Error code returned by various API functions.
Enumerator |
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_Success | The requested operation was successfully started.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_InternalError | Internal library error, please submit bug report
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_NotIntitialized | The allocated client hasn't been initialized.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_Busy | The client library is in the middle of previous operation(s), cannot start a new one.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_NotConnected | The client library is not connected to the gateway. Returned by operations that require connection to the gateway.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_BadParam | Bad parameter is passed to the function.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_InsufficientConfig | The required configuration hasn't been performed.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_OutOfMemory | Memory allocation failed.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_BufferOverflow | Output buffer is too short.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_NotSupported | Feature is not supported.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_RetryLater | Retry in next event loop iteration.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_Disconnecting | The client is in "disconnecting" state, (re)connect is required in the next iteration loop.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_NotSleeping | The client is not in ASLEEP mode.
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_PreparationLocked | Another operation is being prepared, cannot create a new one without performing "send" or "cancel".
CC_MqttsnErrorCode_ValuesLimit | Upper limit of the values.