions
Status of the operation.
Iterator must be valid and can be dereferenced and incremented at least "size" times;
The iterator will be advanced by the number of bytes was actually read. In case of an error, distance between original position and advanced will pinpoint the location of the error.
missingSize output value is updated if and only if function returns comms::ErrorStatus::NotEnoughData.

◆ readUntilDataFieldsCached()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter , typename... TExtraValues>
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::readUntilDataFieldsCached ( TAllFields &  allFields,
TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 

Perform read of data fields until data layer (message payload) while caching the read transport information fields.

Very similar to readUntilData() member function, but adds "allFields" parameter to store read transport information fields. The function will also invoke the same doRead() member function provided by the derived class, as described with read().

Template Parameters
TAllFieldsstd::tuple of all the transport fields, must be AllFields type defined in the last layer class that defines protocol stack.
TMsgType of msg parameter
TIterType of iterator used for reading.
[out]allFieldsReference to the std::tuple object that wraps all transport fields (AllFields type of the last protocol layer class).
[in,out]msgReference to smart pointer, that already holds or will hold allocated message object, or reference to actual message object (which extends comms::MessageBase).
[in,out]iterIterator used for reading.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes available for reading.
[out]extraValuesExtra output parameters provided using one of the following functions
Status of the operation.

◆ resetMsg()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg >
static void comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::resetMsg ( TMsg &  msg)

Reset msg in case it is a smart pointer (MsgPtr).

Does nothing if passed parameter is actual message object.

See also

◆ setMissingSize()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename... TExtraValues>
void comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::setMissingSize ( std::size_t  val,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 
) const

Set the missing size information if such is requested.

Updates the value reference to which was passed to the "read" operation using comms::protocol::missingSize().

[in]valValue to assign.
[out]extraValuesVariadic parameters passed to the "read" function such as read() or readFieldsCached()

◆ setMsgId()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TId , typename... TExtraValues>
void comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::setMsgId ( TId  val,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 
) const

Set the message ID information if such is requested.

Updates the value reference to which was passed to the "read" operation using comms::protocol::msgId().

[in]valValue to assign.
[out]extraValuesVariadic parameters passed to the "read" function such as read() or readFieldsCached()

◆ setMsgIndex()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename... TExtraValues>
void comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::setMsgIndex ( std::size_t  val,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 
) const

Set the message index information if such is requested.

Updates the value reference to which was passed to the "read" operation using comms::protocol::msgIndex().

[in]valValue to assign.
[out]extraValuesVariadic parameters passed to the "read" function such as read() or readFieldsCached()

◆ toMsgPtr()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg >
static auto comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::toMsgPtr ( TMsg &  msg) -> decltype(toMsgPtrInternal(msg, MsgTypeTag<typename std::decay<decltype(msg)>::type>()))

Get a pointer to the message object.

The function works seamlessly for both smart pointer and reference to the real object

See also

◆ update() [1/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::update ( const TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size 
) const

Update recently written (using write()) message contents data.

Similar to other update() but also receiving recently written message object.

[in]msgReference to message object.
[in,out]iterAny random access iterator.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes that have been written using write().
Status of the update operation.

◆ update() [2/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::update ( TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size 
) const

Update recently written (using write()) message contents data.

Sometimes, when NON random access iterator is used for writing (for example std::back_insert_iterator), some transport data cannot be properly written. In this case, write() function will return comms::ErrorStatus::UpdateRequired. When such status is returned it is necessary to call update() with random access iterator on the written buffer to update written dummy information with proper values.
The function will invoke doUpdate() member function provided (or inherited) by the derived class, which must have the following signature and logic:

template<typename TIter, typename TNextLayerUpdater>
Field& field, // field object to update and re-write if necessary
TIter& iter, // iterator used for updateing
std::size_t size, // Number of remaning bytes in the output buffer.
TNextLayerUpdater&& nextLayerUpdater // next layer updater object
// internal logic prior next layer update, such as
// updating field's value and re-writing it.
field.value() = ...;
auto es = field.write(iter, size);
// request next layer to perform update operation
es = nextLayerUpdater.update(iter, size - field.length());
... // internal logic after next layer write if applicable
return es;
comms::ErrorStatus doUpdate(Field &field, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TNextLayerUpdater &&nextLayerUpdater) const
Default implementation of the "update" functaionality.
Definition ProtocolLayerBase.h:707

The signature of the nextLayerUpdater.update() function is the same as the signature of this update() member function.

[in,out]iterAny random access iterator.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes that have been written using write().
Status of the update operation.

◆ updateFieldsCached() [1/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter >
ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::updateFieldsCached ( TAllFields &  allFields,
const TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size 
) const

Update recently written (using writeFieldsCached()) message data as well as cached transport information fields.

Very similar to other updateFieldsCached() member function, but adds "msg" parameter to access message object if needed.
The function will also invoke the same doUpdate() member function provided by the derived class, as described with write().

Template Parameters
TAllFieldsstd::tuple of all the transport fields, must be AllFields type defined in the last layer class that defines protocol stack.
TMsgType of msg parameter.
TIterType of the random access iterator.
[out]allFieldsReference to the std::tuple object that wraps all transport fields (AllFields type of the last protocol layer class).
[in]msgReference to recently written message object.
[in,out]iterRandom access iterator to the written data.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes that have been written using writeFieldsCached().
Status of the update operation.

◆ updateFieldsCached() [2/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TAllFields , typename TIter >
ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::updateFieldsCached ( TAllFields &  allFields,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size 
) const

Update recently written (using writeFieldsCached()) message data as well as cached transport information fields.

Very similar to update() member function, but adds "allFields" parameter to store raw data of the message.
The function will also invoke the same doUpdate() member function provided by the derived class, as described with write().

Template Parameters
TAllFieldsstd::tuple of all the transport fields, must be AllFields type defined in the last layer class that defines protocol stack.
TIterType of the random access iterator.
[out]allFieldsReference to the std::tuple object that wraps all transport fields (AllFields type of the last protocol layer class).
[in,out]iterRandom access iterator to the written data.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes that have been written using writeFieldsCached().
Status of the update operation.

◆ updateMissingSize() [1/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename... TExtraValues>
void comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::updateMissingSize ( const Field field,
std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 
) const

Update the missing size information if such is requested.

Calculates the minimal required length to be yet read. Updates the value reference to which was passed to the "read" operation using comms::protocol::missingSize().

[in]fieldField read operation of which has failed.
[in]sizeRemaining number of bytes in the input buffer.
[out]extraValuesVariadic parameters passed to the "read" function such as read() or readFieldsCached()

◆ updateMissingSize() [2/2]

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename... TExtraValues>
void comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::updateMissingSize ( std::size_t  size,
TExtraValues...  extraValues 
) const

Update the missing size information if such is requested.

Calculates the minimal required length to be yet read. Updates the value reference to which was passed to the "read" operation using comms::protocol::missingSize().

[in]sizeRemaining number of bytes in the input buffer.
[out]extraValuesVariadic parameters passed to the "read" function such as read() or readFieldsCached()

◆ verifyFieldValue()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename... TOptions>
static bool comms::protocol::SyncPrefixLayer< TField, TNextLayer, TOptions >::verifyFieldValue ( const Field field)

Verify the validity of the field.

Default implementation compares read field with default constructed Field type.
May be overridden by the extending class in case more complex logic is required.

[out]fieldField that has been read.
May be non-static in the extending class

◆ write()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TMsg , typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::write ( const TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size 
) const

Serialise message into output data sequence.

The function will invoke doWrite() member function provided by the derived class, which must have the following signature and logic:

template<typename TMsg, typename TIter, typename TNextLayerWriter>
Field& field, // field object used to update and write required data
const TMsg& msg, // reference to ready to be sent message object
TIter& iter, // iterator used for writing
std::size_t size, // Max number of bytes that can be written.
TNextLayerWriter&& nextLayerWriter // next layer writer object
// internal logic prior next layer write, such as
// updating field's value and writing it.
field.value() = ...;
auto es = field.write(iter, size);
// request next layer to perform write operation
es = nextLayerWriter.write(msg, iter, size - field.length());
... // internal logic after next layer write if applicable
return es;
comms::ErrorStatus doWrite(Field &field, const TMsg &msg, TIter &iter, std::size_t size, TNextLayerWriter &&nextLayerWriter) const
Customized write functionality, invoked by write().
Definition SyncPrefixLayer.h:174

The signature of the nextLayerWriter.write() function is the same as the signature of this write() member function.

Template Parameters
TMsgType of the message being written.
TIterType of iterator used for writing.
[in]msgReference to message object
[in,out]iterOutput iterator used for writing.
[in]sizeMax number of bytes that can be written.
Status of the write operation.
Iterator must be valid and can be dereferenced and incremented at least "size" times;
The iterator will be advanced by the number of bytes was actually written. In case of an error, distance between original position and advanced will pinpoint the location of the error.
Status of the write operation.

◆ writeFieldsCached()

template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>
template<typename TAllFields , typename TMsg , typename TIter >
comms::ErrorStatus comms::protocol::ProtocolLayerBase< TField, TNextLayer, TDerived, TOptions >::writeFieldsCached ( TAllFields &  allFields,
const TMsg &  msg,
TIter &  iter,
std::size_t  size 
) const

Serialise message into output data sequence while caching the written transport information fields.

Very similar to write() member function, but adds "allFields" parameter to store raw data of the message. The function will also invoke the same doWrite() member function provided by the derived class, as described with write().

Template Parameters
TAllFieldsstd::tuple of all the transport fields, must be AllFields type defined in the last layer class that defines protocol stack.
TMsgType of the message being written.
TIterType of iterator used for writing.
[out]allFieldsReference to the std::tuple object that wraps all transport fields (AllFields type of the last protocol layer class).
[in]msgReference to the message object that is being written,
[in,out]iterIterator used for writing.
[in]sizeMax number of bytes that can be written.
Status of the write operation.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation


template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>

Provide convenience access functions to protocol layers.

The first argument is a name for innermost layer (comms::protocol::MsgDataLayer), while the last one is the name for the outermost one.


template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>

Provide convenience access functions to protocol layers.

Similar to COMMS_PROTOCOL_LAYERS_ACCESS(), but the arguments are expected to be in reverse order, i.e. the first argument is the name of the outermost layer, while the last one is the name for the innermost one (comms::protocol::MsgDataLayer)


template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>

Provide names and convenience access functions to protocol layers.

Similar to COMMS_PROTOCOL_LAYERS_ACCESS() but defines "Layer_<name>" type names.

Requires definition of inner "Base" type aliasing the base class.


template<typename TField , typename TNextLayer , typename TDerived , typename... TOptions>

Provide names and convenience access functions to protocol layers.

Similar to COMMS_PROTOCOL_LAYERS_ACCESS_OUTER() but defines "Layer_<name>" type names.

Requires definition of inner "Base" type aliasing the base class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: