Template library intended to help with implementation of communication protocols.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright 2017 - 2024 (C). Alex Robenko. All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6 // file, You can obtain one at
12 #pragma once
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <iterator>
16 #include <limits>
17 #include <string>
19 #include "comms/Assert.h"
20 #include "ArrayView.h"
22 namespace comms
23 {
25 namespace util
26 {
34 class StringView : public ArrayView<char>
35 {
36  using Base = ArrayView<char>;
37 public:
39  using value_type = typename Base::value_type;
45  using pointer = typename Base::pointer;
48  using Pointer = pointer;
57  using reference = typename Base::reference;
69  using size_type = typename Base::size_type;
85  using Iterator = iterator;
101  static const auto npos = static_cast<SizeType>(-1);
106  StringView() noexcept = default;
111  StringView(const StringView&) noexcept = default;
116  StringView(const char* str, size_type len) noexcept : Base(str, len) {}
121  StringView(const char* str) noexcept
122  {
123  static const auto MaxLen = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
124  size_type len = 0;
125  while (len < MaxLen) {
126  if (str[len] == '\0') {
127  break;
128  }
129  ++len;
130  }
131  Base::operator=(Base(str, len));
132  }
135  StringView(const std::string& str) noexcept
136  : Base(str.c_str(), str.size())
137  {
138  }
142  template <std::size_t TN>
143  StringView(const char (&str)[TN]) noexcept : Base(str, TN)
144  {
145  if ((0U <= TN) && (back() == '\0')) {
146  remove_suffix(1);
147  }
148  }
152  template <std::size_t TN>
153  StringView(char (&str)[TN]) noexcept : Base(str, TN)
154  {
155  if ((0U <= TN) && (back() == '\0')) {
156  remove_suffix(1);
157  }
158  }
161  ~StringView() noexcept = default;
164  StringView& operator=(const StringView&) = default;
168  template <std::size_t TN>
169  StringView& operator=(const char (&str)[TN])
170  {
171  Base::operator=(str);
172  if ((0U <= TN) && (back() == '\0')) {
173  remove_suffix(1);
174  }
175  return *this;
176  }
180  template <std::size_t TN>
181  StringView& operator=(char (&str)[TN])
182  {
183  Base::operator=(str);
184  if ((0U <= TN) && (back() == '\0')) {
185  remove_suffix(1);
186  }
187  return *this;
188  }
191  constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept
192  {
193  return Base::begin();
194  }
197  constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
198  {
199  return Base::cbegin();
200  }
203  constexpr iterator end() const noexcept
204  {
205  return Base::end();
206  }
209  constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept
210  {
211  return Base::cend();
212  }
216  {
217  return Base::rbegin();
218  }
222  {
223  return Base::crbegin();
224  }
227  reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
228  {
229  return Base::rend();
230  }
233  const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept
234  {
235  return Base::crend();
236  }
239  constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const
240  {
241  return Base::operator[](pos);
242  }
247  {
248  return Base::at(pos);
249  }
252  constexpr const_reference front() const
253  {
254  return Base::front();
255  }
258  constexpr const_reference back() const
259  {
260  return Base::back();
261  }
264  constexpr const_pointer data() const noexcept
265  {
266  return &(*begin());
267  }
270  constexpr size_type size() const noexcept
271  {
272  return Base::size();
273  }
276  constexpr size_type length() const noexcept
277  {
278  return Base::length();
279  }
282  constexpr bool empty() const noexcept
283  {
284  return Base::empty();
285  }
288  std::string substr(size_type pos = 0, size_type count = npos) const
289  {
290  COMMS_ASSERT(pos <= size());
291  return std::string(begin() + pos, begin() + pos + std::min(size() - pos, count));
292  }
296  {
298  }
302  {
304  }
307  void swap(StringView& other) noexcept
308  {
309  Base::swap(other);
310  }
313  size_type copy(char* dest, size_type count, size_type pos = 0) const
314  {
315  if (size() <= pos) {
316  return 0U;
317  }
319  auto toCopy = std::min(count, size() - pos);
320  std::copy_n(cbegin() + pos, toCopy, dest);
321  return toCopy;
322  }
325  int compare(const StringView& other) const
326  {
327  return compare(0, size(), other);
328  }
331  int compare(size_type pos, size_type count, const StringView& other) const
332  {
333  return compare(pos, count, other, 0, other.size());
334  }
337  int compare(
338  size_type pos1,
339  size_type count1,
340  const StringView& other,
341  size_type pos2,
342  size_type count2) const
343  {
344  COMMS_ASSERT(pos1 <= size());
345  COMMS_ASSERT(pos2 <= other.size());
346  count1 = std::min(count1, size() - pos1);
347  count2 = std::min(count2, other.size() - pos2);
348  auto minCount = std::min(count1, count2);
349  for (auto idx = 0U; idx < minCount; ++idx) {
350  auto thisCh = (*this)[pos1 + idx];
351  auto otherCh = other[pos2 + idx];
352  auto diff = static_cast<int>(thisCh) - static_cast<int>(otherCh);
353  if (diff != 0) {
354  return diff;
355  }
356  }
358  return static_cast<int>(count1) - static_cast<int>(count2);
359  }
362  int compare(const char* s) const
363  {
364  return compare(0U, size(), s);
365  }
368  int compare(size_type pos, size_type count, const char* s) const
369  {
370  return compare(pos, count, StringView(s));
371  }
374  int compare(size_type pos1, size_type count1, const char* s, size_type count2) const
375  {
376  return compare(pos1, count1, StringView(s, count2));
377  }
380  size_type find(const StringView& str, size_type pos = 0) const
381  {
382  if (size() <= pos) {
383  return npos;
384  }
386  COMMS_ASSERT(pos <= size());
387  auto remCount = size() - pos;
388  if (remCount < str.size()) {
389  return npos;
390  }
392  auto maxPos = size() - str.size();
393  for (auto idx = pos; idx <= maxPos; ++idx) {
394  auto thisStrBeg = cbegin() + idx;
395  auto thisStrEnd = thisStrBeg + str.size();
396  if (std::equal(thisStrBeg, thisStrEnd, str.begin())) {
397  return idx;
398  }
399  }
400  return npos;
401  }
404  size_type find(char c, size_type pos = 0) const
405  {
406  return find(StringView(&c, 1), pos);
407  }
410  size_type find(const char* str, size_type pos, size_type count) const
411  {
412  return find(StringView(str, count), pos);
413  }
416  size_type find(const char* str, size_type pos = 0) const
417  {
418  return find(StringView(str), pos);
419  }
422  {
423  if (empty() || (size() <= pos)) {
424  return npos;
425  }
427  pos = std::min(pos, size() - 1);
428  for (auto iter = cbegin() + pos; iter != cend(); ++iter) {
429  auto foundIter = std::find(other.cbegin(), other.cend(), *iter);
430  if (foundIter != other.cend()) {
431  return static_cast<SizeType>(std::distance(cbegin(), iter));
432  }
433  }
435  return npos;
436  }
440  {
441  return find_first_of(StringView(&c, 1), pos);
442  }
445  size_type find_first_of(const char* str, size_type pos, size_type count)
446  {
447  return find_first_of(StringView(str, count), pos);
448  }
451  size_type find_first_of(const char* str, size_type pos = 0)
452  {
453  return find_first_of(StringView(str), pos);
454  }
458  {
459  if (empty()) {
460  return npos;
461  }
463  pos = std::min(pos, size() - 1);
464  auto begIter = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>(cbegin() + pos + 1);
465  auto endIter = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>(cbegin());
466  for (auto iter = begIter; iter != endIter; ++iter) {
467  auto foundIter = std::find(other.cbegin(), other.cend(), *iter);
468  if (foundIter != other.cend()) {
469  return static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(iter, endIter)) - 1U;
470  }
471  }
473  return npos;
474  }
478  {
479  return find_last_of(StringView(&c, 1), pos);
480  }
483  size_type find_last_of(const char* str, size_type pos, size_type count)
484  {
485  return find_last_of(StringView(str, count), pos);
486  }
489  size_type find_last_of(const char* str, size_type pos = npos)
490  {
491  return find_last_of(StringView(str), pos);
492  }
496  {
497  if (empty() || (size() <= pos)) {
498  return npos;
499  }
501  pos = std::min(pos, size() - 1);
502  for (auto iter = cbegin() + pos; iter != cend(); ++iter) {
503  auto foundIter = std::find(other.cbegin(), other.cend(), *iter);
504  if (foundIter == other.cend()) {
505  return static_cast<SizeType>(std::distance(cbegin(), iter));
506  }
507  }
509  return npos;
510  }
514  {
515  return find_first_not_of(StringView(&c, 1), pos);
516  }
519  size_type find_first_not_of(const char* str, size_type pos, size_type count)
520  {
521  return find_first_not_of(StringView(str, count), pos);
522  }
525  size_type find_first_not_of(const char* str, size_type pos = 0)
526  {
527  return find_first_not_of(StringView(str), pos);
528  }
532  {
533  if (empty()) {
534  return npos;
535  }
537  pos = std::min(pos, size() - 1);
538  auto begIter = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>(cbegin() + pos + 1);
539  auto endIter = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>(cbegin());
540  for (auto iter = begIter; iter != endIter; ++iter) {
541  auto foundIter = std::find(other.cbegin(), other.cend(), *iter);
542  if (foundIter == other.cend()) {
543  return static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(iter, endIter)) - 1U;
544  }
545  }
547  return npos;
548  }
552  {
553  return find_last_not_of(StringView(&c, 1), pos);
554  }
557  size_type find_last_not_of(const char* str, size_type pos, size_type count)
558  {
559  return find_last_not_of(StringView(str, count), pos);
560  }
563  size_type find_last_not_of(const char* str, size_type pos = npos)
564  {
565  return find_last_not_of(StringView(str), pos);
566  }
568 };
573 inline
574 bool operator<(const StringView& str1, const StringView& str2)
575 {
576  return std::lexicographical_compare(str1.begin(), str1.end(), str2.begin(), str2.end());
577 }
583 inline
584 bool operator<=(const StringView& str1, const StringView& str2)
585 {
586  return !(str2 < str1);
587 }
592 inline
593 bool operator>(const StringView& str1, const StringView& str2)
594 {
595  return (str2 < str1);
596 }
601 inline
602 bool operator>=(const StringView& str1, const StringView& str2)
603 {
604  return !(str1 < str2);
605 }
610 inline
611 bool operator==(const StringView& str1, const StringView& str2)
612 {
613  return
614  (str1.size() == str2.size()) &&
615  std::equal(str1.begin(), str1.end(), str2.begin());
616 }
621 inline
622 bool operator!=(const StringView& str1, const StringView& str2)
623 {
624  return !(str1 == str2);
625 }
628 } // namespace util
630 } // namespace comms
632 namespace std
633 {
638 inline
640 {
641  str1.swap(str2);
642 }
644 } // namespace std
Contains comms::util::ArrayView class.
This file contains classes required for generic custom assertion functionality.
#define COMMS_ASSERT(expr)
Generic assert macro.
Definition: Assert.h:170
Describes an object that can refer to a constant contiguous sequence of other objects.
Definition: ArrayView.h:31
const_reference at(size_type pos) const
Element access with range check.
Definition: ArrayView.h:211
constexpr const_iterator begin() const noexcept
Iterator to begining of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:156
void remove_prefix(size_type n)
Narrow the view by skipping number of elements at the beginning.
Definition: ArrayView.h:252
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept
Reverse iterator to the beginning of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:198
constexpr const_iterator end() const noexcept
Iterator to the end of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:168
constexpr size_type size() const noexcept
Get number of element in the view.
Definition: ArrayView.h:232
std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator > const_reverse_iterator
Same as std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
Definition: ArrayView.h:83
std::size_t size_type
Equal to std::size_t.
Definition: ArrayView.h:64
char * pointer
Pointer to the single element (T*)
Definition: ArrayView.h:40
reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
Reverse iterator to the beginning of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:192
void remove_suffix(size_type n)
Narrow the view by dropping number of elements at the end.
Definition: ArrayView.h:260
constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const
Element access operator.
Definition: ArrayView.h:204
constexpr size_type length() const noexcept
Same as ref size()
Definition: ArrayView.h:238
constexpr bool empty() const noexcept
Check the view is empty.
Definition: ArrayView.h:245
constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept
Iterator to the end of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:174
void swap(ArrayView &other) noexcept
Swap contents of two views.
Definition: ArrayView.h:266
const_pointer const_iterator
Implementation defined constant RandomAccessIterator and ContiguousIterator whose value_type is T.
Definition: ArrayView.h:71
char & reference
Reference to an element (T&)
Definition: ArrayView.h:52
char value_type
Type of the single element.
Definition: ArrayView.h:34
constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
Iterator to begining of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:162
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept
Reverse iterator to the end of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:186
ArrayView & operator=(const ArrayView &)=default
Copy assign.
const char & const_reference
Reference to a const element (const T&)
Definition: ArrayView.h:58
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept
Reverse iterator to the end of the sequence.
Definition: ArrayView.h:180
const char * const_pointer
Pointer to the constant element (const T*)
Definition: ArrayView.h:46
constexpr const_reference front() const
Access the first element.
Definition: ArrayView.h:219
constexpr const_reference back() const
Access the last element.
Definition: ArrayView.h:226
Describes an object that can refer to a constant contiguous sequence of char-like objects with the fi...
Definition: StringView.h:35
constexpr const_reference front() const
Same as std::string_view::front()
Definition: StringView.h:252
reference Reference
Same as reference.
Definition: StringView.h:60
void swap(StringView &other) noexcept
Same as <a href=">std::string_view::swa...
Definition: StringView.h:307
const_reverse_iterator ConstReverseIterator
Same as const_reverse_iterator.
Definition: StringView.h:91
bool operator<(const StringView &str1, const StringView &str2)
Lexicographical compare between the string views.
Definition: StringView.h:574
const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator
Same as const_reverse_iterator.
Definition: StringView.h:94
size_type find_first_of(const char *str, size_type pos=0)
Same as <a href=">std::string_...
Definition: StringView.h:451
size_type find_last_of(char c, size_type pos=npos)
Same as <a href=">std::string_v...
Definition: StringView.h:477
size_type find_first_of(const char *str, size_type pos, size_type count)
Same as <a href=">std::string_...
Definition: StringView.h:445
size_type find_last_not_of(const char *str, size_type pos=npos)
Same as <a href=">std::stri...
Definition: StringView.h:563
int compare(size_type pos1, size_type count1, const StringView &other, size_type pos2, size_type count2) const
Same as std::string_view::compare().
Definition: StringView.h:337
size_type find_first_not_of(char c, size_type pos=0)
Same as <a href=">std::str...
Definition: StringView.h:513
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::crend().
Definition: StringView.h:233
StringView(const char *str) noexcept
Definition: StringView.h:121
int compare(const char *s) const
Same as std::string_view::compare().
Definition: StringView.h:362
const_reference ConstReference
Same as const_reference.
Definition: StringView.h:66
StringView & operator=(char(&str)[TN])
Assign array of characters with known size.
Definition: StringView.h:181
typename Base::pointer pointer
Pointer to the character (char*)
Definition: StringView.h:45
int compare(const StringView &other) const
Same as std::string_view::compare().
Definition: StringView.h:325
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::rbegin().
Definition: StringView.h:215
value_type ValueType
Same as value_type.
Definition: StringView.h:42
int compare(size_type pos, size_type count, const StringView &other) const
Same as std::string_view::compare().
Definition: StringView.h:331
size_type find(char c, size_type pos=0) const
Same as std::string_view::find().
Definition: StringView.h:404
void remove_suffix(size_type n)
Same as std::string_view::remove_suffix()
Definition: StringView.h:301
size_type find_first_of(const StringView &other, size_type pos=0)
Same as <a href=">std::string_...
Definition: StringView.h:421
size_type find_first_not_of(const char *str, size_type pos=0)
Same as <a href=">std::str...
Definition: StringView.h:525
constexpr const_reference back() const
Same as std::string_view::back()
Definition: StringView.h:258
StringView(const char(&str)[TN]) noexcept
Construct out of array of characters with known size.
Definition: StringView.h:143
typename Base::const_reference const_reference
Reference to a const character (const char&)
Definition: StringView.h:63
typename Base::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator
Same as std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
Definition: StringView.h:88
constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::cbegin().
Definition: StringView.h:197
size_type find_last_of(const char *str, size_type pos=npos)
Same as <a href=">std::string_v...
Definition: StringView.h:489
void swap(comms::util::StringView &str1, comms::util::StringView &str2)
Specializes the std::swap algorithm.
Definition: StringView.h:639
constexpr const_pointer data() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::data()
Definition: StringView.h:264
static const auto npos
Special value, the meaning is the same as std::string_view::npos.
Definition: StringView.h:101
const_iterator iterator
Same as const_iterator.
Definition: StringView.h:82
constexpr bool empty() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::empty()
Definition: StringView.h:282
size_type find(const StringView &str, size_type pos=0) const
Same as std::string_view::find().
Definition: StringView.h:380
typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator
Implementation defined constant RandomAccessIterator and ContiguousIterator whose value_type is char.
Definition: StringView.h:76
size_type copy(char *dest, size_type count, size_type pos=0) const
Same as std::string_view::copy().
Definition: StringView.h:313
typename Base::size_type size_type
Equal to std::size_t.
Definition: StringView.h:69
const_pointer ConstPointer
Same as const_pointer.
Definition: StringView.h:54
void remove_prefix(size_type n)
Same as std::string_view::remove_prefix()
Definition: StringView.h:295
bool operator>=(const StringView &str1, const StringView &str2)
Lexicographical compare between the string views.
Definition: StringView.h:602
reverse_iterator ReverseIterator
Same as reverse_iterator.
Definition: StringView.h:97
~StringView() noexcept=default
constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::begin().
Definition: StringView.h:191
StringView(const std::string &str) noexcept
Definition: StringView.h:135
size_type find_last_of(const StringView &other, size_type pos=npos)
Same as <a href=">std::string_v...
Definition: StringView.h:457
int compare(size_type pos, size_type count, const char *s) const
Same as std::string_view::compare().
Definition: StringView.h:368
size_type SizeType
Same as size_type;.
Definition: StringView.h:72
reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::rend().
Definition: StringView.h:227
iterator Iterator
Same as iterator.
Definition: StringView.h:85
size_type find_last_not_of(const StringView &other, size_type pos=npos)
Same as <a href=">std::stri...
Definition: StringView.h:531
StringView() noexcept=default
Default constructor.
int compare(size_type pos1, size_type count1, const char *s, size_type count2) const
Same as std::string_view::compare().
Definition: StringView.h:374
bool operator==(const StringView &str1, const StringView &str2)
Equality compare between the string views.
Definition: StringView.h:611
pointer Pointer
Same as pointer.
Definition: StringView.h:48
constexpr size_type length() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::length()
Definition: StringView.h:276
typename Base::value_type value_type
Type of the character (char)
Definition: StringView.h:39
constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const
Same as std::string_view::oprator[]()
Definition: StringView.h:239
size_type find(const char *str, size_type pos, size_type count) const
Same as std::string_view::find().
Definition: StringView.h:410
bool operator!=(const StringView &str1, const StringView &str2)
Inequality compare between the string views.
Definition: StringView.h:622
constexpr iterator end() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::end().
Definition: StringView.h:203
bool operator>(const StringView &str1, const StringView &str2)
Lexicographical compare between the string views.
Definition: StringView.h:593
std::string substr(size_type pos=0, size_type count=npos) const
Same as std::string_view::substr()
Definition: StringView.h:288
size_type find_first_not_of(const char *str, size_type pos, size_type count)
Same as <a href=">std::str...
Definition: StringView.h:519
typename Base::reference reference
Reference to a character (char&)
Definition: StringView.h:57
size_type find_last_of(const char *str, size_type pos, size_type count)
Same as <a href=">std::string_v...
Definition: StringView.h:483
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::crbegin().
Definition: StringView.h:221
typename Base::const_pointer const_pointer
Pointer to the constant character (const char*)
Definition: StringView.h:51
size_type find_last_not_of(char c, size_type pos=0)
Same as <a href=">std::stri...
Definition: StringView.h:551
constexpr size_type size() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::size()
Definition: StringView.h:270
const_reference at(size_type pos) const
Similar to std::string::at()
Definition: StringView.h:246
StringView(char(&str)[TN]) noexcept
Construct out of array of characters with known size.
Definition: StringView.h:153
const_iterator ConstIterator
Same as const_iterator.
Definition: StringView.h:79
size_type find_first_not_of(const StringView &other, size_type pos=0)
Same as <a href=">std::str...
Definition: StringView.h:495
bool operator<=(const StringView &str1, const StringView &str2)
Lexicographical compare between the string views.
Definition: StringView.h:584
size_type find_last_not_of(const char *str, size_type pos, size_type count)
Same as <a href=">std::stri...
Definition: StringView.h:557
size_type find_first_of(char c, size_type pos=0)
Same as <a href=">std::string_...
Definition: StringView.h:439
constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept
Same as std::string_view::end().
Definition: StringView.h:209
size_type find(const char *str, size_type pos=0) const
Same as std::string_view::find().
Definition: StringView.h:416
Main namespace for all classes / functions of COMMS library.