This document contains specification of Domain Specific Language (DSL) for CommsChampion Ecosystem, called CommsDSL. It is used to define custom binary protocols. The defined schema files are intended to be parsed and used by commsdsl library and code generation application(s).
The PDF can be downloaded from release artifacts of from CommsDSL-Specification project. The online HTML documentation is hosted on github pages.
This specification document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Specification Version
This document is versioned using Semantic Versioning.
The first (MAJOR) number in the version will describe the version of DSL itself, the second (MINOR) number will indicate small additions (such as adding new property for one of the elements) to the specification which do not break any backward compatibility, and the third (PATCH) number (if exists) will indicate various language fixes and/or formatting changes of this specification document.
Schema Definition
The CommsDSL schema files use XML to define all the messages, their fields, and framing.
Every schema definition file must contain a valid XML with an encoding information header as well as single root node called <schema>:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
The schema node may define its properties (described in detail in Schema chapter).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="2">
Common Fields
It can also contain definition of various common fields that can be referenced by multiple messages. Such fields are defined as children of <fields> node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
There can be multiple <fields> elements in the same schema definition file. The fields are described in detail in Fields chapter.
The definition of a single message is done using <message> node (described in detail in Messages chapter).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<message name="SomeOtherMessage" id="2">
Multiple messages can (but don’t have to) be bundled together as children of <messages> node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<message name="SomeOtherMessage" id="2">
Transport framing is defined using <frame> node (described in detail in Frames chapter).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="SomeFrame">
<size ... />
<id ... />
<payload ... />
Multiple frames can (but don’t have to) be bundled together as children of <frames> node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="SomeFrame">
<frame name="SomeOtherFrame">
There are protocols that put some information, common to all the messages, such as protocol version and/or extra flags, into the framing information instead of message payload. This information needs to be accessible when message payload is being read or message object is being handled by the application. The COMMS Library handles these cases by having a common interface class for all the messages, which contains this extra information. In order to support such cases, the CommsDSL introduces optional node <interface> (described in detail in Interfaces chapter) for description of such common interfaces.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="CommonInterface">
<int name="version" type="uint16" semanticType="version" />
Multiple interfaces can (but don’t have to) be bundled together as children of <interfaces> node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="CommonInterface">
<interface name="SomeOtherInterface">
All the nodes described above are allowed to appear in any order.
Multiple Files
For big protocols it is possible and even recommended to split schema definition into multiple files. The code generator must accept a list of schema files to process and must process them in the requested order. Note there are no include (or similar) statements in the CommsDSL specification. The code generator is expected to process the listed DSL files in the provided order and being able to reuse any definition that has already been encountered.
Every subsequently processed schema file must NOT change any properties of the <schema> node with the same name that was defined in the earlier processed schema file. However, it is allowed to omit any properties that have already been defined. For example:
First processed file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="2">
Second processed file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
It must be accepted by the code generator because it does NOT change previously defined endian, and version for the schema named MyProtocol. The second file doesn’t mention version at all.
However, the following third file must cause an error due to changing the endian value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="little">
Also note, that all the properties have some default value and cannot be defined in the subsequently processed file while been omitted in the first one.
For example, the first file doesn’t specify version number (which defaults to 0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
The following second file must cause an error due to an attempt to override version property with different value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" version="2">
RECOMMENDATION: When the schema is split into multiple files, define all the relevant properties in the first file, then don’t set any other <schema> properties except the name in all the others.
Multiple Schemas
The CommsDSL also allows definition of multiple protocols with different schema names. The rules described in previous Multiple Files section still apply. The first file that introduces a schema with a specific name must define all the properties that cannot be overridden by other files defining a <schema> node with the same name.
For example, the following definitions with different properties are allowed because they define different protocols:
First processed file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="Prot1" endian="big" version="2">
Second processed file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="Prot2" endian="little" version="1">
Any other <schema> node in the subsequent file(s) must not change any of the relevant properties in case other <schema> node with the same name has already been processed before.
Third processed file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="Prot1">
<!-- No properties have been overridden -->
In addition to splitting into multiple files, CommsDSL provides namespaces to help in definition of big protocols. It is possible to define fields, messages, interfaces, and frames in a separate namespace. The code generator must use this information to define relevant classes in a separate namespace(s) (if such feature is provided by the language) or introduce relevant prefixes into the names to avoid name clashes.
The namespace is defined using <ns> node with single name property. It can contain all the mentioned previously nodes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<ns name="myns">
<message ...>
<message ... />
<message ... />
<interface ...>
<interface ... />
<interface ... />
<frame ...>
<frame ... />
<frame ... />
The namespace (<ns>) can also contain other namespaces:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<ns name="myns">
<ns name="subns1">
<ns name="subns2">
<message ... />
<message ... />
The same protocol may be used by multiple platforms with a couple of platform specific messages. The CommsDSL allows listing of available platforms using optional <platform> node. Every message definition may specify a list of supported platforms. A code generator may use this information and generate some platform specific code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<platform name="Plat1" />
<platform name="Plat2" />
<platform name="Plat3" />
Multiple platforms can (but don’t have to) be bundled together as children of <platforms> node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<platform name="Plat1" />
<platform name="Plat2" />
<platform name="Plat3" />
References to Elements
The CommsDSL allows references to fields or other definitions in order not to duplicate information and avoid various copy/paste errors. The referenced element must be defined (if in the same file) or processed (if in different schema file) before the definition of the referencing element.
For example, message defines its payload as a reference (alias) to the globally defined field. This field is defined before the message definition. The opposite order must cause an error. It allows easy avoidance of circular references.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<ref field="SomeField" />
When referencing a field or a value defined in a namespace (any namespace, not just different one), the former must be prefixed with a namespace(s) name(s) separated by a . (dot).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<ns name="myns">
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
<ns name="subns">
<int name="SomeOtherField" type="uint16" />
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<ref field="myns.SomeField" />
<ref field="myns.subns.SomeOtherField" />
Distinguish Reference From Value
Many schema elements have properties (described in details later) which can contain an actual value or a reference to other field’s value. In most cases it is clear which one it is.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="E1" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V1" val="10" />
<int name="I1" defaultValue="0" />
<int name="I2" defaultValue="E1.V1" />
In the example above defaultValue of the I1 is 0. The assignment of the defaultValue of the I2 is referencing value V1 of the E1 <enum> field, which is 10.
However, there can be a case when such distinction is not clear (happens for the
<string> field). In such case the reference to external field needs to be prefixed with ^
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="S1" defaultValue="hello" />
<string name="S2" defaultValue="^S1" />
In the example above both S1 and S2 have the same defaultValue which is hello.
References to Elements in Other Schema
In case of multiple schemas, referencing a field defined in another schema requires
prefixing the reference string with @
and schema name:
<!-- First schema -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="Prot1">
<ns name="ns1">
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<ref field="ns1.SomeField" />
<!-- Second schema -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="Prot2">
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<ref field="@Prot1.ns1.SomeField" />
It is allowed (but not required) to use @
with schema name prefix when referencing fields in the same schema.
References to Sibling or Member Elements
In case of using <optional> field conditions the
referenced fields are not global ones, but a siblings. Such sibling reference needs to be prefixed with $
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<set name="Flags">
<bit name="Val1Exists" idx="0" />
<optional name="Val1" defaultMode="missing" cond="$Flags.Val1Exists">
<int name="ActVal1" type="uint32" />
In case of the <message>-s or composite fields like
<bundle> the $
is used to reference their member fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1" validCond="$F1 != $F2">
<int name="F1" type="uint8" />
<int name="F2" type="uint8" />
References to Interface Fields
Some properties support references to the member fields of an <interface> .
Such reference needs to be prefixed with %
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<set name="Flags" length="1">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<optional name="Val1" defaultMode="missing" cond="%Flags.B0">
<int name="ActVal1" type="uint32" />
Use prefix table for future references.
Almost every element in CommsDSL has one or more properties, such as name. Any property can be defined using multiple ways. In can be useful when an element has too many properties to specify in a single line for a convenient reading. Any of the described below supported ways of defining a single property can be used for any element in the schema.
The property can be defined as an XML attribute.
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
Or as child node with value attribute:
<name value="SomeField" />
<type value="uint8" />
Property value can also be defined as a text of the child XML element.
It is allowed to mix ways of defining properties for a single element
<int name="SomeField">
<type value="uint8" />
Many properties must be defined only once for a specific element. In this case, repetition of it is prohibited. The definition below must cause an error (even if provided type value is not changed).
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" >
<type value="uint8" />
NOTE, that properties can be defined in any order.
Numeric Values
Any integral numeric value in the schema may be defined as decimal value or hexadecimal with "0x" prefix. For example, numeric IDs of the messages below are specified using decimal (for first) and hexadecimal (for second).
<message name="Message1" id="123">
<message name="Message2" id="0x1a">
Boolean Values
There are properties that require boolean value. The CommsDSL supports case insensitive "true" and "false" strings, as well as "1" and "0" numeric values.
<int name="SomeField" ... removed="True" />
<int name="SomeOtherField" ... pseudo="0" />
Almost every element has a required name property. Provided value will be used to generate appropriate classes and/or relevant access functions. As the result, the chosen names must be only alphanumeric and '_' (underscore) characters, but also mustn’t start with a number. The provided value is case sensitive. However, the code generator is allowed to change the case of to first letter of the provided value. It is up to the code generator to choose whether to use camelCase or PascalCase when generating appropriate classes and/or access functions.
As the result, the code generator may report an error for the following definition of fields, which use different names, but differ only in the case of the first letter.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="someField" type="uint8" />
<int name="SomeField" type="uint16" />
The names of the elements must be unique in their scope. It is allowed to use the same name in different namespaces or different messages.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint8" />
<message name="Msg2" id="2">
<int name="F1" type="int32" />
Protocol Versioning
The CommsDSL provides a way to specify version of the binary protocol by using version property of the schema element.
Other elements, such as fields or messages allow specification of version in which they were introduced by using sinceVersion property. It is also possible to provide an information about version since which the element has been deprecated using deprecated property. Usage of the deprecated property is just an indication for developers that the element should not be used any more. The code generator may introduce this information as a comment in the generated code. However, it does NOT remove a deprecated field from being serialized to preserve backward compatibility of the protocol. If the protocol definition does require removal of the deprecated field from being serialized, the deprecated property must be supplemented with removed property.
For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="5" >
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint16" />
<int name="F2" type="uint8" sinceVersion="2" />
<int name="F3" type="int32" sinceVersion="3" deprecated="4" removed="true" />
In the example above the field F2 was introduced in version 2. The field F3 was introduced in version 3, but deprecated and removed in version 4.
All these version numbers in the schema definition allow generation of proper version checks and correct code for protocols that communicate their version in their framing or selected messages. Please refer to Protocol Versioning Summary chapter for more details on the subject.
For all other protocols that don’t report their version and/or don’t care about backward compatibility, the version information in the schema just serves as documentation. The code generator must ignore the version information when generating code for such protocols. The code generator may also allow generation of the code for a specific version and take provided version information on determining whether specific field exists for a particular version.
Schema definition may contain various global (protocol-wide) properties.
Protocol Name
The protocol name is defined using name property. It may contain any alphanumeric character, but mustn’t start with a number.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol">
The name property is a required one. The code generator must report an error in case first processed schema file doesn’t define one.
The code generator is expected to use the specified name as main namespace for the protocol definition, unless new name is provided via command line parameters.
Default endian for the protocol can be defined using endian property. Supported values are either big or little (case insensitive). Defaults to little.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="Big">
The endian property of any subsequently defined field will default to the specified value, but can be overridden using its own endian property.
It is possible to provide a human readable description of the protocol definition just for documentation purposes. The description is provided using description property of the <schema> node. Just like any property the description can be provided using one of the accepted ways. In case of long multiline description it is recommended to define it as a text child element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol">
Protocol (Schema) Version
As was mentioned in Protocol Versioning section, CommsDSL supports (but doesn’t enforce) versioning of the schema / protocol. In order to specify the version use version property with unsigned integral value. Defaults to 0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" version="5">
In case the protocol definition uses semantic versioning with major / minor numbers, it is recommended to combine multiple numbers into one mentally using "shift" operation(s). For example version 1.5 can be defined and used throughout the schema as 0x105.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" version="0x105">
DSL Version
As this specification evolves over time it can introduce new properties or other elements. It is possible to pin the version of the DSL as the schema’s property. It is a major version of this specification. If code generator expects earlier version of the schema it should report an error (or at least a warning).
The DSL version is specified using dslVersion property with unsigned integral value. When dslVersion value is 0 (default), it means "any version". In this case the code generator will try to parse the schema and will report error / warning in case it encounters unrecognized property or other construct.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" dslVersion="7">
Allowing Non-Unique Message IDs
By default every defined message must have unique numeric message ID. If this is not the case, the code generator must report an error in case message definition with repeating ID number is encountered. It is done as protection against various copy/paste or typo errors.
However, there are protocols that may define various forms of the same message, which are differentiated by a serialization length or value of some particular field inside the message. It can be convenient to define such variants as separate classes. CommsDSL allows doing so by setting nonUniqueMsgIdAllowed property of the schema to true. In this case, code generator must allow definition of different messages with the same numeric ID.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" nonUniqueMsgIdAllowed="true">
<message name="SomeMessageForm1" id="1">
<message name="SomeMessageForm2" id="1">
Use properties table for future references.
Any field can be defined as independent element inside the <fields> child of the <schema> or a <ns> .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
It can also be defined as a member of a message.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
Field that is defined as a child of <fields> node of the <schema> or <ns> can be referenced by other fields to avoid duplication of the same definition.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<ns name="ns1">
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
<ref name="AliasToField" field="ns1.SomeField" />
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<ref name="Mem1" field="ns1.SomeField"" />
The available fields are described in details in the sections to follow. They are:
<enum> - Enumeration field.
<int> - Integral value field.
<set> - Bitset (bitmask) field.
<bitfield> - Bitfield field.
<bundle> - Bundle field.
<string> - String field.
<data> - Raw data field.
<list> - List of other fields.
<float> - Floating point value field.
<ref> - Reference to (alias of) other field.
<optional> - Optional field.
<variant> - Variant field.
All this fields have common as well as their own specific set of properties.
Common Properties of Fields
Every field is different, and defines its own properties and/or other aspects. However, there are common properties, that are applicable to every field. They are summarized below.
Every field must define it’s name, which is expected to be used by a code generator when defining a relevant class. The name is defined using name property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeField" ... />
It is possible to provide a description of the field about what it is and how it is expected to be used. This description is only for documentation purposes and may find it’s way into the generated code as a comment for the generated class. The property is description.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8">
Some long
Reusing Other Fields
Sometimes two different fields are very similar, but differ in one particular aspect. CommsDSL allows copying all the properties from previously defined field (using reuse property) and change some of them after the copy. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" defaultValue="3" />
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<int name="Member1" reuse="SomeIntField" bitLength="3" />
<int name="Member2" type="uint8" defaultValue="10" bitLength="5" />
In the example above member of the bitfield Member1 copies all the properties from SomeIntField field, then overrides its name and adds bitLength one to specify its length in bits.
Forcing Generation
By default the code generator is expected not to generate code for fields that are not referenced by any message or any other field to reduce amount of generated code. However, there may be cases when a field releated definitions are expected to find their way into the generated code even the field itself is not referenced anywhere. To help with such forcing the forceGen property has been introduced with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" forceGen="true" ... />
Display Name
The displayName property is there to specify proper string of the field’s name, with spaces, dots and other characters that are not allowed to exist in the name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" displayName="Some Int Field" ... />
If displayName is not specified, the code generator must use value of property name instead. In order to force empty displayName, use "_" (underscore) value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" displayName="_" ... />
CommsDSL allows providing an information in what version the field was added to a particular message, as well as in what version it was deprecated, and whether it was removed from being serialized after deprecation.
To specify the version in which field was introduced, use sinceVersion property. To specify the version in which the field was deprecated, use deprecated property. To specify whether the field was removed after being deprecated use removed property in addition to deprecated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="5" >
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint16" />
<int name="F2" type="int8" deprecated="5" />
<int name="F3" type="uint8" sinceVersion="2" />
<int name="F4" type="int32" sinceVersion="3" deprecated="4" removed="true" />
In the example above:
F1 was introduced in version 0 and hasn’t been deprecated yet.
F2 was also introduced in version 0, deprecated in version 5, but not removed from being serialized.
F3 was introduced in version 2 and hasn’t been deprecated yet.
F4 was introduced in version 3, deprecated in removed in version 4.
NOTE, that all the specified versions mustn’t be greater that the version of the schema. Also value of sinceVersion must be less than value of deprecated.
Failing Read of the Field on Invalid Value
Some fields may specify what values are considered to be valid, and there may be a need to fail the read operation in case the received value is invalid.
To achieve this failOnInvalid property with boolean value can be used. There are two main scenarios that may require usage of this property. One is the protocol being implemented requires such behavior in its specification. The second is when there are multiple forms of the same message which are differentiated by the value of some specific field in its payload. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" nonUniqueMsgIdAllowed="true" >
<message name="Msg1Kind0" id="1" order="0">
<int name="Kind" type="uint8" validValue="0" failOnInvalid="true" />
<message name="Msg1Kind1" id="1" order="1">
<int name="Kind" type="uint8" defaultValue="1" validValue="1" failOnInvalid="true" />
<message name="Msg1Kind2" id="1" order="2">
<int name="Kind" type="uint8" defaultValue="2" validValue="2" failOnInvalid="true" />
The example above defined 3 variants of the message with numeric ID equals to 1. When new message with this ID comes in, the framing code is expected to try reading all of the variants and choose one, on which read operation doesn’t fail. The order property of the message specifies in what order the messages with the same ID must be read. It described in more detail in Messages chapter.
Pseudo Fields
Sometimes there may be a need to have "psuedo" fields, which are implemented using proper field abstration, and are handled as any other field, but not actually getting serialized when written (or deserialized when read). It can be achieved using pseudo property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="5" >
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<int name="SomePseudoField" type="uint16" defaultValue="0xabcd" pseudo="true" />
<int name="SomeRealField" type="int8">
Fixed Value (Constant) Fields
It is possible to disallow modification of the field’s value by the client application using fixedValue property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="5" >
<message name="SomeMessage" id="1">
<int name="MessageVersion" type="uint8" defaultValue="1" fixedValue="true" />
In the example above the code generator must remove an ability to explicitly modify the field’s value after its construction. The field’s value can still be updated by the read operation though.
Customizable Fields
The code generator is expected to allow some level of compile time customization of the generated code, such as choosing different data structures and/or adding/replacing some runtime logic. The code generator is also expected to provide command line options to choose required level of customization. Sometimes it may be required to allow generated field abstraction to be customizable regardless of the customization level requested from the code generator. CommsDSL provides customizable property with boolean value to force any field being customizable at compile time.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeField" customizable="true" />
Semantic Type
Sometimes code generator may generate a bit different (or better) code for fields that are used for some particular purpose. To specify such purpose use semanticType property.
Available semantic types are:
messageId - Used to specify what type/field is used for holding numeric message ID. Applicable to <enum> fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="MsgId" type="uint8" semanticType="messageId" >
<validValue name="Msg1" val="0x01" />
<validValue name="Msg2" val="0x02" />
<validValue name="Msg3" val="0x03" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
length - Used to specify that the field holds total serialization length of the subsequent fields (excluding the length of the field itself). Usually applicable to <int> field (or <ref> referencing an <int> ). Since v5.0 of CommsDSL, the length semantic type can be set for other complex fields, such as <bundle> or <bitfield> . However, in such case the code generator may expect injection of custom code (see Ensuring Overriding Code Injection section below) to override the value retrieval to make sure that the value is numeric. In most cases the length semantic type is expected to be used for a member of <bundle> field to limit the serialization length of the member fields that follow.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="CompositeField" >
<int name="Type" type="uint8" ... />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<string name="Value" />
Ensuring Overriding Code Injection
In some cases the CommsDSL may be insufficient to express the the protocol definition in correct way. To handle such cases the code generator is expected to allow injection of the custom / overriding code to fix / replace the default implementation produced by the code generator.
The code generator is expected to generate the default code for the following operations:
value - Set/Get field’s value functionality.
read - Reading the field’s value from the input buffer.
write - Writing the field’s value to the output buffer.
refresh - Update the field’s value to a consistent state. Note, that in some composite fields like <bundle> , values of internal members may depend on the values of other members creating the situation where the whole state may be inconsistent / incorrect. Invoking the refresh operation is expected to update the values of inner fields to bring the field into a consistent / correct state.
length - Returning the serialization length of the field.
valid - Returning whether the field’s value is valid.
name - Returning the name of the field.
To ensure visibility and/or help with forcing the injection of the correcting code, the CommsDSL provides the following properties.
valueOverride - Control the overriding code injection for the value operation(s).
readOverride - Control the overriding code injection for the read operation.
writeOverride - Control the overriding code injection for the write operation.
refreshOverride - Control the overriding code injection for the refresh operation.
lengthOverride - Control the overriding code injection for the length operation.
validOverride - Control the overriding code injection for the valid operation.
nameOverride - Control the overriding code injection for the name operation.
The value of the properties above can be one of the following:
any (default) - Inject the overriding code if available, use the code generated by default if not.
replace - The default code is incorrect, replace it with the provided one. The code generator is expected to report a failure in case the overriding code is unavailable.
extend - The default code is still incorrect, but the code generator is expected to produce it (with some minor renaming to avoid names clashing) to allow reuse and extension in the overriding code. The code generator is expected to report a failure in case the overriding code is unavailable.
none - The code generator is expected to ignore the overriding code if it’s available and produce the one generated by default instead.
Copying Injected Code
In some cases different fields may have the same overriding or any other extra code that needs to be injected. In order to minimize the copy-paste of the code, the CommsDSL introduces the copyCodeFrom property with a reference value indicating another field, overriding code of which needs to be applied to the field being defined.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="CompositeField" readOverride="replace" refreshOverride="replace">
<bundle name="AnotherCompositeField" copyCodeFrom="CompositeField">
Note, that copyCodeFrom property is applied before any xOverride ones described in previous section. It means that some portion of copied code can be cleared.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="CompositeField" ... nameOverride="replace">
<bundle name="AnotherCompositeField" copyCodeFrom="CompositeField" nameOverride="none">
In case of reusing other field definition, only the field definition properties are copied. The extra code that the original field might inject is NOT included in such copy by default. The copying of injected code must be specified explicitly using copyCodeFrom property described above, or to avoid repetition of the reference string, another reuseCode property with boolean value can be used in addition to reuse one.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<ns name="ns1">
<bundle name="ComplexLength" valueOverride="replace" semanticType="length">
<!-- Requires extra code for length value calculation to be injected -->
<bitfield name="ComplexLength1" reuse="ns1.ComplexLength" copyCodeFrom="ns1.ComplexLength">
<!-- Copies all the extra code injected to ComplexLength in addition to its properties -->
<bitfield name="ComplexLength2" reuse="ns1.ComplexLength" reuseCode="true">
<!-- Equivalent to ComplexLength1 -->
Field Length Validation
Many protocol specifications provide expected serialization length of the message or selected fields. In order to prevent various typos or copy-paste errors, the CommsDSL provides an ability to validate the specified field (minimal) length during the schema file parsing. It can be quite useful for the composite fields like <bundle> . To perform such a check use validateMinLength property with unsigned value. It can help to avoid some copy-paste or typo errors at the time of schema parsing rather than debugging generated incorrect code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bundle name="SomeBundle" validateMinLength="4">
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" />
<set name="SomeSetMember" length="1">
<enum name="SomeEnumMember" type="uint8">
<string name="SomeString" validateMinLength="1">
<int name="Length" type="uint8" />
Use properties table for future references.
<enum> Field
This field stores and abstracts away value of integral enumerated type, where every valid value has its name. The <enum> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Underlying Type
Every <enum> field must provide its underlying storage type using type property. Available values are:
int8 - 1 byte signed integer.
uint8 - 1 byte unsigned integer.
int16 - 2 bytes signed integer.
uint16 - 2 bytes unsigned integer.
int32 - 4 bytes signed integer.
uint32 - 4 bytes unsigned integer.
int64 - 8 bytes signed integer.
uint64 - 8 bytes unsigned integer.
intvar - up to 8 bytes variable length signed integer
uintvar - up to 8 bytes variable length unsigned integer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8">
The variable length types are encoded using Base-128 form, such as LEB128 for little endian or similar for big endian.
Valid Values
All the valid values must be listed as <validValue> child of the <enum> XML element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="0x1b" />
Every <validValue> must define a valid name (using name property) as well as numeric value (using val property), that fits chosen underlying type. The <validValue>-es may be listed in any order, not necessarily sorted.
Every <validValue> has extra optional properties:
description - Extra description and documentation on how to use the value.
displayName - Human readable name of the value.
sinceVersion - Version of the protocol when the value was introduced.
deprecated - Version of the protocol when the value was deprecated.
All these extra properties are described in detail in Common Properties of Fields.
Default Value
The default value of the <enum> field when constructed can be specified using defaultValue property. If not specified, defaults to 0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" defaultValue="5">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="0x1b" />
The default value can also be specified using the name of one of the <validValue>-es:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" defaultValue="Val2">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="0x1b" />
The default serialization endian of the protocol is specified in endian property of the schema. It is possible to override the default endian value with extra endian property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint16" endian="little">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="0x1b" />
Serialization Length
The underlying type dictates the serialization length of the <enum> field. However, there may be protocols that limit serialization length of the field to non-standard lengths, such as 3 bytes. In this case use length property to specify custom serialization length.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint32" length="3">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0x0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="0x0a0b0c" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="0xffffff" />
IMPORTANT: When length property is used with variable length underlying type (intvar and uintvar), it means maximum allowed length.
Some protocols allow (de)serialization of the <enum> field value having less bytes in the buffer than is required by its underlying type serialization. Usually the length of such an <enum> field is specified externally, by the preceding "length" field in TLV (type-length-value) triplet (explained in detail in <variant> Field section). In order to allow code generator to handle such cases use availableLengthLimit property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint32" availableLengthLimit="true">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0x0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="0x0a0b" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="0xffffff" />
Note, that the code generator is responsible to allow external limiting serialization length for such fields before write operation takes place.
Length in Bits
<enum> field can be a member of <bitfield> field. In this case the serialization length may be specified in bits using bitLength property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<enum name="SomeEnumMember" type="uint8" bitLength="3">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="1" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="2" />
<enum name="SomeOtherEnumMember" type="uint8" bitLength="5">
<validValue name="Val1" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="12" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="20" />
Hex Assignment
The code generator is expected to generate appropriate enum types using decimal values assigned to enumeration names. However, some protocol specifications may list valid values using hexadecimal format. To make the reading of the generated code more convenient, use hexAssign property with boolean value to force code generator make the assignments using hexadecimal values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" hexAssign="true">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="0x1b" />
The generated enum type is expected to look something like this:
enum class SomeEnumFieldVal
Val1 = 0x00,
Val2 = 0x05,
Val3 = 0x1b
instead of
enum class SomeEnumFieldVal
Val1 = 0,
Val2 = 5,
Val3 = 27
Allow Non-Unique Values
By default, non-unqiue values are not allowed, the code generator must report an error if two different <validValue>-es use the same value of the val property. It is done as protection against copy-paste errors. However, CommsDSL allows usage of non-unique values in case nonUniqueAllowed property has been set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" nonUniqueAllowed="true">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="OtherNameForVal2" val="5" />
Version Based Validity
The code generator is expected to generate functionality checking that <enum> field contains a valid value. By default any specified <validValue> is considered to be valid regardless of version it was introduced and/or deprecated. However, it is possible to force code generator to generate validity check code that takes into account reported version of the protocol by using validCheckVersion property, which is set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="5">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" validCheckVersion="true">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="10" sinceVersion="2" />
<validValue name="Val4" val="15" sinceVersion="3" deprecated="4"/>
In the example above values 0 and 5 will always be considered valid. However value 10 will be considered valid only if reported protocol version is greater than or equal to 2. The value 15 will be considered valid only for protocol version 3.
Use properties table for future references.
<int> Field
This field stores and abstracts away value of integral type. The <int> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Underlying Type
Every <int> field must provide its underlying storage type using type property. Available values are:
int8 - 1 byte signed integer.
uint8 - 1 byte unsigned integer.
int16 - 2 bytes signed integer.
uint16 - 2 bytes unsigned integer.
int32 - 4 bytes signed integer.
uint32 - 4 bytes unsigned integer.
int64 - 8 bytes signed integer.
uint64 - 8 bytes unsigned integer.
intvar - up to 8 bytes variable length signed integer
uintvar - up to 8 bytes variable length unsigned integer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntield" type="uint8" />
The variable length types are encoded using Base-128 form, such as LEB128 for little endian or similar for big endian.
Special Values
Some protocol may assign a special meaning for some values. For example, some field specifies configuration of some timer duration, when 0 value means infinite. Such values (if exist) must be listed as <special> child of the <int> XML element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="Duration" type="uint8">
<special name="Infinite" val="0" />
The code generator is expected to generate extra convenience functions that check whether field has special value as well as updating the stored value with special one.
Every <special> must define a valid name (using name property) as well as numeric value (using val property), that fits chosen underlying type. The <special>-s may be listed in any order, not necessarily sorted.
Every <special> has extra optional properties:
description - Extra description and documentation on how to use the value.
sinceVersion - Version of the protocol when the special name / meaning was introduced.
deprecated - Version of the protocol when the special name / meaning was deprecated.
displayName - Human readable name of the value.
All these extra properties are described in detail in Common Properties of Fields.
By default, non-unqiue special values (different name for the same value) are not allowed, the code generator must report an error if two different <special>-es use the same value of the val property. It is done as protection against copy-paste errors. However, CommsDSL allows usage of non-unique values in case nonUniqueSpecialsAllowed property has been set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeInt" type="uint8" nonUniqueSpecialsAllowed="true">
<special name="S1" val="0" />
<special name="S2" val="0" />
Default Value
The default value of the <int> field when constructed can be specified using defaultValue property. If not specified, defaults to 0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" defaultValue="5" />
The default value can also be specified using the name of one of the <special>-s:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" defaultValue="Special2">
<special name="Special1" val="0" />
<special name="Special2" val="0xff" />
The default serialization endian of the protocol is specified in endian property of the schema. It is possible to override the default endian value with extra endian property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint16" endian="little" />
Serialization Length
The underlying type dictates the serialization length of the <int> field. However there may be protocols, that limit serialization length of the field to non-standard lengths, such as 3 bytes. In this case use length property to specify custom serialization length.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" length="3" />
IMPORTANT: When length property is used with variable length underlying types (intvar and uintvar), it means maximum allowed length.
Some protocols allow (de)serialization of the <int> field value having less bytes in the buffer than is required by its underlying type serialization. Usually the length of such an <int> field is specified externally, by the preceding "length" field in TLV (type-length-value) triplet (explained in detail in <variant> Field section). In order to allow code generator to handle such cases use availableLengthLimit property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" availableLengthLimit="true" />
Note, that the code generator is responsible to allow external limiting serialization length for such fields before write operation takes place.
Length in Bits
<int> field can be a member of <bitfield> field. In this case the serialization length may be specified in bits using bitLength property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" bitLength="2" />
<int name="SomeOtherIntMember" type="uint8" bitLength="6" />
Serialization Offset
Some protocols may require adding/subtracting some value before serialization, and performing the opposite operation when the field is deserialized. Such operation can be forced using serOffset property with numeric value. The classic example would be defining a year field that is being serialized using 1 byte as offset from year 2000. Although it is possible to define such field as 1 byte integer
<int name="Year" type="uint8" />
it is quite inconvenient to work with it in a client code. The client code needs to be aware what offset needs to be added to get the proper year value. It is much better to use serOffset property to manipulate value before and after serialization.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="Year" type="int16" defaultValue="2000" serOffset="-2000" length="1" />
NOTE, that value of serOffset property must fit into the underlying type defined using type property.
Sign Extension
When limiting serialization length using length property, the performed read operation is expected to sign extend read signed value. However, such default behavior may be incorrect for some cases, especially when serialization offset is also used. There are protocols that disallow serialization of a negative value. Any signed integer must add predefined offset to make it non-negative first, and only then serialize. The deserialization procedure is the opposite, first deserialize the non-negative value, and then subtract predefined offset to get the real value.
For example, there is an integer field with expected valid values between
and +8,000,000
. This range fits into 3 bytes, which are used to
serialize such field. Such field is serialized using the
following math:
Add 8,000,000 to the field’s value to get non-negative number.
Serialize the result using only 3 bytes.
In order to implement such example correctly there is a need to switch off the automatic sign extension when value is deserialized.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeField" type="int32" serOffset="8000000" length="3" signExt="false" />
NOTE, that signExt property is relevant only for signed types with non-default serialization length.
Some protocols may not support serialization of floating point values, and use scaling instead. It is done by multiplying the original floating point value by some number, dropping the fraction part and serializing the value as integer. Upon reception, the integer value is divided by predefined number to get a proper floating point value.
For example, there is a distance measured in millimeters with precision of 4 digits after decimal point. The value is multiplied by 10,000 and serialized as <int> field. Such scenario is supported by CommsDSL via introduction of scaling property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="Distance" type="uint32" scaling="1/10000" />
NOTE, that format of scaling value is "numerator / denominator". The code generator is expected to define such field like any other <int>, but also provide functions that allow set / get of scaled floating point value.
It is possible to omit the denominator value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="int16" scaling="4" />
In the example above it is equivalent to having scaling="4/1" defined.
Protocols quite often specify what units are being transfered. The CommsDSL provides units property to specify this information. The code generator may use this information to generate a functionality that allows retrieval of proper value for requested units, while doing all the conversion math internally. Such behavior will allow developers, that use generated protocol code, to focus on their business logic without getting into details on how value was transfered and what units are used by default.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="Distance" type="uint32" units="mm" />
For list of supported units values, refer to appended units table.
Quite often, units and scaling need to be used together. For example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="Latitude" type="int32" units="deg" scaling="1/10000000" />
The code generator may generate code that allows retrieval of proper (floating point) value of either degrees or radians, while all the scaling and conversion math is done automatically.
Valid Values
Many protocols specify ranges of values the field is allowed to have and how client code is expected to behave on reception of invalid values. The code generator is expected to generate code that checks whether field’s value is valid. The CommsDSL provides multiple properties to help with such task.
One of such properties if validRange. The format of it’s value is "[min_value, max_value]".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" validRange="[0, 10]" />
It is possible to have multiple valid ranges for the same field. However XML does NOT allow having multiple attributes with the same name. As the result it is required to put extra valid ranges as <validRange> children elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8">
<validRange value="[0, 10]" />
<validRange value="[25, 40]" />
Another property is validValue, which adds single value (not range) to already defined valid ranges / values. Just like with validRange, multiple values need to be added as XML children elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" validRange="[0, 10]" validValue="15">
<validValue value="40" />
There are also validMin and validMax, which specify single
numeric value and are equivalent to having
validRange="[provided_min_value, max_value_allowed_by_type]"
validRange="[min_value_allowed_by_type, provided_max_value]"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="int8" validMin="-20" />
<int name="SomeOtherIntField" type="int8" validMax="100" />
The specified valid ranges and values are allowed to intersect. The code generator may warn about such cases and/or unify them to limit number of if conditions in the generated code for better performance.
If none of the mentioned above validity related options has been used, the whole range of available values is considered to be valid.
All the validity related properties mentioned in this section (validRange, validValue, validMin, and validMax) may also add information about version they were introduced / deprecated in. Adding such information is possible only when the property is defined as XML child element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8">
<validRange value="[0, 10]" />
<validValue value="25" sinceVersion="2" deprecated="5" />
<validRange value="[55, 80]" sinceVersion="7" />
The sinceVersion and deprecated properties are described in detail as Common Properties of Fields.
Version Based Validity
The code generator is expected to generate functionality checking that <int> field contains a valid value. By default if the field’s value is within any of the specified ranges / values, then the it is considered to be valid regardless of version the containing range was introduced and/or deprecated. However, it is possible to force code generator to generate validity check code that takes into account reported version of the protocol by using validCheckVersion property, which is set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" validCheckVersion="true">
<validRange value="[0, 10]" />
<validValue value="25" sinceVersion="2" deprecated="5" />
<validRange value="[55, 80]" sinceVersion="7" />
Single Valid Value
Sometimes the <int> field has only one valid value and it must be initialized with it. The defaultValidValue property can be used as a replacement to the combination of defaultValue and validValue ones having to specify the same value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" defaultValidValue="1" failOnInvalid="true" ... />
<!-- Instead of:
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" defaultValue="1" validValue="1" failOnInvalid="true" ... />
Extra Display Properties
When scaling information is specified and the field’s value needs to be displayed somewhere as a floating point one, use displayDecimals property with numeric value of how many digits need to be displayed after decimal point.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="Distance" type="uint32" scaling="1/10000" displayDecimals="4" />
Also when serialization offset is provided it can be added to the displayed value by using the displayOffset property with numeric value.
For example, many protocols define some kind of remaining length field when defining a transport frame or other places. Sometimes the value of such field should also include its own length. However, it is much more convenient to work with it, when the retrieved value shows only remaining length of subsequent fields, without worrying whether the value needs to be reduced by the serialization length of holding field, and what exactly this length is. Such field can be defined like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="RemLength" type="uint16" serOffset="2" />
In the example above, the field is expected to hold only remaining length, excluding the length of itself, but adding it when value is serialized.
However, when such field is displayed it is desirable to display the value with serialization offset as well.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="RemLength" type="uint16" serOffset="2" displayOffset="2"/>
Use properties table for future references.
<set> Field
This field stores and abstracts away value of bitset (bitmask) type. The <set> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Underlying Type
The underlying type of the <set> field can be provided its underlying storage type using type property. Available values are:
uint8 - 1 byte unsigned integer.
uint16 - 2 bytes unsigned integer.
uint32 - 4 bytes unsigned integer.
uint64 - 8 bytes unsigned integer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetield" type="uint8">
NOTE that the available types are all fixed length unsigned ones.
Serialization Length
The underlying type specification may be omitted if serialization length (in number of bytes) is specified using length property. In this case underlying type is automatically selected based on the provided serialization length.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetield" length="1">
Some protocols allow (de)serialization of the <set> field value having less bytes in the buffer than is required by its underlying type serialization. Usually the length of such an <set> field is specified externally, by the preceding "length" field in TLV (type-length-value) triplet (explained in detail in <variant> Field section). In order to allow code generator to handle such cases use availableLengthLimit property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<set name="SomeSetield" type="uint32" availableLengthLimit="true">
Note, that the code generator is responsible to allow external limiting serialization length for such fields before write operation takes place.
Length in Bits
<set> field can be a member of <bitfield> field. In this case the serialization length may be specified in bits using bitLength property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<set name="SomeSetMember" bitLength="4" >
NOTE that the underlying type information can be omitted when bitLength property is in use, just like with length.
The <set> field may list its bits as <bit> XML child elements. Every such element must specify its name using name property as well as its index using idx property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1">
<bit name="SomeBitName" idx="0" />
<bit name="SomeOtherBitName" idx="1" />
The bit indexing starts from least significant bit, and mustn’t exceed number of bits allowed by the underlying type. The <bit>-s may be listed in any order, not necessarily sorted.
The code generator is expected to generate convenience functions (or other means) to set / get the value of every listed bit.
Every <bit> element may also define extra properties listed below for better readability:
description - Extra description and documentation on the bit.
displayName - Human readable name of the bit.
These properties are described in detail in Common Properties of Fields.
Default Bit Value
When the <set> field object is default constructed, all bits are initialized to false, i.e. 0. Such default behavior can be modified using defaultValue property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1" defaultValue="true">
<bit name="SomeBitName" idx="0" />
<bit name="SomeOtherBitName" idx="1" />
The SomeSetField field from the example above is expected to be initialized to 0xff when default constructed.
The defaultValue may also be specified per-bit, which overrides the defaultValue specified for the whole field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1" defaultValue="true">
<bit name="SomeBitName" idx="0" defaultValue="false"/>
<bit name="SomeOtherBitName" idx="1" />
The SomeSetField field from the example above is expected to be initialized to 0xfe when default constructed.
Reserved Bits
All the bits that aren’t listed as <bit> XML child elements are considered to be reserved. By default every reserved bit is expected to be zeroed when field is checked to have a valid value. Such expectation can be changed using reservedValue property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1" defaultValue="true" reservedValue="true">
<bit name="SomeBitName" idx="0" defaultValue="false" />
<bit name="SomeOtherBitName" idx="1" defaultValue="false"/>
The SomeSetField field from the example above is expected to be initialized to 0xfc and all the reserved (non-listed) bits are expected to remain true.
Reserved bits can also be specified as <bit> XML child element with usage of reserved property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1">
<bit name="SomeBitName" idx="0" />
<bit name="SomeOtherBitName" idx="1" />
<bit name="ReservedBit" idx="2" reserved="true">
<defaultValue value="true" />
<reservedValue value="true" />
The example above marks bit 2 to be reserved, that is initialized to true and must always stay true.
The SomeSetField field from the example above is expected to be initialized to 0x04 when default constructed.
The default serialization endian of the protocol is specified in endian property of the schema. It is possible to override the default endian value with extra endian property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint16" endian="little">
<bit name="Bit0" idx="0" />
<bit name="Bit5" idx="5" />
<bit name="Bit10" idx="10" />
<bit name="Bit15" idx="15" />
Allow Non-Unique Bit Names
By default, having multiple names for the same bit is not allowed, the code generator must report an error if two different <bit>-s use the same value of idx property. It is done as protection against copy-paste errors. However, CommsDSL allows usage of multiple names for the same bit in case nonUniqueAllowed property has been set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1" nonUniqueAllowed="true">
<bit name="SomeBitName" idx="0" />
<bit name="DifferentName" idx="0" />
In addition to mentioned earlier properties, every <bit> element supports extra ones for versioning:
sinceVersion - Version of the protocol when the bit was introduced (became non-reserved).
deprecated - Version of the protocol when the value was deprecated (became reserved again).
These extra properties are described in detail in Common Properties of Fields.
Version Based Validity
The code generator is expected to generate functionality checking that <set> field contains a valid value. Any specified non-reserved bit can have any value, while reserved bits (implicit or explicit) must have value specified by reservedValue property (either of the field or the bit itself). By default, the validity check must ignore the version in which particular bit became reserved / non-reserved, and check only values of the bits that have always stayed reserved. However, it is possible to force code generator to generate validity check code that takes into account reported version of the protocol by using validCheckVersion property, which is set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="5">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint16" validCheckVersion="true">
<bit name="Bit0" idx="0" />
<bit name="Bit5" idx="5" />
<bit name="Bit10" idx="10" sinceVersion="2" />
<bit name="Bit15" idx="15" sinceVersion="3" deprecated="4"/>
In the example above bits 0 and 5 will always have valid values. However bit 10 will be considered valid only if it is cleared before version 2, and may have any value after. The bit 15 will be allowed any value when version 3 of the protocol is reported, and must be cleared for any other version.
Use properties table for future references.
<bitfield> Field
The <bitfield> is a container field, which allows wrapped member fields to be serialized using limited number of bits (instead of bytes). The supported fields, that can be members of the <bitfield>, are:
Since v2 of the specification it is also allowed to use <ref> field, which references one of the field types above.
The <bitfield> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Member Fields
Member fields need to be listed as children XML elements of the <bitfield>. Every such member is expected to use bitLength property to specify its serialization length in bits. If it is not specified, then length in bits is calculated automatically as length in bytes multiplied by 8.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" bitLength="3" />
<set name="SomeSetMember" bitLength="3">
<enum name="SomeEnumMember" type="uint8" bitLength="2">
NOTE that summary of all the lengths in bits of all the members must be divisible by 8 and mustn’t exceed 64 bits, otherwise the code generator must report an error.
The members of <bitfield> must be listed in order starting from the least significant bit. In the example above SomeIntMember occupies bits [0 - 2], SomeSetMember occupies bits [3 - 5], and SomeEnumMember occupies bits [6 -7].
If there is any other property defined as XML child of the <bitfield>, then all the members must be wrapped in <members> XML element for separation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<displayName value="Proper Bitfield Name" />
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" bitLength="3" />
<set name="SomeSetMember" bitLength="3">
<enum name="SomeEnumMember" type="uint8" bitLength="2">
When serializing, the <bitfield> object needs to combine the values of all the members into single unsigned raw value of appropriate length, and write the received value using appropriate endian. By default endian of the schema is used, unless it is overridden using extra endian property of the <bitfield> field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield" endian="little">
Replacing Member Fields
It is possible to replace some of the copied member fields after reuse using <replace> child node, which wraps the replacing fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield" endian="little">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<enum name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="4">
<validValue name="V0" val="0" />
<validValue name="V1" val="1" />
<bitfield name="SomeOtherBitfield" reuse="SomeBitfield">
<set name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
The replacing field must have the same name as the reused member field it is replacing. The <replace> child node may have multiple member fields replacing the copied ones. The order of the fields inside the <replace> child node is not important, the order of the fields is determined by the original <bitfield> field, which was reused.
The example above is equivalent to defining SomeOtherBitfield
<bitfield> field
in the following way.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bitfield name="SomeOtherBitfield">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<set name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
Extra Validity Conditions
The valid operation of every <bitfield> means invoking the valid operation for every one of its member fields. However, the valid values of fields may be interdependent. There may be a need to introduce extra validity checks on the <bitfield> contents. To do so the validCond property referencing appropriate member fields of the <bitfield> itself can be used. The syntax is the same as with the <optional> field’s existence conditions (described later).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield" validCond="$Mem1 != $Mem2">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
In case of multiple conditions the validCond needs to be specified
as the <validCond>
child node with a single <and>
or <or>
immediate child.
Nested <and>
and/or <or>
conditions are allowed in the same way as with the
<optional> field’s existence conditions.
The only difference is that the inner child nodes must be named validCond
instead of cond
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<validCond value="$Mem1 = 0" />
<validCond value="$Mem2 != 0" />
In case some other <bitfield> have similar fields and the same extra validity conditions apply to the <bitfield> field being defined, it is possible to copy the conditions using copyValidCondFrom property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield" validCond="$Mem1 != $Mem2">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<bitfield name="SomeOtherBitfield" copyValidCondFrom="SomeBitfield">
<int name="Mem3" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="6" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="6" />
Note that copyValidCondFrom is an action property, which causes the copy
of the original validity conditions. When such field is reused
in the future the original definition doesn’t really have property named copyValidCondFrom to be
copied, only the real validity condition(s). The SomeOtherBitfield
definition above is equivalent to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bitfield name="SomeOtherBitfield" validCond="$Mem1 != $Mem2">
<int name="Mem3" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="6" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint8" bitLength="6" />
Use properties table for future references.
<bundle> Field
The <bundle> is a container field, which aggregates multiple independent fields (of any kind) into a single one. The <bundle> field has all the common properties.
Member Fields
Member fields need to be listed as children XML elements of the <bundle>.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bundle name="SomeBundle">
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" />
<set name="SomeSetMember" length="1">
<enum name="SomeEnumMember" type="uint8">
<bundle name="SomeInnerBundle">
If there is any other property defined as XML child of the <bundle>, then all the members must be wrapped in <members> XML element for separation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bundle name="SomeBundle">
<displayName value="Proper Bundle Name" />
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" bitLength="3" />
<set name="SomeSetMember" length="1">
<enum name="SomeEnumMember" type="uint8">
<bundle name="SomeInnerBundle">
Reusing Other <bundle>
Like any other field, <bundle> supports reuse of any other <bundle>. Such reuse copies all the fields from original <bundle> in addition to all the properties. Any new defined member field gets appended to the copied ones.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bundle name="SomeBundle">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<float name="F2" type="float" />
<bundle name="SomeOtherBundle" reuse="SomeBundle">
<string name="F3" length="16" />
In the example above SomeOtherBundle has 3 member fields: F1, F2, and F3.
Replacing Member Fields
It is possible to replace some of the copied member fields after reuse using <replace> child node, which wraps the replacing fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bundle name="SomeBundle">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<enum name="Mem2" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V0" val="0" />
<validValue name="V1" val="1" />
<bundle name="SomeOtherBundle" reuse="SomeBundle">
<set name="Mem2" type="uint8">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
The replacing field must have the same name as the reused member field it is replacing. The <replace> child node may have multiple member fields replacing the copied ones. The order of the fields inside the <replace> child node is not important, the order of the fields is determined by the original <bundle> field, which was reused.
It is possible to combine <replace>-ing copied member fields and extending the <bundle> with new fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bundle name="SomeBundle">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<enum name="Mem2" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V0" val="0" />
<validValue name="V1" val="1" />
<bundle name="SomeOtherBundle" reuse="SomeBundle">
<set name="Mem2" type="uint8">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Mem3" type="uint16" />
The example above is equivalent to defining SomeOtherBundle
<bundle> field
in the following way.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<bundle name="SomeOtherBundle">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<set name="Mem2" type="uint8">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Mem3" type="uint16" />
Alias Names to Member Fields
Sometimes an existing member field may be renamed and/or moved. It is possible to create alias names for the fields to keep the old client code being able to compile and work. Please refer to Aliases chapter for more details.
Extra Validity Conditions
The valid operation of every <bundle> means invoking the valid operation for every one of its member fields. However, the valid values of fields may be interdependent. There may be a need to introduce extra validity checks on the <bundle> contents. To do so the validCond property referencing appropriate member fields of the <bundle> itself can be used. The syntax is the same as with the <optional> field’s existence conditions (described later).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="SomeBundle" validCond="$Mem1 != $Mem2">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint16" />
In case of multiple conditions the validCond needs to be specified
as the <validCond>
child node with a single <and>
or <or>
immediate child.
Nested <and>
and/or <or>
conditions are allowed in the same way as with the
<optional> field’s existence conditions.
The only difference is that the inner child nodes must be named validCond
instead of cond
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="SomeBundle">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint16" />
<validCond value="$Mem1 = 0" />
<validCond value="$Mem2 != 0" />
In case some other <bundle> have similar fields and the same extra validity conditions apply to the <bundle> field being defined, it is possible to copy the conditions using copyValidCondFrom property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="SomeBundle" validCond="$Mem1 != $Mem2">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint16" />
<bundle name="SomeOtherBundle" copyValidCondFrom="SomeBundle">
<int name="Mem3" type="uint32" />
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint16" />
Note that copyValidCondFrom is an action property, which causes the copy
of the original validity conditions. When such field is reused
in the future the original definition doesn’t really have property named copyValidCondFrom to be
copied, only the real validity condition(s). The SomeOtherBundle
definition above is equivalent to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="SomeOtherBundle" validCond="$Mem1 != $Mem2">
<int name="Mem3" type="uint32" />
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint16" />
Use properties table for future references.
<string> Field
This field stores and abstracts away value of a text string. The <string> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField" />
Such definition of the <string> does NOT have any limit on the length of the string, and will consume all the available bytes in the input buffer. Note, that the available bytes may be bound by the <size> layer of the <frame> or other means. It does NOT necessarily mean that all the bytes received from the I/O link will be consumed.
Default Value
The default value of the <string> field when constructed can be specified using defaultValue property. If not specified, defaults to empty string.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField" defaultValue="hello" />
Fixed Length
In case the string value needs to be serialized using predefined fixed length, use length property to specify the required value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField" length="16" />
Length Prefix
Many protocols prefix string with its length. The CommsDSL allows definition of such prefix using lengthPrefix child element, which must define prefix as <int> field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField">
<int name="LengthPrefix" type="uint8" />
In case the prefix field is defined as external field, CommsDSL allows usage of lengthPrefix as property, value of which contains name of the referenced field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="StringLengthPrefix" type="uint8" />
<string name="SomeStringField" lengthPrefix="StringLengthPrefix" />
The CommsDSL also supports detached length prefix, when there are several other fields in the <message> or in the <bundle> between the length field and the <string>.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name=SomeBundle">
<int name="StringLengthPrefixMember" type="uint8" />
<int name="SomeOtherFieldMember" type="uint8" />
<string name="SomeStringFieldMember" lengthPrefix="$StringLengthPrefixMember" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="StringLengthPrefix" type="uint8" />
<int name="SomeOtherField" type="uint8" />
<string name="SomeStringField" lengthPrefix="$StringLengthPrefix" />
NOTE, the existence of $ prefix when specifying lengthPrefix value. It indicates that the referenced field is a sibling in the containing <message> or the <bundle> field.
The code generator is expected to take the existence of such detached prefix into account and generate correct code for various field operations (read, write, etc…).
Zero Termination Suffix
Some protocols may terminate strings with 0 (zero) byte. The CommsDSL support such cases with existence of zeroTermSuffix property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField" zeroTermSuffix="true" />
NOTE, that length, lengthPrefix and zeroTermSuffix properties are mutually exclusive, i.e. cannot be used together.
Valid Values
Some protocols may specify a narrow range of possible valid string values that the field is expected to have. To specify such a valid value use validValue property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField" validValue="some_valid_value" />
It is possible to provide a list of multiple valid values using child nodes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField">
<validValue value="some_valid_value1" />
<validValue value="some_valid_value2" />
<validValue value="some_valid_value3" />
When using child nodes to specify the valid values, it is possible (but not necessary) to specify the versions of the protocol when the valid value was introduced and when it got deprecated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField">
<validValue value="some_valid_value1" sinceVersion="1" />
<validValue value="some_valid_value2" deprecated="5"/>
<validValue value="some_valid_value3" sinceVersion="3" deprecated="4" />
It is also possible to combine a single XML attribute with other child nodes:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField" validValue="some_valid_value1">
<validValue value="some_valid_value2" />
When the protocol specification demands haveing a specific string value, then it is possible to combine it with the failOnInvalid property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeStringField" validValue="some_required_value" failOnInvalid="true" />
Single Valid Value
Sometimes the <string> field has only one valid value and it must be initialized with it. The defaultValidValue property can be used as a replacement to the combination of defaultValue and validValue ones having to specify the same value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<string name="SomeStringField" defaultValidValue="some_value" failOnInvalid="true" ... />
<!-- Instead of:
<string name="SomeStringField" defaultValue="some_value" validValue="some_value" failOnInvalid="true" ... />
Use properties table for future references.
<data> Field
This field stores and abstracts away value of a raw bytes data. The <data> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField" />
Such definition of the <data> does NOT have any limit on the length of the data, and will consume all the available bytes in the input buffer. Note, that the available bytes may be bound by the <size> layer of the <frame> or other means. It does NOT necessarily mean that all the bytes received from the I/O link will be consumed.
Default Value
The default value of the <data> field when constructed can be specified using defaultValue property. The value of the property must be case-insestive string of hexadecimal values with even number of characters. The allowed ranges of the characters are: [`0' - `9'], and [`a' - `f']. The ' ' (space) character is also allowed for convenient separation of the bytes. If not specified, defaults to empty data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField" defaultValue="0123 45 67 89 ab cd eF" />
The example above is expected to create approprate raw data abstracting field, containing 8 bytes: [0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef] when default constructed.
Fixed Length
In case the data value needs to be serialized using predefined fixed length, use length property to specify the required value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField" length="16" />
Length Prefix
Many protocols prefix raw binary data with its length. The CommsDSL allows definition of such prefix using lengthPrefix child element, which must define prefix as <int> field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField">
<int name="LengthPrefix" type="uint16" />
In case the prefix field is defined as external field, CommsDSL allows usage of lengthPrefix as property, value of which contains name of the referenced field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="DataLengthPrefix" type="uint8" />
<data name="SomeDataField" lengthPrefix="DataLengthPrefix" />
The CommsDSL also supports detached length prefix, when there are several other fields in the <message> or in the <bundle> between the length field and the <data>.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name=SomeBundle">
<int name="DataLengthPrefixMember" type="uint16" />
<int name="SomeOtherFieldMember" type="uint16" />
<data name="SomeDataFieldMember" lengthPrefix="$DataLengthPrefixMember" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="DataLengthPrefix" type="uint16" />
<int name="SomeOtherField" type="uint16" />
<data name="SomeDataField" lengthPrefix="$DataLengthPrefix" />
NOTE, the existence of $ prefix when specifying lengthPrefix value. It indicates that the referenced field is a sibling in the containing <message> or the <bundle> field.
The code generator is expected to take the existence of such detached prefix into account and generate correct code for various field operations (read, write, etc…).
NOTE, that length and lengthPrefix properties are mutually exclusive, i.e. cannot be used together.
Valid Values
Some protocols may specify a narrow range of possible valid data values that the field is expected to have. To specify such a valid value use validValue property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField" validValue="01 02 03" />
It is possible to provide a list of multiple valid values using child nodes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField">
<validValue value="01 02 03" />
<validValue value="aa bb cc" />
<validValue value="12 34 56 78" />
When using child nodes to specify the valid values, it is possible (but not necessary) to specify the versions of the protocol when the valid value was introduced and when it got deprecated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField">
<validValue value="01 02 03" sinceVersion="1" />
<validValue value="aa bb cc" deprecated="5" />
<validValue value="12 34 56 78" sinceVersion="3" deprecated="4" />
It is also possible to combine a single XML attribute with other child nodes:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField" validValue="01 02 03">
<validValue value="aa bb cc" />
When the protocol specification demands haveing a specific data value, then it is possible to combine it with the failOnInvalid property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeDataField" validValue="01 02 03" failOnInvalid="true" />
Single Valid Value
Sometimes the <data> field has only one valid value and it must be initialized with it. The defaultValidValue property can be used as a replacement to the combination of defaultValue and validValue ones having to specify the same value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<data name="SomeDataField" defaultValidValue="01 02 03" failOnInvalid="true" ... />
<!-- Instead of:
<data name="SomeDataField" defaultValue="01 02 03" validValue="01 02 03" failOnInvalid="true" ... />
Use properties table for future references.
<list> Field
This field stores and abstracts away a list of other fields. The <list> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Element Field of the List
Every <list> must specify its element field. The element field can be defined as XML child of the <list> definition.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="SomeListField">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
If a list element contains multiple fields, they must be bundled as members of the <bundle> field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="SomeListField">
<bundle name="Element">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint32" />
<int name="Mem2" type="int16" />
<enum name="Mem3" type="uint16">
In case other properties of the <list> field are defined as child XML elements, then the element field definition needs to be wrapped by <element> XML child.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="SomeListField">
<displayName value="Some descriptive name" />
<bundle name="Element">
The CommsDSL also allows reference of externally defined field to be an element using element property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="ExternallyDefinedElement">
<list name="SomeListField" element="ExternallyDefinedElement" />
Fixed Count
If the defined list must contain predefined number of elements, use count property to provide the required information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="SomeListField" count="8">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
Count Prefix
Most protocols prefix the variable length lists with number of elements that are going to follow, use countPrefix child XML element to specify a field that is going to be used as such prefix.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="SomeListField">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
<int name="CountPrefix" type="uint16" />
In case the count prefix field is defined as external field, CommsDSL allows usage of countPrefix as property, value of which contains name of the referenced field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="ExternalCountPrefix" type="uint16" />
<list name="SomeListField" countPrefix="ExternalCountPrefix">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
The CommsDSL also supports detached count prefix, when there are several other fields in the <message> or in the <bundle> between the count field and the <list>.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name=SomeBundle">
<int name="DataCountPrefixMember" type="uint16" />
<int name="SomeOtherFieldMember" type="uint16" />
<list name="SomeDataFieldMember" countPrefix="$DataCountPrefixMember">
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="DataCountPrefix" type="uint16" />
<int name="SomeOtherField" type="uint16" />
<list name="SomeListField" countPrefix="$DataCountPrefix">
NOTE, the existence of $ prefix when specifying countPrefix value. It indicates that the referenced field is a sibling in the containing <message> or the <bundle> field.
The code generator is expected to take the existence of such detached prefix into account and generate correct code for various field operations (read, write, etc…).
Length Prefix
There are protocols that prefix a list with serialization length rather than number of elements. In this case use lengthPrefix instead of countPrefix. The allowed usage scenarios are exactly the same as described above in the Count Prefix section.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="List1">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
<int name="LengthPrefix" type="uint16" />
<int name="ExternalLengthPrefix" type="uint16" />
<list name="List2" lengthPrefix="ExternalLengthPrefix">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="DetachedLengthPrefix" type="uint16" />
<int name="SomeOtherField" type="uint16" />
<list name="List3" lengthPrefix="$DetachedLengthPrefix">
Termination Suffix
There are protocols that use special byte(s) to terminate a list instead of prefixing it with number of elements or serialization length. Specifying termination suffix field is supported using termSuffix property. Just like with countPrefix, and lengthPrefix, the termination suffix can be specified as a child XML node or referenced when defined externally.
The termination suffix is determined by the successful read attempt before attempting to read the list element. It means that the termination suffix field needs to fail its read operation if it’s not encountered. In most cases specifying valid value(s) in conjunction with the failOnInvalid property is sufficient.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="List1">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
<int name="TermSuffix" type="uint8" defaultValidValue="0" failOnInvalid="true" />
<int name="ExternalTermSuffix" type="uint8" validRange="[0, 1]" failOnInvalid="true" />
<list name="List2" termSuffix="ExternalTermSuffix">
<int name="Element" type="uint32" />
NOTE that count, countPrefix, lengthPrefix, and termSuffix properties are mutually exclusive, i.e. cannot be used together.
Element Length Prefix
Some protocols prefix every element with its serialization length for the forward / backward compatibility of the protocol. If there is such need, use elemLengthPrefix to specify a field that will prefix every element of the list.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="List1">
<bundle name="Element">
<int name="CountPrefix" type="uint16" />
<int name="ElemLengthPrefix" type="uint8" />
<int name="ExternalElemLengthPrefix" type="uint8" />
<list name="List2" count="16" elemLengthPrefix="ExternalElemLengthPrefix">
<bundle name="Element">
In case every list element has fixed length and protocol specification doesn’t allow adding extra variable length fields to the element in the future, some protocols prefix only first element in the list with its serialization length. CommsDSL supports such lists with elemFixedLength property, that has boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<list name="SomeListField" elemFixedLength="true" count="8">
<bundle name="Element">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint32" />
<int name="Mem2" type="uint32" />
<int name="ElemLengthPrefix" type="uint8" />
The code generator must report an error when element of such list (with elemFixedLength property set to true) has variable length.
Use properties table for future references.
<float> Field
This field stores and abstracts away value of floating poing type with IEEE 754 encoding. The <float> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Underlying Type
Every <float> field must provide its underlying storage type using type property. Available values are:
float - 4 byte floating point representation.
double - double precision 8 bytes floating point representation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="F1" type="float" />
<float name="F2" type="double" />
Special Values
Some protocol may set a special meaning for some values. Such values (if exist) must be listed as <special> child of the <float> XML element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double">
<special name="Special1" val="1.0" />
<special name="Special2" val="5.0" />
The code generator is expected to generate extra convenience functions that check whether field has special value as well as updating the stored value with special one.
Every <special> must define a valid name (using name property) as well as floating point value (using val property), that fits chosen underlying type. The <special>-s may be listed in any order, not necessarily sorted.
In addition to floating point numbers, the val property may also cantain the following case-insensitive strings.
nan - Represents NaN value.
inf - Represents positivie infinity.
-inf - Represents negative infinity.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double">
<special name="Invalid" val="nan" />
Every <special> has extra optional properties:
description - Extra description and documentation on how to use the value.
sinceVersion - Version of the protocol when the special name / meaning was introduced.
deprecated - Version of the protocol when the special name / meaning was deprecated.
displayName - Human readable name of the value.
All these extra properties are described in detail in Common Properties of Fields.
By default, non-unqiue special values (different name for the same value) are not allowed, the code generator must report an error if two different <special>-es use the same value of the val property. It is done as protection against copy-paste errors. However, CommsDSL allows usage of non-unique values in case nonUniqueSpecialsAllowed property has been set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloat" type="float" nonUniqueSpecialsAllowed="true">
<special name="S1" val="0.0" />
<special name="S2" val="0.0" />
Default Value
The default value of the <float> field when constructed can be specified using defaultValue property. If not specified, defaults to 0.0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" defaultValue="5.0" />
The default value can also be specified using the name of one of the <special>-s:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" defaultValue="Special2">
<special name="Special1" val="nan" />
<special name="Special2" val="-inf" />
Just like with special values, the value of the defaultValue property can also be either nan, inf or -inf.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" defaultValue="nan" />
The default serialization endian of the protocol is specified in endian property of the schema. It is possible to override the default endian value with extra endian property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" endian="little" />
Protocols quite often specify what units are being transfered. The CommsDSL provides units property to specify this information. The code generator may use this information to generate a functionality that allows retrieval of proper value for requested units, while doing all the conversion math internally. Such behavior will allow developers, that use generated protocol code, to focus on their business logic without getting into details on how value was transfered.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" units="mm" />
For list of supported units values, refer to appended units table.
Valid Values
Many protocols specify ranges of values the field is allowed to have and how client code is expected to behave on reception of invalid values. The code generator is expected to generate code that checks whether field’s value is valid. The CommsDSL provides multiple properties to help with such task.
One of such properties is validRange. The format of it’s value is "[min_value, max_value]".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" validRange="[-100.0, 100.0]" />
It is possible to have multiple valid ranges for the same field. However XML does NOT allow having multiple attributes with the same name. As the result it is required to put extra valid ranges as <validRange> children elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double">
<validRange value="[-100.0, 100.0]" />
<validRange value="[250.0, 444.56]" />
Another property is validValue, which adds single value (not range) to already defined valid ranges / values. Just like with validRange, multiple values need to be added as XML children elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" validRange="[-100, 100]" validValue="200.0">
<validValue value="nan" />
The validValue property allows adding special values (nan, inf, and -inf) to available valid values / ranges.
There are also validMin and validMax, which specify single
floating point value and are equivalent to having
validRange="[provided_min_value, max_value_allowed_by_type]"
validRange="[min_value_allowed_by_type, provided_max_value]"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" validMin="-20.0" />
<float name="SomeOtherFloatField" type="double" validMax="100.0" />
The specified valid ranges and values are allowed to intersect. The code generator may warn about such cases and/or unify them to limit number of if conditions in the generated code for better performance.
If none of the mentioned above validity related options has been used, the whole range of available values is considered to be valid, including extra values nan, inf, and -inf.
In case nan, inf, and -inf need to be excluded from a range of valid values, but all the available floating point values are considered to be valid, then validFullRange property with boolean value needs to be used.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" validFullRange="true" />
All the validity related properties mentioned in this section (validRange, validValue, validMin, validMax) may also add information about version they were introduced / deprecated in. Adding such information is possible only when the property is defined as XML child element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="float">
<validRange value="[0.0, 10.0]" />
<validValue value="25.0" sinceVersion="2" deprecated="5" />
<validRange value="[55.0, 80.0]" sinceVersion="7" />
The sinceVersion and deprecated properties are described in detail as Common Properties of Fields.
Version Based Validity
The code generator is expected to generate functionality checking that <float> field contains a valid value. By default if the field’s value is within any of the specified ranges / values, then the it is considered to be valid regardless of version the containing range was introduced and/or deprecated. However, it is possible to force code generator to generate validity check code that takes into account reported version of the protocol by using validCheckVersion property, which is set to true.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="float" validCheckVersion="true">
<validRange value="[0.0, 10.0]" />
<validValue value="25" sinceVersion="2" deprecated="5" />
<validRange value="[55, 80]" sinceVersion="7" />
Extra Display Properties
When displaying the floating point value, held by the <float> field, it may be required to specify amount of digits after decimal point need to be displayed. To provide this information, use displayDecimals property with numeric value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="float" displayDecimals="4" />
If value of displayDecimals is 0, then it is up to the displaying application to choose how many digits after decimal point to display.
Use properties table for future references.
<ref> Field
This field serves as reference (alias) to other fields. It can be used to avoid duplication of field definition for multiple messages.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ... version="10">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint8" defaultValue="Special2">
<displayName value="Some Int Field" />
<special name="Special1" val="0" />
<special name="Special2" val="0xff" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<ref field="SomeIntField" />
<message name="Msg2" id="2">
<ref field="SomeIntField" name="RenamedIntField" />
The <ref> field has all the common properties. It also copies name, displayName and semanticType properties from the referenced field and allows overriding them with new values. Note, that in the example above <ref> field defined as a member of Msg1 message hasn’t provided any name value. It is allowed because it has taken a name of the referenced field (SomeIntField).
Referencing the Field
The only extra property the <ref> field has is field to specify a reference to other field.
Length in Bits
Since v2 of this specification it is allowed to use <ref> field as member of the <bitfield> field while referencing one of the allowed member types. In such case it is required to use bitLength property to specify length in bits.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<enum name="SomeEnum" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V1" val="0" />
<validValue name="V2" val="1" />
<validValue name="V3" val="2" />
<bitfield name="SomeBitfield">
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" bitLength="3" />
<set name="SomeSetMember" bitLength="3">
<ref field="SomeEnum" bitLength="2" />
Use properties table for future references.
<optional> Field
This field wraps other fields and makes the wrapped field optional, i.e. the serialization of the latter may be skipped if it is marked as "missing". The <optional> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Inner (Wrapped) Field
Every <optional> must specify its inner field. The wrapped field can be defined as XML child of the <optional> definition.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<optional name="SomeOptionalField">
<int name="SomeOptionalField" type="uint32" />
In case other properties of the <optional> field are defined as child XML elements, then the element field definition needs to be wrapped by <field> XML child.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<optional name="SomeOptionalField">
<displayName value="Some descriptive name" />
<int name="SomeOptionalField" type="uint32" />
The CommsDSL also allows reference of externally defined field to be specified as inner (wrapped) field type using field property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeExternalField" type="uint32" />
<optional name="SomeOptionalField" field="SomeExternalField" />
Default Mode
Every <optional> field has 3 modes: tenative (default), exist, and missing. The exist and missing modes are self explanatory. The tentative mode is there to perform read operation on the inner field only if there are non-consumed bytes left in the input buffer. This mode can be useful with protocols that just add fields at the end of the message in the new version, but the protocol itself doesn’t report its version in any other way. When the read operation is complete, the mode of the field is expected to be changed automatically to either exist or missing depending on whether the relevant data was read or not.
The default mode of the newly constructed <optional> field can be specified using defaultMode property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<optional name="SomeOptionalField" defaultMode="missing">
<int name="SomeOptionalField" type="uint32" />
Existence Condition
Many protocols introduce optional fields, and the existence of such fields depends on the value of some other field. Classic example would be having some kind of flags field (see <set> ) where some bit specifies whether other field that follows exists or not. Such conditions can be expressed using cond property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<set name="Flags">
<bit name="Val1Exists" idx="0" />
<optional name="Val1" defaultMode="missing" cond="$Flags.Val1Exists">
<int name="ActVal1" type="uint32" />
NOTE, that cond property can be used only for <optional> field
that is a member of a <bundle> or a
<message> . The cond expression
specifies condition when the <optional> field exists, and is expected to
reference other sibling field. Such reference is always prefixed with $
to indicate that the field is a sibling of the <optional> and
not some external field.
The allowed cond expressions are:
$set_field_name.bit_name - The wrapped field exists if specified bit is set to true (1).
!$set_field_name.bit_name - The wrapped field exists if specified bit is set to false (0).
$field_name compare_op value - The wrapped field exists if comparison of the specified field with specified value is true. The compare_op can be: = (equality), != (inequality), < (less than), <= (less than or equal), > (greater than), >= (greater than or equal).
$field_name compare_op $other_field_name - The wrapped field exists if comparison of the specified fields is true.
NOTE, that XML doesn’t allow usage of <
or >
symbols in condition values directly. They need to be substituted with <
strings respectively.
For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint16" />
<int name="F2" type="uint16" />
<optional name="F3" defaultMode="exists" cond="$F1 < $F2">
<int name="WrappedF3" type="uint32" />
The F3
above exists, only if value of F1 is less than value of F2
Deep (nested) conditions are also expected to be supported by the code generator:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<bitfield name="F1">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="6"/>
<set name="Mem2" bitLength="2">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<optional name="F2" defaultMode="missing" cond="$F1.Mem2.B0">
<int name="WrappedF2" type="uint32" />
<optional name="F3" defaultMode="exists" cond="!$F1.Mem2.B1">
<int name="WrappedF3" type="uint32" />
When referencing the member of another <optional>
field in the existence condition,
a check that the wrapping <optional>
field exists in addition to the
actual specified condition is automatically implied.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<set name="F1">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<optional name="F2" defaultMode="missing" cond="$F1.B0">
<set name="WrappedF2">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<optional name="F3" defaultMode="exists" cond="!$F2.WrappedF2.B1">
<int name="WrappedF3" type="uint32" />
Since v6.0 of this specification referencing of the member fields of an <interface>
is also supported. Such reference is prefixed with the %
character and it works in exactly the same way
as the reference to a sibling field described above.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<int name="Mem1" type="uint8" bitLength="6"/>
<set name="Mem2" bitLength="2">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<optional name="F1" defaultMode="missing" cond="%Flags.Mem2.B0">
<int name="WrappedF1" type="uint32" />
<optional name="F2" defaultMode="exists" cond="!%Flags.Mem2.B1">
<int name="WrappedF2" type="uint32" />
WARNING: The CommsDSL specification supports multiple interfaces and doesn’t impose any restriction on how they are used in the end application. The schema parser is responsible to do a check that any (not all) of the previously encountered <interface>-es contains the referenced field. The code generator may also not impose many restrictions on such references. Usage of the wrong <interface> class with the missing referenced field in the end application may result in compilation errors.
Since v6.1 of this specification comparing the size of the collection type fields (
<data>, <string>, and <list>) is also supported. The size check condition is determined
by the usage of the #
character after the one indicating sibling ($
) or interface (%
) reference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<data name="F1">
<int name="Length" type="uint8" />
<optional name="F2" defaultMode="missing" cond="$#F1 != 0">
<int name="ActF1" type="uint32" />
In the example above the F2
field exists if F1
is not empty, i.e. its size is not 0
Also since v6.1 of this specification check whether the previously encountered <optional> field
exists is also supporting in another <optional> field condition. Such check is determined by the
usage of the ?
character after the one indicating sibling ($
) or interface (%
) reference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<set name="F1">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<optional name="F2" defaultMode="missing" cond="$F1.B0">
<set name="ActF2">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<optional name="F3" defaultMode="exists" cond="!$?F2">
<int name="ActF3" type="uint32" />
In the example above F3
exists when F2
is missing.
Multiple Existence Conditions
The CommsDSL also allows usage of multiple existence condition statements. However, they need to be wrapped by either <and> or <or> XML child elements, which represent "and" and "or" logical conditions respectively.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint16" />
<int name="F2" type="uint16" />
<optional name="F3" defaultMode="exists">
<int name="WrappedF3" type="uint32" />
<cond value="$F1 = 0" />
<cond value="$F1 = 1" />
<cond value="$F2 != 0" />
In the example the F3 field exists in one of the following conditions:
Value of F1 is 0.
Value of F1 is 1 and value of F2 is not 0.
Missing On Failed Read
Some protocols may require to skip the optional field (mark it as missing) in case its read operation fails, instead of failing the read operation of the whole message. Such functionality can be achieved using missingOnReadFail property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<optional name="Val1" defaultMode="tentative" missingOnReadFail="true">
<int name="ActVal1" type="uint8" validRange="[0, 10]" failOnInvalid="true" />
<int name="Val2" ... />
In the example above the ActVal1
uses failOnInvalid property to fail its read operation
in case the received value is not in range [0, 10]
. As the result the read operation of the
field also fails. It must be marked as "missing" and
the read operation of the message must continue with reading the value of Val2
from the same
place in the input buffer.
Missing On Invalid
Similar to missingOnReadFail, but with a bit of different flavour, the property missingOnInvalid insures that the <optional> field is marked as "missing" when the held field’s value is invalid (applicable to the refresh operation). In case of recognition of the invalid value during the read operation, the <optional> field must be marked as "missing" and reading of the following fields must continue from the place in the input buffer as if the read operation of the <optional> field didn’t take place.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<optional name="Val1" defaultMode="tentative" missingOnInvalid="true">
<int name="ActVal1" type="uint8" validRange="[0, 10]" />
<int name="Val2" ... />
Use properties table for future references.
<variant> Field
This field is basically a union of other fields. It can hold only one field at a time out of the provided list of supported fields. The <variant> field has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Member Fields
The <variant> field is there to support heterogeneous lists of fields. The classic example would be a list of key-value pairs, where numeric key defines what type of value follows. Similar to <bundle> field, member fields need to be listed as children XML elements of the <variant>.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="Key" type="uint8" failOnInvalid="true" fixedValue="true"/>
<variant name="Property">
<bundle name="Prop1">
<int reuse="Key" defaultValue="0" validValue="0" />
<int name="Value" type="uint32" />
<bundle name="Prop2">
<int reuse="Key" defaultValue="1" validValue="1" />
<string name="Value" length="16" />
<list name="PropertiesList" element="Property" />
The example above defines every key-value pair as <bundle> field, where first field (key) reuses external definition of Key field and adds its default construction value as well as what value considered to be valid.
NOTE that every key member sets failOnInvalid property to true. The code generator is expected to generate code that attempts read operation of every defined member field in the order of their definition. Once the read operation is successful, the right member has been found and the read operation needs to terminate. The in-order read is high level logic, the code generator is allowed to introduce optimizations as long as the outcome of detecting the right member is the same.
Also note that the fixedValue property is set to true to prevent the application from explicitly updating the Key field after the element is constructed.
If there is any other property defined as XML child of the <variant>, then all the members must be wrapped in <members> XML element for separation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<variant name="Property">
<displayName value="Proper Variant Name" />
<bundle name="Prop1">
Another quite popular example is to have a heterogeneous list of TLV (type / length / value) triplets.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="Type" type="uint8" failOnInvalid="true" fixedValue="true" />
<variant name="Property">
<bundle name="Prop1">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="0" validValue="0" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<int name="Value" type="uint32" />
<bundle name="Prop2">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="1" validValue="1" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<string name="Value" />
<list name="PropertiesList" element="Property" />
Please note assigning semanticType property to be length for the Length field in every bundle. It specifies that the field contains remaining length of all the subsequent fields in the <bundle> and allows the code generator to produce correct code.
Quite often the developers wonder why there is a need to use remaining length information for the fields, length of which is constant and known and compile time. It allows introducing more fields in future versions of the protocol while preserving forward / backward compatibility of the protocol. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="2">
<int name="Type" type="uint8" failOnInvalid="true" fixedValue="true" />
<variant name="Property">
<bundle name="Prop1">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="0" validValue="0" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<int name="Value" type="uint32" />
<int name="Value2" type="int16" sinceVersion="2"/>
<list name="PropertiesList" element="Property" />
The old version of the protocol code, that is not aware of extra field being added in the new version, will be able to skip over unknown data and read the next property from the correct location.
It also allows safe reception and handling of unexpected (or unknown) properties that could be introduced in the future versions of the protocol while still operating correctly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="Type" type="uint8" failOnInvalid="true" fixedValue="true" />
<variant name="Property">
<bundle name="UnknownProp">
<int reuse="Type" failOnInvalid="false" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<data name="Value" />
<list name="PropertiesList" element="Property" />
NOTE, that in the example above the UnknownProp is defined to be the last member field of the <variant> field and has non-failing read of its Type (failOnInvalid property has been set to false).
Reusing Other <variant>
Like any other field, <variant> supports reuse of any other <variant>. Such reuse copies all the fields from original <variant> in addition to all the properties. Any new defined member field gets appended to the copied ones.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="2">
<int name="Type" type="uint8" failOnInvalid="true" fixedValue="true" />
<variant name="Property">
<bundle name="Prop1">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="0" validValue="0" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<int name="Value" type="uint32" />
<bundle name="Prop2">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="1" validValue="1" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<int name="Value" type="uint64" />
<variant name="Property2" reuse="Property">
<bundle name="Prop3">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="0" validValue="0" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<string name="Value" />
In the example above Property2 has 3 member fields: Prop1, Prop2, and Prop3.
Replacing Member Fields
It is possible to replace some of the copied member fields after reuse using <replace> child node, which wraps the replacing fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<int name="Type" type="uint8" failOnInvalid="true" fixedValue="true" />
<variant name="Property">
<bundle name="Prop1">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="0" validValue="0" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<int name="Value" type="uint32" />
<bundle name="Prop2">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="1" validValue="1" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<int name="Value" type="uint64" />
<variant name="Property2" reuse="Property">
<bundle name="Prop2">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="1" validValue="1" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<enum name="Value" type="uint8">
<bundle name="Prop3">
<int reuse="Type" defaultValue="0" validValue="0" />
<int name="Length" type="uint16" semanticType="length" />
<string name="Value" />
The replacing field must have the same name as the reused member field it is replacing. The <replace> child node may have multiple member fields replacing the copied ones. The order of the fields inside the <replace> child node is not important, the order of the fields is determined by the original <variant> field, which was reused.
Default Member
When <variant> field is constructed, it should not hold any field and when serialized, it mustn’t produce any output. However, it is possible to specify default member to which the <variant> field should be initialized when constructed. To specify such member use defaultMember property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<variant name="Property" defaultMember="Prop1">
<bundle name="Prop1">
The defaultMember property may also specify index instead of the member name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<variant name="Property" defaultMember="0">
<bundle name="Prop1">
Negative number as value of defaultMember property will force the <variant> field not to have a default member.
Use properties table for future references.
Referencing Values of Other Fields
Quite often there is a need to reuse (or reference) some other values already defined and used for some other fields. The v1 of this specification allowed referencing the external <enum> validValue-s only, while v2 of this specification extends such functionality to other fields as well. In general, when the other field is referenced its defaultValue is taken, unless inner value is referenced, such as validValue of the <enum> field or special value of the <int> field.
Referencing Values Defined in <enum>-s
Any specified <validValue> can be referenced by other numeric fields (not only <enum>) when specifying numeric value of some property. To reference it, the <enum> name must be specified followed by a . (dot) and name of the chosen <validValue>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" defaultValue="Val2">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="10"/>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" defaultValue="SomeEnumField.Val2" />
In the example above the defaultValue of the SomeIntField will be 5.
When <enum> is referenced by its name, its defaultValue is taken.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" defaultValue="Val2">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="10"/>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" defaultValue="SomeEnumField.Val3">
<special name="S1" val="SomeEnumField" />
<special name="S2" val="SomeEnumField.Val1" />
In the example above the defaultValue of the SomeIntField is 10, the value of the S1 special is 5 (equals to defaultValue of SomeEnumField), and value of the S2 special is 0.
Floating point fields can also reference values defined in <enum> fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" defaultValue="Val2">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="10"/>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" defaultValue="SomeEnumField.Val1">
<special name="S1" val="SomeEnumField.Val2" />
Referencing Values Defined in <int>-s
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" defaultValue="10">
<special name="S1" val="0" />
<special name="S2" val="5" />
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8" defaultValue="SomeIntField.S1">
<validValue name="Val1" val="SomeIntField.S2" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="SomeIntField" />
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" defaultValue="SomeIntField.S2">
<special name="S1" val="SomeIntField" />
In the example above defaultValue of SomeEnumField is 0, validValue Val1 equals to 5, and validValue Val2 equals to 10.
Also the defaultValue of SomeFloatField is 5.0, while value of its S1 special is 10.0.
Referencing Values Defined in <set>-s
The defaultValue property of any element of the <set> field can also be referenced.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1" defaultValue="false">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" defaultValue="true" />
<bin name="B1" idx="1" />
<set name="SomeOtherSetField" length="1" defaultValue="SomeSetField" reservedValue="SomeSetField.B0">
<bit name="B5" idx="5" defaultValue="SomeSetField.B1" />
In the example above the defaultValue of SomeOtherSetField is false (same as defaultValue of SomeSetField), the reservedValue of SetOtherField is true (same as defaultValue of SomeSetField.B0), and the defaultValue of SomeOtherSetField.B5 is false (same as defaultValue of SomeSetField.B1).
Other numeric fields, such as <enum> , <int> , and <float> can also reference boolean values of <set> , which will result in numeric values been either 0 or 1.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<set name="SomeSetField" length="1" defaultValue="false">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" defaultValue="true" />
<bin name="B1" idx="1" />
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="float" defaultValue="SomeSetField.B0" />
The definition above will result in defaultValue of SomeFloatField to be 1.0.
Referencing Values Defined in <float>-s
Similar to <int> it is possible to reference <float> values used in defaultValue property and/or as <special> value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<float name="SomeFloatField" type="double" defaultValue="nan">
<special name="S1" val="inf" />
<float name="SomeOtherFloatField" type="double" defaultValue="SomeFloatField.S1">
<special name="S1" val="SomeFloatField" />
In the example above defaultValue of SomeOtherFloatField is inf, while value of SomeOtherFloatField.S1 special is nan.
Referencing Values Defined in <string>-s
When referencing values of <string> fields there is a need
to differentiate between a reference to external field and a genuine string
value. To do so the ^
prefix was introduced. If a property value, that
requires a string, starts with ^
it means external reference and error
must be reported if referenced field is not found.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeString" defaultValue="hello" />
<string name="SomeOtherString" defaultValue="^SomeString" />
In the example above the defaultValue of SomeOtherString field is hello.
If there is a need to define a genuine string value that starts with ^
then there is a need to escape it with \
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeOtherString" defaultValue="\^SomeString" />
In the example above the defaultValue of SomeOtherString field is ^SomeString.
The question may arise what if a genuine value string needs to start with \^
In this case just add additional \
at the front.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="SomeOtherString" defaultValue="\\^SomeString" />
In the example above the defaultValue of _SomeOtherString_s field is \^SomeString.
The bottom line: any prefix sequence of \
followed by the ^
result in drop of one \
in the final string value. In case there is any
other character used in the middle, the string value remains as is.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="String1" defaultValue="\\SomeString" />
<string name="String2" defaultValue="\.\^SomeString" />
In the example above the defaultValue of String1 field is
\\SomeString because there is no ^
character after \
the defaultValue of String2 field is \.\^SomeString because
the sequence of \
is interrupted by .
NOTE, that string referenced can be useful when <enum> field is used to specify numeric message IDs.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="Msg1Name" defaultValue="Message 1" />
<string name="Msg2Name" defaultValue="Message 2" />
<enum name="MsgId" type="uint8" semanticType="messageId">
<validValue name="Msg1" val="1" displayName="^Msg1Name" />
<validValue name="Msg2" val="2" displayName="^Msg2Name" />
<message name="Msg1" id="MsgId.Msg1" displayName="^Msg1Name">
<message name="Msg2" id="MsgId.Msg2" displayName="^Msg2Name">
In the example above the displayName property of a message is expected to be the same as displayName property of appropriate <validValue> of MsgId enum. Referencing common value insures that the change to the name (if happens) propagates to appropriate fields.
Referencing Values Defined in <data>-s
When referencing values of <data> fields there is also a need
to differentiate between a reference to external field and a genuine data
value. For example the string abcd
can be interpreted as valid field name
as well as valid hexadecimal bytes. As the result there is also a need
to use ^
prefix (just like with <string> values) to indicate
external reference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<data name="SomeData" defaultValue="12 34 56" />
<data name="SomeOtherData" defaultValue="^SomeData" />
The defaultValue of SomeOtherData will be 0x12 0x34 0x56
Referencing Values via <ref>-s
The <ref> field is there to create an alias to other field. The CommsDSL allows retrieving value for the <ref> field as if it was retrieved from the referenced field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeInt" type="uint8" defaultValue="1">
<special name="S1" val="5" />
<ref name="SomeRef" field="SomeInt" />
<int name="SomeOtherInt" type="uint18" defaultValue="SomeRef.S1" />
In the example above the defaultValue of SomeOtherInt is 5, same as the value of SomeInt.S1.
Referencing Values in Namespaces
In case referenced field resides in a namespace, add it to the reference string as well. The same referencing rules apply.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<ns name="ns1">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="10"/>
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" defaultValue="ns1.SomeEnumField.Val2" />
Referencing Values in <bitfield>-s or <bundle>-s
The CommsDSL also allows referencing values from member fields of a <bitfield> or a <bundle> .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<ns name="ns1">
<bundle name="SomeBundle">
<enum name="SomeEnumMember" type="uint8">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="10"/>
<int name="SomeIntMember" type="uint8" />
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" defaultValue="ns1.SomeBundle.SomeEnumField.Val2" />
In the example above the defaultValue of SomeIntField is 5.
Referencing Values in <optional>-s;
There are two forms of <optional> fields. One references external field, another defines it as a member.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeInt" type="uint8" defaultValue="1">
<special name="S1" val="5" />
<optional name="Opt1" field="SomeInt" />
<optional name="Opt2">
<int name="SomeOptInt" type="uint8" defaultValue="1">
<special name="S1" val="5" />
In case the <optional> field references external field it can NOT be used for value reference. The one that defines optional field internally as a child element, can.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<optional name="Opt2">
<int name="SomeOptInt" type="uint8" defaultValue="1">
<special name="S1" val="5" />
<int name="SomeOtherInt" type="int16" defaultValue="Opt2.SomeOptInt.S1" />
NOTE that there is a need to reference internal member field by name.
Referencing Values in Different Schemas
In case referenced field resides in a different schema
(<schema> node having different name property), prefix the reference string with the @
+ schema name.
The same referencing rules apply.
<!-- First file -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="Prot1">
<ns name="ns1">
<enum name="SomeEnumField" type="uint8">
<validValue name="Val1" val="0" />
<validValue name="Val2" val="5" />
<validValue name="Val3" val="10"/>
<!-- Second file -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="Prot2">
<int name="SomeIntField" type="uint32" defaultValue="@Prot1.ns1.SomeEnumField.Val2" />
Every message is defined using <message> XML element.
Message Name
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ...>
Numeric ID
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="0x1">
It is highly recommended to define "message ID" numeric values as external <enum> field and reuse its values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="MsgId" type="uint8" semanticType="messageId">
<validValue name="Msg1" val="0x1" />
<validValue name="Msg2" val="0x2" />
<message name="Msg1" id="MsgId.Msg1">
<message name="Msg2" id="MsgId.Msg2">
NOTE, that <enum> MsgId
is marked to contain numeric IDs of the
messages by having semanticType="messageId"
property assigned.
It is possible to provide a description of the message about what it is and how it is expected to be used. This description is only for documentation purposes and may find it’s way into the generated code as a comment for the generated class. The property is description.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
Some long
Display Name
When various analysis tools display message details, the preference is to display proper human readable and space separated name (which is defined using displayName property) rather than using a name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1" displayName="Message 1">
In case displayName is empty, the analysis tools are expected to use value of name property instead.
It is recommended to share the displayName with relevant <validValue> of <enum> that lists numeric IDs of the messages:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<string name="Msg1Name" defaultValue="Message 1" />
<string name="Msg2Name" defaultValue="Message 2" />
<enum name="MsgId" type="uint8" semanticType="messageId">
<validValue name="Msg1" val="1" displayName="^Msg1Name" />
<validValue name="Msg2" val="2" displayName="^Msg2Name" />
<message name="Msg1" id="MsgId.Msg1" displayName="^Msg1Name">
<message name="Msg2" id="MsgId.Msg2" displayName="^Msg2Name">
Every <message> has zero or more fields that can be specified as child XML elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<int name="SomeCommonField" type="uint16" defaultValue="10" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint8" />
<enum name="F2" type="uint8">
<ref field="SomeCommonField" name="F3" />
<string name="F4" length="8" />
If there is any other property defined as XML child of the <message>, then all the fields must be wrapped in <fields> XML element for separation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<displayName value="Message 1" />
<int name="F1" type="uint8" />
Sometimes different messages have the same fields. In order to avoid duplication, use copyFieldsFrom property to specify original message.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<message name="Msg2" id="2" copyFieldsFrom="Msg1" />
In the example above Msg2 will have the same fields as Msg1.
After copying fields from other message, all other defined fields will be appended to copied ones.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<message name="Msg2" id="2" copyFieldsFrom="Msg1">
<float name="F2" type="float" />
In the example above Msg2 will have 2 fields: F1 and F2.
Since version 4.0 of the CommsDSL, the copyFieldsFrom property allows copying fields from the global <bundle> field as well.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="B1">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<int name="F2" type="uint16" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1" copyFieldsFrom="B1">
<int name="F3" type="uint16" />
In the example above Msg1 will have 3 fields: F1, F2, and F3.
It is also possible to replace some of the fields after copying using <replace> child node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<int name="F2" type="uint8" />
<message name="Msg2" id="2" copyFieldsFrom="Msg1">
<enum name="F2" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V0" val="0" />
<validValue name="V1" val="1" />
The replacing field must have the same name as the copied member field it is replacing. The <replace> child node may have multiple member fields replacing the copied ones. The order of the fields inside the <replace> child node is not important, the order of the fields is determined by the original <message> or <bundle> field, member fields of which were copied.
It is possible to combine <replace>-ing copied fields and extending the <message> with new fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<int name="F2" type="uint8" />
<message name="Msg2" id="2" copyFieldsFrom="Msg1">
<enum name="F2" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V0" val="0" />
<validValue name="V1" val="1" />
<int name="F3" type="uint16" />
The example above is equivalent to defining Msg2
in the following way.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<message name="Msg2" id="2">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<enum name="F2" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V0" val="0" />
<validValue name="V1" val="1" />
<int name="F3" type="uint16" />
There are protocols that may define various forms of the same message, which share the same numeric ID, but are differentiated by a serialization length or value of some particular field inside the message. It can be convenient to define such variants as separate classes. In case there are multiple <message>-es with the same numeric ID, it is required to specify order in which they are expected to be processed (read). The ordering is specified using order property with unsigned numeric value. The message object with lower order value gets created and its read operation attempted before message object with higher value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" nonUniqueMsgIdAllowed="true">
<message name="Msg1Form1" id="1" order="0" >
<message name="Msg1Form2" id="1" order="1">
NOTE that there is a need to set nonUniqueMsgIdAllowed property of the schema to true to allow multiple message objects with the same numeric ID.
All the order values for the same numeric ID must be unique, but not necessarily sequential.
CommsDSL allows providing an information in what version the message was added to the protocol, as well as in what version it was deprecated, and whether it was removed (not supported any more) after deprecation.
To specify the version in which message was introduced, use sinceVersion property. To specify the version in which the message was deprecated, use deprecated property. To specify whether the message was removed after being deprecated use removed property in addition to deprecated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big" version="5" >
<message name="SomeMessage" id="100" sinceVersion="2" >
<message name="SomeOtherMessage" id="101" sinceVersion="3" deprecated="4" removed="true">
In the example above SomeMessage was introduced in version 2, and SomeOtherMessage was introduced in version 3, but deprecated and removed in version 4.
NOTE, that all the specified versions mustn’t be greater that the version of the schema. Also value of sinceVersion must be less than value of deprecated.
The code generator is expected to be able to generate support for specific versions and include / exclude support for some messages based on their version information.
Some protocols may be used in multiple independent platforms, while having some platform-specific messages. The CommsDSL allows listing of the supported platforms using <platform> XML nodes. Every message may list platforms in which it must be supported using platforms property. In case the property’s value is empty (default), the message is supported in all the available platforms (if any defined). The platforms property value is coma-separated list of platform names with preceding + if the listed platforms are the one supported, or - if the listed platforms need to be excluded from all available ones.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<platform name="Plat1" />
<platform name="Plat2" />
<platform name="Plat3" />
<platform name="Plat4" />
<message name="Msg1" id="1" platforms="+Plat1,Plat4">
<message name="Msg2" id="2" platforms="-Plat1, Plat2">
In the example above Msg1 is supported only for platforms Plat1 and Plat4, while Msg2 is NOT supported in Plat1, and Plat2 (i.e. supported in Plat3 and Plat4).
The main consideration for what format to choose should be whether the platforms support for the message should or should NOT be added automatically when new <platform> is defined.
In most protocols there are uni-directional messages. The CommsDSL allows definition of entity that sends a particular message using sender property. Available values are both (default), server, and client. The code generator may use provided information and generate some auxiliary code and/or data structures to be used for client and/or server implementation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1" sender="client">
<message name="Msg2" id="2" sender="server">
<message name="Msg3" id="2">
In the example above Msg1 and Msg2 are uni-directional messages, while Msg3 is bi-directional.
Message Length Validation
Many protocol specifications provide expected serialization length of the message. In order to prevent various typos or copy-paste errors, the CommsDSL provides an ability to validate the specified message length during the schema file parsing. To perform such a check use validateMinLength property with unsigned value. It can help to avoid some copy-paste or typo errors at the time of schema parsing rather than debugging generated incorrect code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" validateMinLength="6" ...>
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<int name="F2" type="uint16" />
The code generator is expected to allow some level of compile time customization of the generated code, such as enable/disable generation of particular virtual functions. The code generator is also expected to provide command line options to choose required level of customization. Sometimes it may be required to allow generated message class to be customizable regardless of the customization level requested from the code generator. CommsDSL provides customizable property with boolean value to force any message to being customizable at compile time.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1" validateMinLength="6">
<int name="F1" type="uint32" />
<int name="F2" type="int16" />
<optional name="F3" defaultMode="exist">
<int name="F3Field" type="uint8" />
Note, that <optional> field is always expected to have 0 minimal length regardless of its existence conditions.
Also note, that the value of validateMinLength is the expected serialization length of message fields without the fields of the <frame> .
Alias Names to Member Fields
Sometimes an existing member field may be renamed and/or moved. It is possible to create alias names for the fields to keep the old client code being able to compile and work. Please refer to Aliases chapter for more details.
Ensuring Overriding Code Injection
Similar to fields the default code generation for the <message> definition may be incomplete or incorrect. The code generator is expected to allow injection of the overriding code to allow replacing or extension of the default one.
The code generator is expected to produce the same operations / functionality as with fields (excluding value).
read - Reading all the message fields from the input buffer.
write - Writing all the message fields to the output buffer.
refresh - Bringing message fields to a consistent state. Note, that values of some member fields may depend on the values of other ones creating the situation where the whole state may be inconsistent / incorrect. Invoking the refresh operation is expected to update the values of member fields to bring the message contents into a consistent / correct state.
length - Returning the serialization length of the message fields.
valid - Returning whether values of all the message fields are valid.
name - Returning the name of the message.
The same overriding control properties can be apply to the <message>-s (readOverride, writeOverride, refreshOverride, lengthOverride, validOverride, and nameOverride) with the same values (any, replace, extend, none).
Copying Injected Code
In some cases different messages may have the same overriding or other extra code that needs to be injected. In order to minimize the copy-paste of the code, the CommsDSL introduces the copyCodeFrom property with a reference value indicating another message, overriding code of which needs to be applied to the message being defined.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" readOverride="replace" refreshOverride="replace">
<message name="Msg2" copyCodeFrom="Msg1">
Note, that copyCodeFrom property is applied before any xOverride ones described in previous section. It means that some portion of copied code can be cleared.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ... nameOverride="replace">
<message name="Msg2" copyCodeFrom="Msg1" nameOverride="none">
Extra Construction Requirements
In some cases the message object construction may require updating
fields in its <interface> . The
CommsDSL provides such an ability using the construct property.
The reference to the interface field is performed using the same syntax
as with the <optional> field’s existence conditions,
i.e. using %
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ... construct="%Flags.Bits.B0">
<message name="Msg2" ... construct="%Flags.Extra = 2">
In the example above Msg1
constructor must set Flags.Bits.B0
bit, while Msg2
constructor must assign 2
to the Flags.Extra
To perform multiple updates to the interface fields the <construct>
child node with its single <and>
child node must be used.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ...>
<construct value="%Flags.Bits.B0">
<construct value="!%Flags.Bits.B1">
<construct value="%Flags.Extra = 1">
The <construct>
nodes are very similar to the <cond>
ones used to describe multiple
existence conditions of the <optional>
field, but with some limitations:
Only bit sets and equality statements are supported.
nodes are supported.
WARNING: The CommsDSL specification supports multiple interfaces and doesn’t impose any restriction on how they are used in the end application. The schema parser is responsible to do a check that any (not all) of the previously encountered <interface>-es contains the referenced field. The code generator may also not impose many restrictions on such references. Usage of the wrong <interface> class with the missing referenced field in the end application may result in compilation errors.
It is possible to copy construction requirements from one message definition to another to avoid unnecessary duplication using copyConstructFrom property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ...>
<message name="Msg2" copyConstructFrom="Msg1" ...>
Extra Read Conditions
The read operation of every <message> means invoking the read operation for every one of its member fields. However, there may be cases when preliminary evaluation of the <interface> fields needs to be performed. To do so the readCond property referencing appropriate <interface> fields can be used. The syntax is the same as with the <optional> field’s existence conditions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ... readCond="!%Flags.Bits.B1">
<message name="Msg2" ...>
<readCond value="%Flags.Bits.B0">
<readCond value="!%Flags.Bits.B1">
<readCond value="%Flags.Extra = 1">
In case of multiple conditions the readCond needs to be specified
as the <readCond>
child node with a single <and>
or <or>
immediate child.
Nested <and>
and/or <or>
conditions are allowed in the same way as with the
<optional> field’s existence conditions.
The only difference is that the inner child nodes must be named readCond
instead of cond
Quite often the Extra Read Conditions (readCond) are the same as the Extra Construction Requirements (construct). To avoid unnecessary statements duplication there is constructAsReadCond property with boolean value to force copying construct value(s) to the readCond.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ... constructAsReadCond="true">
<construct value="%Flags.Bits.B0">
<construct value="!%Flags.Bits.B1">
<construct value="%Flags.Extra = 1">
It is equivalent to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ...>
<construct value="%Flags.Bits.B0">
<construct value="!%Flags.Bits.B1">
<construct value="%Flags.Extra = 1">
<readCond value="%Flags.Bits.B0">
<readCond value="!%Flags.Bits.B1">
<readCond value="%Flags.Extra = 1">
It is possible to copy read conditions from one message definition to another to avoid unnecessary duplication using copyReadCondFrom property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ...>
<message name="Msg2" copyReadCondFrom="Msg1" ...>
Extra Validity Conditions
The valid operation of every <message> means invoking the valid operation for every one of its member fields. However, the valid values of fields may be interdependent. There may be a need to introduce extra validity checks on the message contents. To do so the validCond property referencing appropriate <interface> fields and/or fields of the <message> itself can be used. The syntax is the same as with the <optional> field’s existence conditions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ... validCond="!%Flags.Bits.B1">
In case of multiple conditions the validCond needs to be specified
as the <validCond>
child node with a single <and>
or <or>
immediate child.
Nested <and>
and/or <or>
conditions are allowed in the same way as with the
<optional> field’s existence conditions.
The only difference is that the inner child nodes must be named validCond
instead of cond
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ... >
<int name="F1" type="uint8" />
<int name="F2" type="uint8" />
<validCond value="!%Flags.Bits.B1" />
<validCond value="$F1 = 0" />
<validCond value="$F2 != F1" />
Quite often the Extra Validity Conditions (validCond) are the same as the Extra Construction Requirements (construct). To avoid unnecessary statements duplication there is constructAsValidCond property with boolean value to force copying construct value(s) to the validCond, similar to the constructAsReadCond property described above.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface">
<bitfield name="Flags">
<set name="Bits" bitLength="4">
<bit name="B0" idx="0" />
<bit name="B1" idx="1" />
<int name="Extra" type="uint8" bitLength="4" />
<message name="Msg1" ... constructAsValidCond="true">
It is possible to copy validity conditions from one message definition to another to avoid unnecessary duplication using copyValidCondFrom property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ...>
<message name="Msg2" copyValidCondFrom="Msg1" ...>
Failing Read on Invalid Contents
In the previous section it was shown that the <message>
can have extra conditions for its payload to be valid. Sometimes these extra conditions are
required to be taken into account during the read operation and the latter should
fail in case the message contents are invalid. To support such case the
failOnInvalid property with boolean value should be used
(the same way as with fields).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ... failOnInvalid="true">
<int name="F1" type="uint8" />
<int name="F2" type="uint8" />
<validCond value="$F1 = 0" />
<validCond value="$F2 != F1" />
The failOnInvalid property for the <message>
can also be used to fail the read operation in
case any of the member fields has an invalid value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ... failOnInvalid="true">
<int name="F1" type="uint8" validRange="[0, 10]" />
Reusing Other Messages
Sometimes two different messages are very similar but differ in one or two particular aspects. It is possible to reuse the other message definition using reuse property (similar to fields), especially when things like construction requirements, read conditions, and validity conditions need to be copied.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" ...>
<message name="Msg2" reuse="Msg1" ...>
<!-- Added fields -->
Similar to using the copyFieldsFrom property any new fields defined are added to ones copied from the reuse-d message.
In case of reusing other message definition, only the message definition properties are copied. The extra code that the original message might inject is NOT included in such copy by default. The copying of injected code must be specified explicitly using copyCodeFrom property described above, or to avoid repetition of the reference string, another reuseCode property with boolean value can be used in addition to reuse one.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg2" reuse="Msg1" reuseCode="true" ...>
Note that some message definition properties mentioned earlier (such as copyFieldsFrom, copyConstructFrom, copyReadCondFrom, etc…) are action ones. They force copy of elements from one message to another and disappear when it comes to reuse of the message definition that uses them.
Use properties table for future references.
There are protocols that attach some extra information, such as version and/or extra flags, to the message transport framing. This extra information usually influences how message fields are deserialized and/or how message object is handled. It means that these received extra values need to be attached to every message object. The CommsDSL allows specification of such extra information as <interface> XML element with extra fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="CommonInterface">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<set name="Flags" length="1">
The code generator may use provided information to generate common interface class(es) for all the messages. Such class will serve as base class of every message object and will contain required extra information.
NOTE that specified fields, are NOT part of every message’s payload. These fields are there to hold extra values delivered as part of message framing.
Interface Name
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="CommonInterface">
It is possible to provide a description of the interface about what it is and how it is expected to be used. This description is only for documentation purposes and may find it’s way into the generated code as a comment for the generated class. The property is description.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="CommonInterface">
Some long
More About Fields
Similar to <message> every <interface> has zero or more fields that can be specified as child XML elements. If there is any other property defined as XML child of the <interface>, then all the fields must be wrapped in <fields> XML element for separation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" endian="big">
<name value="CommonInterface" />
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
Sometimes different interfaces have common set of fields. In order to avoid duplication, use copyFieldsFrom property to specify original interface and then add extra fields when needed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface1">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<interface name="Interface2" copyFieldsFrom="Interface1">
<set name="Flags" length="1">
In the example above Interface2 will have 2 fields: "Version" and "Flags".
Since version 4.0 of the CommsDSL the copyFieldsFrom property allows copying fields from the global <bundle> field as well.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="B1">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<set name="Flags" length="1">
<interface name="Interface1" copyFieldsFrom="B1" />
If the protocol doesn’t have any extra values delivered in message framing, then the whole definition of the <interface> XML element can be omitted. If no <interface> node has been added to the protocol schema, then the code generator must treat schema as if the schema has implicit definition of the single <interface> with no fields. It is up to the code generator to choose name for the common interface class it creates.
NOTE usage of semanticType="version" for the field holding protocol version in the examples above. It is required to be used for proper protocol versioning. The value of the field having "version" value as semanticType property, will be considered for fields that, were introduced and/or deprecated at some stage, i.e. use sinceVersion and/or derecated + removed properties.
Alias Names to Fields
Sometimes a contained field may be renamed and/or moved. It is possible to create alias names for the fields to keep the old client code being able to compile and work. Please refer to Aliases chapter for more details.
Reusing Other Interfaces
Sometimes two different interfaces are very similar but differ in one or two particular aspects. It is possible to reuse the other interface definition using reuse property (similar to fields and messages).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface1" ...>
<interface name="Interface2" reuse="Interface1" ...>
<!-- Added fields -->
Similar to using the copyFieldsFrom property any new fields defined are added to ones copied from the reuse-d interface.
In case of reusing other interface definition, only the interface definition properties are copied. The extra code that the original interface might inject is NOT included in such copy by default. To include injected code use reuseCode property with boolean value can be used in addition to reuse one.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<interface name="Interface2" reuse="Interface1" reuseCode="true" ...>
Use properties table for future references.
It is not uncommon for a particular field to change its meaning and as the result to change its name over time when the protocol evolves. Simple change of the name in the schema may result in various compilation errors of old client code when new version of the protocol definition library is released. To help with such case the CommsDSL introduces an ability to create alias names for the existing fields.
For example let’s assume there is some message definition like the one below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="0x1">
<int name="SomeField" type="uint32" />
In case there is a need to rename the SomeField name to be SomeOtherField, then the message definition can add an <alias> with the old name to the renamed field in order to keep the old client code compiling.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="0x1">
<int name="SomeOtherField" type="uint32" />
<alias name="SomeField" field="$SomeOtherField" />
In such case the code generator must allow access of the renamed field by both old and new names.
Note that the message fields must be bundled in <fields> XML element in order to allow usage of non-field definition <alias> XML child of the <message> node.
Also note that value of the field property of the <alias> element
must start with $
character to indicate that the referenced field is a sibling
one, similar to <optional> field conditions.
Quite often, in order to keep protocol backward compatible, developers convert existing numeric field into a <bitfield> when need arises to add some extra field to the message. For example, let’s assume there was an enum field with limited number of valid values:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="0x1">
<enum name="SomeEnum" type="uint8">
<validValue name="V1" val="0" />
<validValue name="V2" val="1" />
<validValue name="V3" val="2" />
When need arises to introduce new value the developer may decide to save I/O
traffic reuse the same byte occupied by the SomeEnum
field, like below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="0x1">
<bitfield name="F1">
<enum name="SomeEnum" type="uint8" bitLength="2">
<validValue name="V1" val="0" />
<validValue name="V2" val="1" />
<validValue name="V3" val="2" />
<int name="SomeInt" type="uint8" bitLength="6" />
In order to keep old client code compiling it is possible to introduce
alias to the SomeEnum
member of the <bitfield>
like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="0x1">
<bitfield name="F1">
<enum name="SomeEnum" type="uint8" bitLength="2">
<int name="SomeInt" type="uint8" bitLength="6" />
<alias name="SomeEnum" field="$F1.SomeEnum" />
There can be any number of different <alias> nodes. The elements that are allowed to have <alias>-es are <message> , <interface> , and <bundle> .
The <alias> node may also have description property which is expected to find its way into the generated code as a comment for the relevant access functions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<alias name="SomeField" field="SomeOtherField">
Some long
Reusing Definition
By default when the original definition is reused its aliases are also copied. It is possible to modify this default behavior by using reuseAliases property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<bundle name="B1">
<alias .../>
<alias .../>
<bundle name="B2" reuse="B1" reuseAliases="false">
Copying Fields
When a new <message> or <interface> is defined, it can copy all the fields from other already defined <message> , <interface> , or <bundle> (using copyFieldsFrom property). By default all the <alias> definitions are also copied. It is possible to modify this default behavior by using copyFieldsAliases property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<message name="Msg1" id="1">
<message name="Msg2" id="2" copyFieldsAliases="false">
Use properties table for future references.
Every communication protocol must ensure that the message is successfully delivered over the I/O link to the other side. The serialised message payload must be wrapped in some kind of transport information prior to being sent and unwrapped on the other side when received. The CommsDSL allows specification of such transport wraping using <frame> XML node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame ...>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
It is possible to provide a description of the frame about what it is and how it is expected to be used. This description is only for documentation purposes and may find it’s way into the generated code as a comment for the generated class. The property is description.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
Some long
The protocol framing is defined using so called "layers", which are additional abstraction on top of fields, where every such layer has a specific purpose. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="MsgId" type="uint8" semanticType="messageId">
<validValue name="Msg1" val="0x1" />
<validValue name="Msg2" val="0x2" />
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<id name="Id" field="MsgId" />
<payload name="Data" />
The example above defines simple protocol framing where 1 byte of numeric message ID precedes the message payload.
ID (1 byte) | PAYLOAD
Available layers are:
<payload> - Message payload.
<id> - Numeric message ID.
<size> - Remaining size (length).
<sync> - Synchronization bytes.
<checksum> - Checksum.
<value> - Extra value, usually to be assigned to one of the <interface> fields.
<custom> - Any other custom layer, not defined by CommsDSL.
If there is any other property defined as XML child of the <frame>, then all the layers must be wrapped in <layers> XML element for separation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<name value="ProtocolFrame" />
<id name="Id" field="MsgId" />
<payload name="Data" />
All these layers have common as well as their own specific set of properties.
Use properties table for future references.
Common Properties of Layers
Every layer is different, and defines its own properties and/or other aspects. However, there are common properties, that are applicable to every layer. They are summarized below.
Every layer must define it’s name, which is expected to be used by a code generator when defining a relevant class. The name is defined using name property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<id name="Id" ... />
<payload name="Data" />
It is possible to provide a description of the layer about what it is and how it is expected to be used. This description is only for documentation purposes and may find it’s way into the generated code as a comment for the generated class. The property is description.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<id name="Id" ...>
Some long
<payload name="Data" />
Inner Field
Every layer, except for <payload> , needs to specify its inner field it wraps. The field can be specified as XML child element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
If there is any other property defined as XML child of the layer, then the inner field must be wrapped in <field> XML element for separation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<name value="Id" />
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
If the inner field is defined globally in <fields> section, it can be referenced using field property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<enum name="MsgId" type="uint8" semanticType="messageId">
<validValue name="Msg1" val="0x1" />
<validValue name="Msg2" val="0x2" />
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<id name="Id" field="MsgId" />
<payload name="Data" />
Use properties table for future references.
<payload> Layer
The <payload> layer represents message payload. It is the only must-have layer in the frame definition. It doesn’t have any extra properties in addition to common ones.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<payload name="Data">
<id> Layer
The <id> layer represents numeric message ID. The frame definition must NOT contain more than one <id> layer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
The <id> layer doesn’t have any extra properties in addition to common ones.
<size> Layer
The <size> layer represents remaining serialization length of the frame until the end of <payload> . The frame definition must NOT contain more than one <size> layer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<int name="SizeField" type="uint16" />
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
Some protocols may specify that the field of the <size> layer contains its own length as well. The CommsDSL allows implementation of such case by adding usage of serOffset property to the field of the <size> layer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<int name="SizeField" type="uint16" serOffset="2" displayOffset="2"/>
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
The example below implements ID (2 bytes) | SIZE (2 bytes) | PAYLOAD
where SIZE
value includes length of the header (ID
) in addition to
the length of PAYLOAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint16" />
<size name="Size">
<int name="SizeField" type="uint16" serOffset="4" displayOffset="4"/>
<payload name="Data" />
Also NOTE that <size> layer specifies number of remaining bytes until the end of <payload> layer. There are protocols that append some kind of <checksum> after the payload. In order to include them in the value of the <size> layer, also use serOffset property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<int name="SizeField" type="uint16" serOffset="2" displayOffset="2"/>
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
<checksum ...>
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
The <size> layer doesn’t have any extra properties in addition to common ones.
<sync> Layer
The <sync> layer represents synchronization bytes, usually (but not always) present at the beginning of the frame.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<sync name="Sync">
<int name="SyncField" type="uint16" defaultValue="0xabcd">
<validValue value="0xabcd" />
<failOnInvalid value="true" />
<size name="Size">
<int name="SizeField" type="uint16" />
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
The example below implements SYNC (2 bytes) | ID (2 bytes) | SIZE (2 bytes) | PAYLOAD
where SYNC
must be 0xab 0xcd
bytes. Note, that read of the SyncField
fail in case its read value is not 0xabcd
The <sync> layer doesn’t have any extra properties in addition to common ones.
<checksum> Layer
The <checksum> layer represents checksum bytes, usually (but not always) present at the end of the frame.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<sync name="Sync">
<size name="Size">
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
<checksum name="Checksum" ...>
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
The <checksum> layer has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Checksum Algorithm
The checksum calculation algorithm must be specified using alg property. Supported values are:
sum - Sum of all the bytes.
xor - Exclusive OR (XOR) of all the bytes.
crc-ccitt (aliases: crc_ccitt) - CRC-16-CCITT where polynomial is
, initial value is0xffff
, final XOR value is0
, and no reflection of bytes. -
crc-16 (aliases: crc_16) - CRC-16-IBM, where polynomial is
, initial value is0
, final XOR value is0
, reflection is performed on every byte as well as final value. -
crc-32 (aliases: crc_32) - CRC-32, where polynomial is
, initial value is0xffffffff
, final XOR value is0xffffffff
, reflection is performed on every byte as well as final value. -
custom - Custom algorithm, code for which needs to be provided to the code generator, so it can copy it to the generated code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<payload name="Data" />
<checksum name="Checksum" alg="crc-16" ...>
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
When custom algorithm is selected, its name must be provided using algName property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<payload name="Data" />
<checksum name="Checksum" alg="custom" algName="MyCustomChecksumCalc" ...>
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
The provided name of the custom algorithm can be used by the code generator to locate the required external implementation file and use appropriate class / function name when the calculation functionality needs to be invoked.
Calculation Area
The checksum layer definition must also specify the layers, data of which is used to calculate the checksum. It is done using from property that is expected to specify name of the layer where checksum calculation starts.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<sync name="Sync">
<size name="Size">
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
<checksum name="Checksum" alg="crc-16" from="Size">
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
The example above defines SYNC | SIZE | ID | PAYLOAD | CHECKSUM
frame where
the checksum is calculated on SIZE
+ ID
Some protocols may put checksum value as prefix to the area on which the checksum needs to be calculated. In this case use until property (instead of from) to specify layers for checksum calculation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<sync name="Sync">
<size name="Size">
<id name="Id">
<checksum name="Checksum" alg="crc-16" until="Data">
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
<payload name="Data" />
Checksum Verification Order
The default behavior of the <checksum> layer is to perform calculation after all relevant layers and their fields have been successfully read and processed. However, it is possible to force the checksum verification right away (without reading fields of other layers and/or message payload). It is usually possible to do when value of the <size> field is already processed, so the right location of checksum value is known, and it is not included in checksum calculation. To force immediate checksum verification use verifyBeforeRead property with boolean value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<sync name="Sync">
<size name="Size">
<id name="Id">
<checksum name="Checksum" alg="crc-16" until="Data" verifyBeforeRead="true">
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
<payload name="Data" />
WARNING: Incorrect use of verifyBeforeRead property can be dangerous especially for the cases when the <checksum> follows <payload>. The order of framing layers processing is NOT pre-determined, it’s up to the code generator to choose. In cases when <checksum> covers the <size> in its checksum calculation area and the verifyBeforeRead property value is set to true, the checksum calculation happens right away assuming that the checksum value is located at the end of the input buffer rather than bound by the value of the <size> layer field.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<sync name="Sync">
<size name="Size">
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
<!-- Incorrect and dangerous -->
<checksum name="Checksum" alg="crc-16" from="Size" verifyBeforeRead="true">
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
Such assumption is obviously incorrect when stream communication I/O link is used (like RS-232 or TCP/IP) and multiple as well as partial messages can reside in the input buffer at the same time. However, in cases like datagram communication I/O link (like UDP/IP) when the messages are received in full and processed one by one, the assumption of having checksum value location at the end of the input buffer may be correct.
The bottom line, set the verifyBeforeRead property value only when you know what you’re doing. It’s an optimization feature in vast majority of cases. Make the code work correctly without it first and only add it to improve runtime performance.
Use properties table for future references.
<value> Layer
The <value> layer represents extra values (such as protocol version and/or extra flags), that are applicable to all the messages, but delivered as part of transport framing instead of message payload.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<value name="Version" ...>
<int name="VersionField" type="uint8" />
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
The <value> layer has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
In most cases the received value must be reassigned to appropriate field of the <interface> . To specify the supported interfaces use interfaces property. The value of the property is comma separated list of reference names of the supported interfaces.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<interface name="Interface1">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<interface name="Interface2">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<set name="Flags" length="1">
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<value name="Version" interfaces="Interface1, Interface2" ...>
<int name="VersionField" type="uint8" />
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
In case the whole protocol schema contains no more than one <interface> definition, then the usage of the interfaces property is not necessary.
In addition to specifying the interfaces themselves, there is a need to specify the field name in the interface(s), that will hold the processed value, using interfaceFieldName property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<interface name="Interface1">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<interface name="Interface2">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<set name="Flags" length="1">
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<value name="Version" interfaces="Interface1, Interface2">
<interfaceFieldName value="Version" />
<int name="VersionField" type="uint8" />
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
NOTE, that all the interfaces listed in the interfaces property value must have a field with the name specified as the interfaceFieldName value. Also the specified field’s index (among other available fields of the <interface>) must be the same for all the listed interfaces.
Pseudo Value Layer
There are protocols that don’t report protocol version in their transport framing. Instead, they use some special "connection" message that report protocol version. As the result, all subsequent messages must adhere to the reported version. The CommsDSL resolves this problem by defining pseudo <value> layer using pseudo property with boolean value. The field of the pseudo <value> layer does not get serialized. However, the code generator must allow external assignment of the required value to the private data members of the <value> layer’s class.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<interface name="Interface1">
<int name="Version" type="uint8" semanticType="version" />
<message name="Connect" id="1">
<int name="ProtocolVersion" type="uint8" />
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<id name="Id">
<value name="Version" interfaces="Interface1" pseudo="true">
<interfaceFieldName value="Version" />
<int name="VersionField" type="uint8" />
<payload name="Data" />
The location of the pseudo <value> layer within the <frame> is not important. It is recommended to define it right before the <payload> layer.
As part of processing Connect message in the example above, the client code is expected to retrieve the value of the ProtocolVersion field and report it to the pseudo <value> layer within the processing frame. For all the subsequent messages, the pseudo <value> layer is responsible to assign appropriate value (version in the example above) to the newly created message object before message payload gets read. This is because such values may have an influence on how the read operation is executed (existence of some fields may depend on the assigned value).
Use properties table for future references.
<custom> Layer
The <custom> layer represent any other protocol specific layer, functionality of which cannot be implemented using other provided layers. The code generator must allow injection of the externally implemented code of the layer functionality when generating code relevant to the transport framing.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<custom name="SomeCustomLayer">
<int name="SomeField" type="uint8" />
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
The <value> layer has all the common properties as well as extra properties and elements described below.
Semantic Layer Type
In most cases the <custom> layer is used to replace one of the layers specified earlier, default implementation / definition of which doesn’t provide the necessary functionality. To provide the code generator with the purpose of the <custom> layer use semanticLayerType property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<custom name="IdAndFlags" semanticLayerType="id">
<bitfield name="IdAndFlagsField">
<int name="Id" type="uint16" bitLength="12" />
<set name="Flags" bitLength="4">
<payload name="Data" />
The value of the semanticLayerType property is one of the supported layers covered in this chapter: payload, id, size, sync, checksum, value, and custom (default).
Such meta-information may help with the correct code generation and reduce amount of custom code injection (or eliminate it altogether).
Replacing <checksum> Layer
The <checksum> layer requires specification of the
area on which the checksum is calculated.
It is performed using from or until properties. When <custom>
layer replaces <checksum> (by using semanticLayerType="checksum"
such area is specified using checksumFrom or checksumUntil properties.
<schema endian="big" ...>
<frame name="ProtocolFrame">
<size name="Size">
<id name="Id">
<payload name="Data" />
<custom name="Checksum" semanticLayerType="checksum" checksumFrom="Size">
<int name="ChecksumField" type="uint16" />
Use properties table for future references.
Protocol Versioning Summary
This chapter summarizes all version related aspects of the protocol definition.
Version of the Schema
The protocol definition <schema> has the version property, that specifies numeric version of the protocol.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" version="5">
Version in the Interface
If protocol reports its version via transport framing or via some special "connection" message, and the protocol version must influence how some messages are deserialized / handled, then there is a need for <interface> definition, which must contain version field, marked as such using semanticType="version" property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" version="5">
<interface name="Interface">
<int field="SomeName" type="uint16" semanticType="version" />
Version in the Frame
In addition to the <interface> containing version information, the transport <frame> is also expected to contain <value> layer, which will reassign the received version information to the message object (via <interface> ).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" version="5">
<interface name="Interface">
<int field="SomeName" type="uint16" semanticType="version" />
<frame name="Frame">
<size name="Size">
<int name="SizeField" type="uint16" serOffset="2"/>
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<value name="Version" interfaces="Interface" interfaceFieldName="SomeName">
<int name="VersionField" type="uint16" />
<payload name="Data" />
Even if the protocol version is communicated in one of the messages and the real framing doesn’t really contain any version information, it still should be defined with similar <value> layer, but marked as pseudo.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema name="MyProtocol" version="5">
<interface name="Interface">
<int field="SomeName" type="uint16" semanticType="version" />
<frame name="Frame">
<size name="Size">
<int name="SizeField" type="uint16" serOffset="2"/>
<id name="Id">
<int name="IdField" type="uint8" />
<value name="Version" interfaces="Interface" interfaceFieldName="SomeName" pseudo="true">
<int name="VersionField" type="uint16" />
<payload name="Data" />
The generated code is expected to allow external assignment of the protocol version information (once it’s known) to inner data structures of appropriate <value> framing layer, which in turn is responsible to re-assign the relevant version information to every subsequent message object when it’s created, but before the message payload being read.
Version of the Fields and Messages
Every message and field support the following properties, wich can be used to supply version related information.
sinceVersion - Version when the message / field has been introduced.
deprecated - Version when the message / field has been deprecated.
removed - Indication that deprecated message / field must be removed from serialization and code generation.
Version Dependency of the Code
The generated code is expected to be version dependent (i.e. presence of some
messages / fields is determined by the reported version value), if at least one
of the defined <interface> -es contains
version field (marked by semanticType="version"
If none of the interfaces has such field, then the generated code cannot be version dependent and all the version related properties become for documentation purposes only and cannot influence the presence of the messages / fields. In such cases the code generator is expected to receive required protocol version in its command line parameters and generate code for requested protocol version.
Compatibility Recommendation
In case CommsDSL is used to define new protocol developed from scratch and backward / forward compatibility of the protocol is a desired feature, then there are few simple rules below, following of which can insure such compatibility.
Use <size> layer in the transport framing to report remaining length of the message.
Use <value> layer to report protocol version in the transport framing or define special "connect" message that is sent to establish connection and report protocol version (mark the <value> layer to be pseudo).
Always add new fields at the end of the <message> . Don’t forget to specify their version using sinceVersion property.
Don’t remove deprecated fields.
Add element serialization length report before every element of the <list> field (using elemLengthPrefix property).
In case elemFixedLength property is assigned for the <list> (to avoid redundant report of the same element length before every element), never add variable length fields to the element of the list.
This chapter contains list of properties for all the elements described earlier in this document for a quick reference.
Reference Prefix
Lists available prefixes allowing distinction of different references.
Prefix Character | DSL Version | Description |
1 |
Regular reference to a field within the same schema. |
1 |
Reference to a sibling or a member field. |
2 |
Reference to a field when it’s not possible to distinguish between value and reference. |
5 |
Reference to a field in a different schema. |
6 |
Reference to a field in an <interface> . |
Properties of <schema>
Refer to Schema chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the protocol. |
dslVersion |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the used DSL. |
endian |
"big" or "little" |
1 |
no |
little |
Endian of the protocol. |
name |
string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the protocol. Allowed to have spaces. |
nonUniqueMsgIdAllowed |
1 |
no |
false |
Allow non-unique numeric message IDs. |
version |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the protocol. |
Common Properties of Fields
Refer to Common Properties of Fields chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
copyCodeFrom |
reference string |
5 |
no |
Specify field, overriding or other extra code of which needs to be copied. |
customizable |
1 |
no |
false |
Mark the field to allow compile time customization regardless of code generator’s level of customization. |
deprecated |
1 |
no |
max unsigned |
Version of the protocol in which field was deprecated. |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the field. |
displayName |
string |
1 |
no |
Name of the field to display. If empty, the code generator must use value of property name instead. In order to force empty name to display, use "_" (underscore). |
failOnInvalid |
1 |
no |
false |
Fail read operation if read value is invalid. |
fixedValue |
7 |
no |
false |
Remove an ability to update field’s value after the object construction. |
forceGen |
3 |
no |
false |
Force generation of field’s code regardless of it’s being referenced or not. |
lengthOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for length retrieval. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the field. |
nameOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for name retrieval. |
pseudo |
1 |
no |
false |
In case of true, don’t serialize/deserialize this field. |
readOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for read operation. |
refreshOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for refresh operation. |
removed |
1 |
no |
false |
Indicates whether deprecated field has been removed from being serialized. |
reuse |
reference string |
1 |
no |
Field, definition of which to copy. |
reuseCode |
5 |
no |
false |
In case of reuse apply copyCodeFrom with the same reference string. |
semanticType |
"none", "messageId", "version", "length" |
1 |
no |
none |
Specify semantic type of the field. It allows code generator to generate special code for special cases. Value "length" was introduced in v2 of this specification. |
sinceVersion |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the protocol in which field was introduced. |
validateMinLength |
7 |
no |
Specify expected minimal serialization length of the field. |
validOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for valid retrieval. |
valueOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for value operation. |
writeOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for write operation. |
Properties of <enum> Field
The <enum> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <enum> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
availableLengthLimit |
4 |
no |
false |
Allow having less bytes in the buffer than required by the type when performing (de)serialization. |
bitLength |
1 |
no |
length of type in bits |
Serialization length in bits, applicable only to a member of <bitfield> . |
defaultValue |
1 |
no |
0 |
Default value. Must fit the underlying type. |
endian |
"big" or "little" |
1 |
no |
endian of schema |
Endian of the field. |
hexAssign |
1 |
no |
false |
Force generated code to assign enum values using hexadecimal numbers. |
length |
1 |
no |
length of type |
Forced serialization length. |
nonUniqueAllowed |
1 |
no |
false |
Allow non unique <validValue>-es. |
type |
"int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "intvar", "uintvar" |
1 |
yes |
Underlying primitive type. |
validCheckVersion |
1 |
no |
false |
Take into account protocol version when generating code for field’s value validity check. |
Properties of <validValue> Child Element of <enum> Field
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
deprecated |
1 |
no |
max unsigned |
Version of the protocol in which value was deprecated. |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the value. |
displayName |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable name of the value. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the value. |
sinceVersion |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the protocol in which value was introduced. |
val |
1 |
yes |
Numeric value. |
Properties of <int> Field
The <int> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <int> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
availableLengthLimit |
4 |
no |
false |
Allow having less bytes in the buffer than required by the type when performing (de)serialization. |
bitLength |
1 |
no |
length of type in bits |
Serialization length in bits, applicable only to a member of <bitfield> . |
defaultValidValue |
4 |
no |
Convenience bunding of the defaultValue and validValue into a single property. |
defaultValue |
1 |
no |
0 |
Default value. Must fit the underlying type. |
displayDecimals |
1 |
no |
0 |
Use specified number of digits after the fraction point when displaying the field’s value as floating point. |
displayOffset |
1 |
no |
0 |
Add specified offset value to a field’s value when displaying it. |
endian |
"big" or "little" |
1 |
no |
endian of schema |
Endian of the field. |
length |
1 |
no |
length of type |
Forced serialization length. |
nonUniqueSpecialsAllowed |
2 |
no |
false |
Allow non unique <special>-s. |
serOffset |
1 |
no |
0 |
Extra value that needs to be added to the field’s value when the latter is being serialized. |
signExt |
1 |
no |
true |
Enable / Disable sign extension of the signed value when length property is used to reduce the default serialization length. |
scaling |
1 |
no |
1/1 |
Scaling ratio. |
type |
"int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "intvar", "uintvar" |
1 |
yes |
Underlying primitive type. |
units |
1 |
no |
Units of the value. |
validCheckVersion |
1 |
no |
false |
Take into account protocol version when generating code for field’s value validity check. |
validMax |
1 |
no |
Valid maximal value. All the numbers below it are considered to be valid. |
validMin |
1 |
no |
Valid minimal value. All the numbers above it are considered to be valid. |
validRange |
1 |
no |
Range of valid values. |
validValue |
1 |
no |
Valid value. |
Properties of <special> Child Element of <int> Field
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
deprecated |
1 |
no |
max unsigned |
Version of the protocol in which value was deprecated. |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the value. |
displayName |
string |
2 |
no |
Human readable name of the value. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the value. |
sinceVersion |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the protocol in which value was introduced. |
val |
1 |
yes |
Numeric value. |
Properties of <set> Field
The <set> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <set> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
availableLengthLimit |
4 |
no |
false |
Allow having less bytes in the buffer than required by the type or length when performing (de)serialization. |
defaultValue |
1 |
no |
false |
Default initialization value of every bit. |
endian |
"big" or "little" |
1 |
no |
endian of schema |
Endian of the field. |
bitLength |
1 |
no |
length of type in bits |
Serialization length in bits, applicable only to a member of <bitfield> . |
length |
1 |
yes (no if type is specifed) |
length of type |
Serialization length. |
nonUniqueAllowed |
1 |
no |
false |
Allow non unique <bit>-s. |
reservedValue |
1 |
no |
false |
Expected value of every reserved bit. |
type |
"uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64" |
1 |
yes (no if length is specified) |
Underlying primitive type. |
validCheckVersion |
1 |
no |
false |
Take into account protocol version when generating code for field’s value validity check. |
Properties of <bit> Child Element of <set> Field
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
defaultValue |
1 |
no |
defaultValue of the <set> field |
Default value of the bit (when constructed). |
deprecated |
1 |
no |
max unsigned |
Version of the protocol in which bit was deprecated (became reserved). |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the bit. |
displayName |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable name of the bit. |
idx |
1 |
yes |
Index of the specified bit. Counting starts from least significant bit. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the value. |
reserved |
1 |
no |
false |
Mark / Unmark the bit as being reserved. |
reservedValue |
1 |
no |
reservedValue of the <set> field |
Expected value of the bit if it is reserved. |
sinceVersion |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the protocol in which bit was introduced (became non-reserved). |
Properties of <bitfield> Field
The <bitfield> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <bitfield> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
copyValidCondFrom |
reference string |
7 |
no |
<bitfield> field definition from which extra validity condition needs to be copied. |
endian |
"big" or "little" |
1 |
no |
endian of schema |
Endian of the field. |
validCond |
string |
7 |
no |
Extra validity check operation condition. |
Extra child XML elements allowed:
XML Element | DSL Version | Description |
<members> |
1 |
Wraps member fields. |
<replace> |
5 |
Wraps replacing member fields after copying using reuse property. |
<validCond> |
7 |
Multiple extra validity check operation conditions. |
Properties of <bundle> Field
The <bundle> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <bundle> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
copyValidCondFrom |
reference string |
7 |
no |
<bundle> field definition from which extra validity condition needs to be copied. |
reuseAliases |
3 |
no |
true |
Control copy of the defined aliases from reused other <bundle> when reuse property is used. |
validCond |
string |
7 |
no |
Extra validity check operation condition. |
Extra child XML elements allowed:
XML Element | DSL Version | Description |
<alias> |
3 |
Alias names for other member fields. See Aliases for more info. |
<members> |
1 |
Wraps member fields. |
<replace> |
5 |
Wraps replacing member fields after copying using reuse property. |
<validCond> |
7 |
Multiple extra validity check operation conditions. |
Properties of <string> Field
The <string> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <string> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
defaultValue |
string |
1 |
no |
Default value. |
defaultValidValue |
string |
7 |
no |
Default valid value. |
length |
1 |
no |
0 |
Fixed serialization length. 0 means no length limit. Cannot be used tegether with lengthPrefix or zeroTermSuffix. |
lengthPrefix |
1 |
no |
Prefix field containing length of the string. Cannot be used tegether with length or zeroTermSuffix. |
validValue |
string |
7 |
no |
Valid value. |
zeroTermSuffix |
1 |
no |
false |
Terminate string with 0. Cannot be used tegether with length or lengthPrefix. |
Properties of <data> Field
The <data> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <data> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
defaultValue |
string |
1 |
no |
Default value. Case-insensitive hexadecimal string. |
defaultValidValue |
string |
7 |
no |
Default valid value. Case-insensitive hexadecimal string. |
length |
1 |
no |
0 |
Fixed serialization length. 0 means no length limit. Cannot be used tegether with lengthPrefix. |
lengthPrefix |
1 |
no |
Prefix field containing length of the data. Cannot be used tegether with length. |
validValue |
string |
7 |
no |
Valid value. Case-insensitive hexadecimal string. |
Properties of <list> Field
The <list> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <list> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
count |
1 |
no |
0 |
Fixed number of elements in the list. Cannot be used tegether with lengthPrefix or countPrefix. |
countPrefix |
1 |
no |
Prefix field containing number of elements in the list. Cannot be used tegether with count or lengthPrefix. |
element |
1 |
yes |
Element of the field. |
elemFixedLength |
1 |
no |
false |
Indication of whether list has and will allways have fixed length element, so elemLengthPrefix prefixes only the first element and not the rest. |
elemLengthPrefix |
1 |
no |
Prefix field containing serialization length of the list element. |
lengthPrefix |
1 |
no |
Prefix field containing serialization length of the list. Cannot be used tegether with count or countPrefix. |
termSuffix |
5 |
no |
Suffix field terminating the list. |
Properties of <float> Field
The <float> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <float> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
defaultValue |
floating point value, nan, inf, -inf |
1 |
no |
0.0 |
Default value. Must fit the underlying type. |
displayDecimals |
1 |
no |
0 |
Specifies number of digits to be displayed after the fraction point. |
endian |
"big" or "little" |
1 |
no |
endian of schema |
Endian of the field. |
nonUniqueSpecialsAllowed |
2 |
no |
false |
Allow non unique <special>-s. |
type |
"float", "double" |
1 |
yes |
Underlying primitive type |
units |
1 |
no |
Units of the value. |
validCheckVersion |
1 |
no |
false |
Take into account protocol version when generating code for field’s value validity check. |
validFullRange |
1 |
no |
false |
Mark all the range of existing FP values to be valid, excluding nan, inf, and -inf. |
validMax |
floating point value |
1 |
no |
Valid maximal value. All the numbers below it are considered to be valid. |
validMin |
floating point value |
1 |
no |
Valid minimal value. All the numbers above it are considered to be valid. |
validRange |
"[ fp_value, fp_value ]" |
1 |
no |
Range of valid values. |
validValue |
floating point value, nan, inf, -inf |
1 |
no |
Valid value. |
Properties of <special> Child Element of <float> Field
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
deprecated |
1 |
no |
max unsigned |
Version of the protocol in which value was deprecated. |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the value. |
displayName |
string |
2 |
no |
Human readable name of the value. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the value. |
sinceVersion |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the protocol in which value was introduced. |
val |
floating point value, nan, inf, -inf |
1 |
yes |
Numeric value. |
Properties of <ref> Field
The <ref> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <ref> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
bitLength |
2 |
no |
length in bits |
Serialization length in bits, applicable only to a member of <bitfield> and when referencing a field that can be a member of <bitfield> . |
field |
1 |
yes |
Reference to other field. |
Properties of <optional> Field
The <optional> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <optional> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
cond |
string |
1 |
no |
Condition when the field exists. |
defaultMode |
"tentative", "missing", "exist" |
1 |
no |
tentative |
Default mode of the field. See also Default Mode Strings below. |
field |
1 |
no |
Wrapped field. |
missingOnInvalid |
5 |
no |
false |
Mark the field as "missing" if the field’s value is invalid. |
missingOnReadFail |
5 |
no |
false |
Mark the field as "missing" if its read operation fails. |
Inner field must be specified using field property or as child XML element.
Extra child XML elements allowed:
XML Element | DSL Version | Description |
<and> |
1 |
Logical "and" of conditions. |
<cond> |
1 |
Condition when field exists. |
<field> |
1 |
Wraps member field. |
<or> |
1 |
Logical "or" of conditions. |
Default Mode Strings
Mode | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Exist |
"exist", "exists", "e" |
Missing |
"missing", "miss", "m" |
Tentative |
"tentative", "tent", "t" |
Properties of <variant> Field
The <variant> field has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <variant> Field chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
defaultMember |
1 |
no |
-1 |
Default member. Negative number means no member selected. |
Extra child XML elements allowed:
XML Element | DSL Version | Description |
<members> |
1 |
Wraps member fields. |
<replace> |
5 |
Wraps replacing member fields after copying using reuse property. |
The tables below contain lists of available units.
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Unknown / None |
empty string |
Time Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Nanoseconds |
"ns", "nanosec", "nanosecs", "nanosecond", "nanoseconds" |
Microseconds |
"us", "microsec", "microsecs", "microsecond", "microseconds" |
Milliseconds |
"ms", "millisec", "millisecs", "millisecond", "milliseconds" |
Seconds |
"s", "sec", "secs", "second", "seconds" |
Minutes |
"min", "mins", "minute", "minutes" |
Hours |
"h", "hour", "hours" |
Days |
"d", "day", "days" |
Weeks |
"w", "week", "weeks" |
Distance Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Nanometers |
"nm", "nanometer", "nanometre", "nanometers", "nanometres" |
Micrometers |
"um", "micrometer", "micrometre", "micrometers", "micrometres" |
Millimeters |
"mm", "millimeter", "millimetre, "millimeters", "millimetres" |
Centimeters |
"cm", "centimeter", "centimetre", "centimeters", "centimetres" |
Meters |
"m", "meter", "metre", "meters", "metres" |
Kilometers |
"km", "kilometer", "kilometre", "kilometers", "kilometres" |
Speed Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Nanometers Per Second |
"nm/s", "nmps", "nanometer/second", "nanometre/second", "nanometers/second", "nanometres/second" |
Micrometers Per Second |
"um/s", "umps", "micrometers/second", "micrometres/second", "micrometer/second", "micrometre/second" |
Millimeters Per Second |
"mm/s", "mmps", "millimeter/second", "millimetre/second", "millimeters/second", "millimetres/second" |
Centimeters Per Second |
"cm/s", "cmps", "centimeter/second", "centimetre/second", "centimeters/second", "centimetres/second" |
Meters Per Second |
"m/s", "mps", "meter/second", "metre/second", "meters/second", "metres/second" |
Kilometers Per Second |
"km/s", "kmps", "kps", "kilometer/second", "kilometre/second", "kilometers/second", "kilometres/second" |
Kilometers Per Hour |
"km/h", "kmph", "kph", "kilometer/hour", "kilometre/hour", "kilometers/hour", "kilometres/hour" |
Frequency Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Hertz |
"hz", "hertz" |
Kilohertz |
"khz", "kilohertz" |
Megahertz |
"mhz", "megahertz" |
Gigahertz |
"ghz", "gigahertz" |
Angle Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Degrees |
"deg", "degree", "degrees" |
Radians |
"rad", "radian", "radians" |
Electrical Current Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Nanoamperes |
"na", "nanoamp", "nanoamps", "nanoampere", "nanoamperes" |
Microamperes |
"ua", "microamp", "microamps", "microampere", "microamperes" |
Milliamperes |
"ma", "milliamp", "milliamps", "milliampere", "milliamperes" |
Amperes |
"a", "amp", "amps", "ampere", "amperes" |
Kiloamperes |
"ka", "kiloamp", "kiloamps", "kiloampere", "kiloamperes" |
Electrical Voltage Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Nanovolts |
"nv", "nanovolt", "nanovolts" |
Microvolts |
"uv", "microvolt", "microvolts" |
Millivolts |
"mv", "millivolt", "millivolts" |
Volts |
"v", "volt", "volts" |
Kilovolts |
"kv", "kilovolt", "kilovolts" |
Computer Memory Units
Units Name | Accepted Values (case insensitive) |
Bytes |
"b", "byte", "bytes" |
Kilobytes |
"kb", "kilobyte", "kilobytes" |
Megabytes |
"mb", "megabyte", "megabytes" |
Gigabytes |
"gb", "gigabyte", "gigabytes" |
Terabytes |
"tb", "terabyte", "terabytes" |
Properties of <message>
Refer to Messages chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
construct |
string |
6 |
no |
Construction requirement. |
constructAsReadCond |
bool |
6 |
no |
false |
Copy construct value(s) to readCond. |
constructAsValidCond |
bool |
6 |
no |
false |
Copy construct value(s) to validCond. |
copyCodeFrom |
reference string |
5 |
no |
Message from which overriding or other extra code needs to be copied. |
copyConstructFrom |
reference string |
7 |
no |
Message from which to copy construction requirements. |
copyFieldsAliases |
3 |
no |
true |
Control copy of the defined aliases when copyFieldsFrom property is used to copy fields from the other <message> or <bundle> . |
copyFieldsFrom |
reference string |
1 |
no |
Message or bundle field definition from which fields need to be copied. |
copyReadCondFrom |
reference string |
7 |
no |
Message from which to copy read conditions. |
copyValidCondFrom |
reference string |
7 |
no |
Message from which to copy validity conditions. |
customizable |
1 |
no |
false |
Mark the message to allow compile time customization regardless of code generator’s level of customization. |
deprecated |
1 |
no |
max unsigned |
Version of the protocol in which message was deprecated. |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the message. |
displayName |
string |
1 |
no |
Name of the message to display. If empty, the code generator must use value of property name instead. |
failOnInvalid |
6 |
no |
false |
Fail read operation if any of the fields have invalid value or validCond conditions are not true. |
id |
1 |
yes |
Numeric ID of the message. |
lengthOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for length retrieval. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the message. |
nameOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for name retrieval. |
order |
1 |
no |
0 |
Relative order of the messages with the same id. |
readCond |
string |
6 |
no |
Extra read operation condition. |
readOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for read operation. |
refreshOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for refresh operation. |
reuse |
reference string |
7 |
no |
Message definition of which to copy. |
reuseAliases |
7 |
no |
true |
Control copy of the defined aliases from reused other <message> when reuse property is used. |
reuseCode |
7 |
no |
false |
In case of reuse apply copyCodeFrom with the same reference string. |
removed |
1 |
no |
false |
Indicates whether deprecated message has been removed from being supported. |
sender |
"both", "client", "server" |
1 |
no |
both |
Endpoint that sends the message. |
sinceVersion |
1 |
no |
0 |
Version of the protocol in which message was introduced. |
validateMinLength |
4 |
no |
Specify expected minimal serialization length of the message fields. |
validCond |
string |
6 |
no |
Extra validity check operation condition. |
validOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for valid retrieval. |
writeOverride |
"any", "replace", "extend", "none" |
4 |
no |
any |
Control the overriding code for write operation. |
Extra child XML elements allowed:
XML Element | DSL Version | Description |
<alias> |
3 |
Alias names for other member fields. See Aliases for more info. |
<construct> |
6 |
Multiple construction requirements. |
<fields> |
1 |
Wraps member fields. |
<readCond> |
6 |
Multiple extra read operation conditions. |
<replace> |
5 |
Wraps replacing fields after copying using copyFieldsFrom property. |
<validCond> |
6 |
Multiple extra validity check operation conditions. |
Properties of <interface>
Refer to Interfaces chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
copyFieldsAliases |
3 |
no |
true |
Control copy of the defined aliases when copyFieldsFrom property is used to copy fields from the other <interface> or <bundle> . |
copyFieldsFrom |
reference string |
1 |
no |
Interface or bundle field definition from which fields need to be copied. |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the interface. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the interface. |
reuse |
reference string |
7 |
no |
Interface definition of which to copy. |
reuseAliases |
7 |
no |
true |
Control copy of the defined aliases from reused other <interface> when reuse property is used. |
reuseCode |
7 |
no |
false |
In case of reuse apply copyCodeFrom with the same reference string. |
Extra child XML elements allowed:
XML Element | DSL Version | Description |
<fields> |
1 |
Wraps member fields. |
Properties of <alias>
Refer to Aliases chapter for detailed description. Introduced in DSL version 3.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
description |
string |
3 |
no |
Human readable description of the alias. |
field |
relative reference string |
3 |
yes |
Reference to the aliased field, must start with |
name |
name string |
3 |
yes |
Name of the alias. |
Properties of <frame>
Refer to Frames chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the frame. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the frame. |
Extra child XML elements allowed:
XML Element | DSL Version | Description |
<layers> |
1 |
Wraps member layers. |
Common Properties of Frame Layers
Refer to Common Properties of Layers chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
description |
string |
1 |
no |
Human readable description of the layer. |
field |
1 |
yes (except for <payload> ) |
Wrapped field definition. |
name |
name string |
1 |
yes |
Name of the layer. |
Properties of <checksum> Frame Layer
The <checksum> layer has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <checksum> Layer chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
alg |
"sum", "xor", "crc-ccitt", "crc-16", "crc-32", "custom" |
1 |
yes |
Checksum calculation algorithm. |
algName |
name string |
1 |
no (unless alg is custom) |
Name of the custom algorithm. Applicable only if alg="custom". |
from |
name string |
1 |
yes (only if until is not specified) |
Name of the frame layer, from which the checksum calculation starts. |
until |
name string |
1 |
yes (only if from is not specified) |
Name of the frame layer, until (and including) which the checksum calculation is executed. |
verifyBeforeRead |
1 |
no |
false |
Perform checksum verification without reading values of other layers. |
Properties of <value> Frame Layer
The <value> layer has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <value> Layer chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
interfaces |
comma separated list of names |
1 |
no |
List of supported <interface> -es. |
interfaceFieldName |
name string |
1 |
yes (only if interfaces is not empty) |
Name of the relevant field inside each <interface> . |
pseudo |
1 |
no |
false |
Mark the layer as pseudo one, i.e. one that doesn’t serialize its field. |
Properties of <custom> Frame Layer
The <custom> layer has all the common properties as well as ones listed below. Refer to <custom> Layer chapter for detailed description.
Property Name | Allowed Type / Value | DSL Version | Required | Default Value | Description |
checksumFrom |
name string |
5 |
no (unless semanticLayerType is "checksum" and checksumUntil is empty) |
Name of the frame layer, from which the checksum calculation starts. Applicable only when |
checksumUntil |
name string |
5 |
no (unless semanticLayerType is "checksum" and checksumFrom is empty) |
Name of the frame layer, until (and including) which the checksum calculation is executed. Applicable only when |
idReplacement |
1 |
no |
false |
Mark the layer as one replacing <id> . |
semanticLayerType |
"payload", "id", "size", "sync", "checksum", "value", "custom" |
5 |
no |
custom |
Specify what other layer <custom> one is replacing. |